The Complete Aerobic Conditioning Guide for Field Sports
Field sports are characterized by a somewhat stop-start nature, varying movement speeds, multiple changes of direction and the execution of decisions and individual skills under conditions of game pressure and/or fatigue and in the case of some of those sports, the threat of imminent collisions.
Clint Darden Talks Olympic Weightlifting and Life
Clint Darden talks training and life with the crew from The Weightlifting Scoop
Dave Tate, Elite FTS CEO, Drops Training, Business, and Industry Knowledge
Dave Tate, Elite FTS CEO, Drops Training, Business, and Industry Knowledge.
Please Don't Be That Dad
Amanda Scarborough lays it out for softball dads of young girls. Great info for any parent.
Strength & Conditioning Legend Al Miller Recieves NFL Lifetime Achei...
Al Miller was the strength & conditioning coach for Bear Bryant, Ray Perkins, and Dan Reeves. He is one of the original coaches in the profession and paved the may for many after him
Ed Coan & Chris Duffin Talk Strength Shop
This is REALLY good and worth the time to watch. One key take away aside from the content of the video is to understand you have to ALWAYS keep learning! - Dave Tate
Sports Performance Summit (quick spotlight) - Video
Quick Spotlight Video From The Sports Performance Summit
SPTS with Joe DeFranco: The Evolution of Prowler Training
Joe has minimized the puke fest and now utilizes the prowler as a simple tool to improve speed.
SPTS with Joe Kenn: Variability of Movements
This is one major bullet point of athletic-based strength training.
SPTS with Mike Robertson: Improve Power and Explosiveness
Reactive tools in the toolbox. Here's one option beginning with youth athletes.
SPTS with Buddy Morris: Best Recovery Method
Buddy shares where you can find the best recovery tool.
Increasing Sport Participlation for Girls
“We just wanted to tell them the importance of what it means to be on a team and make sure everybody feels comfortable.”
Using Velocity Based Training on an Elitefts™ Power Rack
One of the best training facilities in the country just got better
What Video Games can Teach Youth Sports
They learned by doing, they played without fear, and they figured it out on their own terms, and at their own pace. They had fun!
Single Sport Athletes and College Recruiting
When college coaches speak to high school coaches, one of the first questions often asked is, “What other sports does he/she play?”
One Big Ten School Wants Freshmen Ineligible for Football and Men's...
Will this proposal really address the academic issues for these sports?
"Rent-a-Careers" for Young People
Far too many new professionals enter their first jobs like they do an apartment. They aren’t sure if this is a long-term thing, and they haven’t really made up their minds about how long they want to stay in it.
Coaching Youth Athletes: We Need More Disciplinarians
We all lose when we don’t develop young people properly.
Study of Retirees Links Youth Football to Brain Problems
"The idea of dropping kids off at a field during a very important period of maturation and fostering hit after hit after hit, it doesn’t make sense to me personally.”
Resisted Band Jump, Tuck Jump, Sprint Complex
A short complex for intermediate athletes to develop jumping ability and linear speed
Announcing the 2015 Habits Seminar
The top performers in nearly any field of life have developed systems and routines that help them make better decisions each day.
Elitefts Wins Best Forum Of 2014
Powerlifting Watch Poll is now complete. Thank you all for the support.
Oakland Raiders Plan to Be 'Cutting Edge' in 2015 Is Step in R...
When owner Al Davis died, the Raiders leaped 20 years into the future. If the last three years are any indication, they are still way behind.
Agility, Strength, and Endurance Training Prepares SWAT Team for Unpredi...
The Colorado Springs Police Department SWAT team's duty is to protect and serve the community, but how do they keep themselves in top shape and prevent injuries?
NSCA TSAC Annual Training
The 2015 Tactical Strength and Conditioning (TSAC) Annual Training is set to deliver a comprehensive learning experience to strengthen your skills and give you tools to get your tactical athletes physically prepared.
