Swinging at Bad Pitches
Swinging at Bad Pitches
What do you call it when someone makes a bonehead mistake in training? I am going to muster up all of my will power and be nice this time as I liken it to the baseball player that has fallen prone to poor pitch selection- swinging at bad pitches
Restoration Methods
Restoration Methods
Now that you have moved your total training volume higher and your training frequency is higher, you may be wondering, “How do I recover from the increased workload?”
Kenny Patterson: As a bench press specialist I train somewhat different from the other members of the Westside Barbell Club.
Sample Workout
Sample Workout
Sample Westside Barbell Workout by Bob Youngs when he was training at the gym.
Westside Training and Football
Westside Training and Football
The other day I got off the phone with a friend of mine who coaches college football. I told him that I had recently consulted with Dave Tate about applying the Westside principles for a college football player
Preparation for the 2001 IPA Nationals
Preparation for the 2001 IPA Nationals
Here is a training diary and some thoughts on my preparation for the 2001 IPA Nationals.

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