The Allure of Powerlifting
What is it about powerlifting that draws people to it like a magnet? Is it the parts of us that start as iron ore and are melted down into knurled steel through training? Is it a religion we worship? What power does powerlifting have over us?
In What We Lack
We associate the word “heart” with an emotional response and driving purpose, when it is, in fact, the opposite. It’s the act of leaving emotions and connections behind, if only for a short while.
The Art of Being an Emotionally Detached Strength Athlete
Can you take a deep breath and remember that each set and rep in training is part of the greater year and not just that individual session?
Inside the Ring: Inside the Mind of a Fighter
I guess I can begin by saying how wrong I was and how I took our Q&A staff for granted. I know EliteFTS has the best training team on the planet. Yes, this is a very cocky statement, but do me one favor here.