5 Key Lessons From Contest Prep
Stepping on stage is reserved for a special breed of lifter, but the lessons you learn from competing apply to all training goals. Here are the things my rookie bodybuilding season taught me.
Enjoy BBQ Season Without Wrecking Your Diet
You don’t have to turn BYOB into BYOF (bring your own food, often in a cooler).
Backward Sled Pulls for Quad Size and Strength
If your leg development is lagging, it’s time to start dragging.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Should A Big Guy Lose Weight?
For someone over 350 pounds, the rules of dropping weight are a little different. There are a few things you need to remember.
How Powerlifting Saved My Life
Years of self-destructive life and eating habits led me to 430 pounds and a combined diagnosis of pre-diabetes and hypertension. I had two options: make a change or die.
The Fuzzy Case for Forskolin
You’ve likely heard of this plant extract gaining traction in the supplement industry, but is there any science behind the hype?
An Unconventional Motive for Muscularity
There are a whole shitload of really good reasons you should get as jacked as you possibly can.
The Best Exercise
The future success of your training program hinges on the inclusion of this one exercise. Don’t train without it.
Operation Be Less Fat: A Year In Review
I started 2015 with a plan. Like most plans, it had to change throughout the year. I learned a lot and have even more to accomplish.
Does More Exercise Burn More Calories?
Does exercising for more time increase energy expenditure? A recent study provides insight.
Shelby Starnes Q&A: Fat Burners, Pre-Diet Fat Gain, and Cheat Meals
It’s not always about who can diet the hardest; it’s about who can diet the smartest.
Fat Loss Sabotage: Are You Hindering Your Fat Loss?
If you blindly follow and/or abuse any of these four dieting rules, you may be derailing your progress without knowing it.
Do You Need to Rethink Your Bulk?
According to new research, the fatter you get, the harder it will be for your body to burn fat later.
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave's Best Cheat Meal (13,909 calories!)
If you have only one opportunity per month to eat the foods you want, you don’t waste it. By the end of the night I felt like I was going to die.
Mythbusters 204-206: Increased Cortisol, The Big 3 Powerlifts, and Fat A...
Let’s knock down a few more falsehoods the fitness industry has been pumping into your brain.
'It Looked Good in Theory'
Trends dominate the personal training industry. Rely on self-education to determine the difference between what sounds good and what IS good.
MythBusters 201-203: Gluten, Clean Eating, and The Fat-Burning Zone
Are you falling for these foolish fitness fallacies? Here’s the research behind these popular claims.
Managing the Social Aspect of Change
Your health and fitness goals will require many sacrifices. Here’s how to ensure you don’t lose the things that truly matter.
A Practical Guide to Real World Nutrition
The most advanced scientific diet program only works if you stay committed. Consider a more flexible approach to keep you living a normal life while you transform your body.
Men's Physique — Bottom of the Pecking Order?
You may or may not like it, but your girlfriend would love to bang a Men’s Physique guy. Can you really blame her?
How Bodybuilding Changed My Life
I lacked endurance. I had no drive. Then I found Men’s Physique. Through this I gained confidence. I gained ambition. Driven, I am.
WATCH: Clint Darden Shares Weight Gain Secrets
Gaining weight is comfortable. Said no one ever. These methods will have you sweating, grasping for air, and searching of the nearest sink and fan.
Sometimes Quitters DO Win
While I was thinking about how stupid and selfish I was for my life decisions, I started thinking about my health. If something happened to me, how would it impact my kids?
Diet Manipulation Strategies From Team elitefts
I dug deep into the archives of elitefts nutrition articles and compiled the six best pieces of work to help you on your way to a bigger and leaner physique.
Don't Fear the Carbs: Understanding and Dieting with Carbohydrates
Confused about how and when to eat carbs in your diet? Understanding the science behind this macronutrient is where you need to start.
Being A Garage Lifter
Training changed my life, but it was elitefts that taught me how to do it correctly. I’m a garage lifter, and I’m happy to be.