WATCH: Single Leg RDL/ Good Morning Progression
Unilateral posterior chain movements can be extremely beneficial to athletes from a performance and injury reduction standpoint
Stability Balls in Place of Chairs in Classroom Pay Off
Instead of chairs, the classroom at North Decatur Elementary has red and blue inflatable stability balls
Sports Psychologists: We’re Starting Kids Too Young
Experts discuss ways to raise well-rounded athletes
NFL Needs to Step Up and Fund Combine Training for Inbound Athletes
A fundamental flaw in the NFL Draft Process which requires inbound rookies to go through the NFL Draft Combine is the question of, who should be paying for this specialized training ?
Oregon State Beavers Introduced to Gary Andersen Era through Winter Cond...
Clutching the metal bar resting on his shoulders behind his head, Ricky Ortiz intensely stares straight ahead and ponders if he's got the energy for one last squat.
What if College Athletes Could Major in Sports?
Kids come to universities to play basketball and football professionally. Why don't we legitimize that effort?
Modern Trends in Periodization
Take a look at two more modern approaches: complex periodization and Bondarchuk’s periodization
Speaker Spotlight: Chip Morton
Chip Morton has been as strength and conditioning coach for five different NFL teams and one of the only strength and conditioning coaches to have Super Bowl rings with two different teams.
The Elitefts™ Internship
Former elitefts interns explain the value of their experience - could you be next?
WATCH: Low Hurdle Hop Progression
This sequence also allow coaches to progress and regress athletes based on ability, season, and physical readiness.
Speaker Spotlight: Mike Robertson
Mike Robertson has established himself as one of the most versatile and knowledgeable trainers in the industry.
Testing Maximum Velocity in Football
Increase potential, increase capacity, and increase performance on the field.
Speaker Spotlight: Joe Kenn
If you want to be the best strength and conditioning coach you can be, go listen to Joe Kenn speak.
How to Incorporate Eccentric Training Into a Resistance Training Program
Jon Mike has his co-authored article published in the NSCA Strength & Conditioning Journal
Speaker Spotlight: Joe DeFranco
Being innovative and cutting-edge while still standing firm in your beliefs is a characteristic that only the best coaches have — and DeFranco has it.
How Psychology Affects Athletic Performance
10 Psychological Factors That Influence Performance from Ohio University
Speaker Spotlight: Buddy Morris
Otherwise known as Coach X to the elitefts faithful, Buddy Morris was the first Strength & Conditioning coach to join the Elitefts Q&A staff in 2002. He is scheduled to be a speaker at the elitefts™ Sports Performance Summit on February 28.
Simoneau Sports Performance Celebrates 4-Year Anniversary
Mark Simoneau reflects on the first four years of SSP
WATCH: Teaching the Athletic Power Position
This position can serve as a basic starting point for the Power, Rack, Catch, Jumping, or Landing Positions.
WATCH: Swiss Press Bar Triceps Extension w/ Chains
Scott Yard performs a lying triceps extension with an EliteFTS™ Swiss Press Bar and chains
WATCH: Lateral Start Tutorial
Lateral starts are an outstanding drill as a pre-cursor to agility drills utilizing power cuts and accompany deceleration drills very well.
Showtime Strength & Performance to host Jennie Finch Softball Clinic
The face of Softball to be on the campus of Denison University for a day of instruction
EliteFTS™ Cambered Bar Overhead Press
EliteFTS™ Julia Ladewski performs a set of overhead presses with an EliteFTS™ Rackable Cambered Squat Bar.
How Training Partners Changed My Lifting Career
From cellar dweller to lifting in a hardcore powerlifting crew.
elitefts Sports Performance Training Summit
Register NOW for the inaugural event, guaranteed to make you a better coach. #SPTS15
Open Letter to Aspiring Gym Owners
My top-10 components for what I feel can contribute to the success of a real powerlifting gym.
WATCH: Hardcore Bench Training Compilation
The boys and babes of elitefts break barriers to build bigger bullet-proof benches.