Muscle Mace Push Downs Founder Dave Tate demonstrates how to us the Elitefts muscle mace for triceps pushdowns.
One Arm Lying Tricep Extension with Muscle Mace & Chains Founder Dave Tate demonstrates how to us the Elitefts muscle mace with chain extensions
Standing Abs with Straps
EliteFTS Team Member and Iron Sport Gym Owner, Steve Pulcinella demonstrates the Standing Ab Exercises
One Arm Deadlift Inc Advisor and The Spot Athletics owner JL Holdsworth One Arm Deadlift with 315lbs
Dynamic Bench Press with Bands & Chains (Set-Up)
Elitefts Team Member Clint Darden demonstrates the EZ Squat & Bench Strap Loader set-up
Close Grip Bench Press with Shoulder Saver Bar
Dave Tate performs Close Grip Bench Press cluster set with the EliteFTS Shoulder Saver Bar
Brian Schwab: Take it to the Meet
A decade at the top.
Looking at Brain Schwab's numbers on the platform.
The Thinker: Athletic Monitoring, Hell Week, Australian Rules Football &...
Elitefts™ Q & A Coach James "The Thinker" Smith answers your questions.
Strength Inc: 15 Minute Q&A with Ed Coan Inc Adviser & Strength Inc Founder Ed Coan answers your questions.
The Death Lift!
Nowadays, people can put a lot of time into mastering their supportive gear and get hundreds of pounds of carryover, especially in the squat and bench.
Six Lessons Learned from the LTT6
Thanks to the elitefts™ team for making this experience amazing. Not only did I take away these six lessons, I also benched 170 pounds at the compound.
Training The Bench Press
The training program explained here is one based on the principles of Westside.
LTT3 Lost Footage: Dave Tate
You can read a set of encyclopedias and not remember a thing or read just one insightful paragraph that changes your life. Same thing with video!
Another Typical Mountain Dog December Training Weekend
Meet new Canadian IFBB pro Santana Anderson, training alongside John Meadows and Dave Tate.
Weapons of Mass Construction
Barbells are the most awesome items in any gym. Check out what these guys use and why.
Under The Bar: A Matter of Perspective
Here is the truth: When you spend three decades doing essentially the same movements over and over, training hard and heavy, weighing close to 300 pounds, and training around and through injuries... you will pay a price.
Elitefts Equipment 101: New & Improved SS Yoke Bar
EVERYTHING you wanted to know about the new & improved SS Yoke Bar plus a TON of training information.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: The Physical Culture
We have come full circle, to the time when we are now called the “Physical Culture” once again.
Training Guys and Girls: Is There a Difference?
I noticed that the guys responded well, yet I couldn’t figure out why the girls weren't getting it and didn’t want to try.
By the Coach for the Coach: Be a Better Coach
I've been doing a lot of soul searching about what the goals are for this article series.
The Most Underrated Movements
There are no special mystery exercises that only the best of the best know.
Reno Hardcore: I Am An elitefts™ Athlete
I hadn't competed in anything since college and that fire was raging again after the meet.
A Statement of Quality
"After more than 30 years under the bar there is no doubt this is the best belt I have even used" - Dave Tate
Did you hear the one about the…
Did you hear the one about the guy that gets 200lbs out of his bench shirt?
Sick of Your Gym; Part 4 The Gift
Jim and I have been doing a lot of seminar traveling lately and nothing we have ever done in the past could have prepared us for the "The Gift."
Iron Subculture UNCENSORED with Dave Tate
Dave shows up for work pretty riled up. He feels the need to say some things...
How to Make Better Gains with Chains
Are you looking for a better more efficient way to use chains? If so read this...
Learn. Apply. Compete.
I’ve heard the saying, “The more I know, the more I realize that I don’t know much.” This saying couldn’t be truer for me.
Table Talk with Dave Tate
Dave Tate answers a question on where he thinks the fitness industry is headed.
Julia Ladewski's Assessment with Mike Robertson
Watch as Julia explains what she learned after her trip to see Mike Robertson.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar Part 8
This is part eight of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar (Part 7)
This is part seven of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
Bench Terminology and Execution for Dummies
Once you learn the motions and the feel, you’ll exceed even your own expectations.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar Part 6
This is part six of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar Part 5
This is part five of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar Part 4
This is part four of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar Part 3
This is part three of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar Part 2
This is part two of the original Tour De Force Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
Interview with Vladimir Issurin
What is the history of the block periodization concept, and how has it evolved into what it is today?
Top 10 Ways to Know You Are Huge
Lately, it has occurred to me that too many people are under the impression that they’re huge when they’re clearly not.