Cardio in the Off-Season: Make Up Your Mind
Here’s how to know whether cardio is your friend or foe between shows.
Coca-Cola Fights Obesity
Mega soda company Coca-Cola teams up with scientists to fight against obesity, says sugar is not to blame.
Health Benefits of Cutting Back on Simple Carbohydrates
Whether you're looking to start a low-carb diet or just cut down your intake, find out the health benefits of swapping the simple for complex carbohydrates.
Fatherhood Does NOT Make You Fat
The Dad Bod has gone viral to the point where it is believed that once you achieve fatherhood you will be fat. I'm going to tell you why that is simply false.
Kids' brain responses to food depend on their body composition
Research using brain-imaging technology has revealed a brain response pattern in children that might represent a step along the path to childhood obesity.
Cardio in the Off-Season: Blasphemy, Beneficial or Badass
Can off-season cardio make for a leaner, healthier growing bodybuilder or will it nip your gains in the bud? Stevenson solves the cardio conundrum.
Barely Making Weight and My Results from Team Universe
The days leading up to my competition were full of challenges and stress. My coach John Meadows listened and helped me formulate a plan for this show and the future.
Is Cardio A Waste of Time?
Cardio day. You spend what seems like hours on the treadmill like a bewildered hamster in hopes of losing that gut. Could long periods of cardio have a reverse negative effect on your body? Is there an easier way to accelerate the fat loss?
American Obesity Rates Are On The Rise
American's are simply getting fat. One out of every five Americans are considered obese. Lack of good judgment when shopping at the grocery store or can Americans not escape the constant creations of mega fat foods? You decide.
Stomach Fat is Way too Stubborn
If your belly fat seems to be extra stubborn, it may be because of these 3 over looked situations.
Mythbusters 101: Don't Fall for These Fallacies
Bad information is passed from lifter to lifter, website to website. Let’s end the charade.
3 Commercial Gym Conditioning Workouts You Can Do in 15 Minutes or Less
No time but need to shed some fat? These quick sessions will leave you in a puddle of sweat.
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Show Day
The time has come to make final preparations and step on stage. Here are thoughts and reflections from this demanding journey.
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Supplements, Training, and P...
Now that you’ve committed to this tiring, sometimes painful process, there are several things to remember to make this experience achievable.
How and Why I Dieted to 7-Percent Body Fat: Starting the Journey
Before determining the process I would use during this grueling path to the leanest I’ve ever been, I first had to ask myself, “Is there a good reason why?”
The Contest Prep Survival Guide: Show Day
The day has finally come. All of your hard work comes together for the moment you step on stage. Are you ready?
Push the Prowler for Optimal Fat Loss
Three sources to get you gripping the poles and moving forward.
The Truth About Energy Systems (Part 2)
The breakdown of food and the conversion of nutrients to energy coincides with the body’s regulation of multiple energy systems.
The Fat and the Furious: A Complete Guide to the Most Misunderstood Macr...
Side-step the fat fearmongers and accelerate towards a healthier heart and better hormone profile.
How to Dial in Your Bodybuilding Condition
This is the introduction of my journey, explaining the training and nutrition I am implementing, to complete my goal of winning the overall at a National-qualifier.
You’re Fat Because You’re Stupid
Insanity is riding the Q train from Astoria at rush hour with your underwear over your head singing “Bohemian Rhapsody.” But repeating the same actions and expecting different results isn’t insanity — it’s stupidity. - Bryan Krahn
John Meadows Contest Prep Podcast
Chris Dufey interviews John Meadows on the topic of contest prep and fat loss.
Cycling Cardio for Fat Loss
Use a rotating schedule to manipulate metabolic pathways for shredded grainification.
Beer, Boobs, Guns and...Other Things Bros Like
The journey of a thousand pounds begins with the first ounce.
A Year of Eating for Strength
Fill your calendar and your stomach with this annual guide for progress-driven nutrition.