Transforming Strength and Conditioning at Livonia High School
In three years, Chad Smith has revamped an old practice gymnasium into one of the best training facilities in the country. It’s amazing what you can do with some drive and showing your administrators some initiative.
WATCH: 11athletics ⎯ Athletic Performance Facility
If you reside in Central Ohio or are just visiting, make 11athletics the place to be for your fitness needs and wants.
How many members/clients a gym can support?
There are formulas but I have found they are not 100% accurate. I have used a few and sometimes I am in the $$ and sometimes not.
How Many Members Can A Gym Support?
There are formulas but I have found they are not 100% accurate. I have used a few and sometimes I am in the $$ and sometimes not.
Strength and Wellness Align at Total Health Systems
Powerlifter, Doctor of Chiropractic, and Director of Clinical Services shares how THS developed their two-pronged corrective and wellness approach.