You Down with OCD?
You Down with OCD?
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to not overcomplicate something simple.
Is Bacon Healthy? Don't Be Stupid
Is Bacon Healthy? Don't Be Stupid
Bacon blasphemy: If you worship at the temple of pork, you sing the praises of a false God.
Is Low-Carb Stupid?
Is Low-Carb Stupid?
Figure out your macros, stupidhead!
Fast for Spring
Fast for Spring
Not exactly a new concept, but the value of fasting has gained popularity in recent years. What are some of the pitfalls and basics of food restriction?
Ten Simple Tips to Get Bigger, Stronger, and Smarter
Ten Simple Tips to Get Bigger, Stronger, and Smarter
Straightforward diet and training fixes approved by Coach X.
#I'mBulking #NoYouAreNot #YouAreAFatAss
#I'mBulking #NoYouAreNot #YouAreAFatAss
The chances of you getting ripped without cardio are pretty slim.
NYSC Undercover: 5 Ways to Control Appetite
NYSC Undercover: 5 Ways to Control Appetite
Easy adjustments to unlock the lean physique you want.
Integrative Bodybuilding: When It Comes to Diet, One Size Fits One
Integrative Bodybuilding: When It Comes to Diet, One Size Fits One
Tell people what they want to hear and you can sell them just about anything.
A Lion in Iron: Fallacies in Female Diet Mindsets (Part 1)
A Lion in Iron: Fallacies in Female Diet Mindsets (Part 1)
I have found that female clients typically have certain mindsets regarding nutrition
Iron Legacy: Good Joints
Iron Legacy: Good Joints
Good joints, not the kind you smoke, are vital for bodybuilding.
Christmas Planned Over Training
Christmas Planned Over Training
The best plan is to stick to your normal diet every day except for Christmas Day, but many do not.
A Lion in Iron: F$%&ing Pick Something
A Lion in Iron: F$%&ing Pick Something
Stop overthinking cardio and just pick something.
Just Sayin: Quit Overanalyzing and Eliminating Foods from Your Diet
Just Sayin: Quit Overanalyzing and Eliminating Foods from Your Diet
If you look hard enough and long enough, you will find something negative about almost any food.
Pancakes Pack on Pounds of Muscle
Pancakes Pack on Pounds of Muscle
Josh Bryant's pancake recipe for strength athletes.
Nutrition Advice with Team Elitefts
Nutrition Advice with Team Elitefts
No matter what your goals are, you must eat to suit them.
Education of a Lost Woman
Education of a Lost Woman
I want my body to be a fully functioning organism that can do, think, and be.
Three More Reasons Why Getting Old Sucks
Three More Reasons Why Getting Old Sucks
As hard as it sometimes seems, I know I would rather fight the good fight and do what it takes to stay in great shape.
NYSC Undercover: What Kind of Dieter Are You?
NYSC Undercover: What Kind of Dieter Are You?
Before you start a diet, figure out what level of dieter you are.
NYSC Undercover: Four More Tips to Fix Your Shitty Diet, Part 2
NYSC Undercover: Four More Tips to Fix Your Shitty Diet, Part 2
It is back to cleaning up that diet of yours.
Prowler Pyramids
Prowler Pyramids
Love the prowler or hate it.
21 Days to Effortless Fat Loss
21 Days to Effortless Fat Loss
With most of the US population being obese, these questions come from everywhere and everyone.
NYSC Undercover: Is Your Fat Making You Suck?
NYSC Undercover: Is Your Fat Making You Suck?
Before you leap into your next bulk, make sure you understand the changes that will occur and how much it will suck trying to diet that excess fat off.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: The Last Diet
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: The Last Diet
I developed three wardrobes: medium, large, and too damn big.
Do You Have to “Suffer” While Dieting?
Do You Have to “Suffer” While Dieting?
When it comes to dieting, why is it that everyone automatically thinks they have to suffer and deprive themselves from everything in life?
Selling Snake Oil: A Brief Review of Dietary Supplement Efficacy and Safety
Selling Snake Oil: A Brief Review of Dietary Supplement Efficacy and Safety
It is important for a consumer to understand and be vigilant with current research when considering any supplement.
Kentucky Strong: 28 Days of Fat Loss for the Strength Athlete
Kentucky Strong: 28 Days of Fat Loss for the Strength Athlete
Need to shed some body fat for summer? All you need is 28 days.
Goals, Weight Loss, and Motivation
Goals, Weight Loss, and Motivation
So why aren’t you achieving your goals? Maybe you can tell me the answer, but no matter what your answer is, it is always the same answer.
Low Carb Dieting Without the Suffering
Low Carb Dieting Without the Suffering
Here are four methods you can implement to ace a low carb diet.
So You Think You Can Be in Bikini Shape Year-Round?
So You Think You Can Be in Bikini Shape Year-Round?
Are you ready to find out if you can stay in bikini shape year-round and still make progress on your body?
Get Strong and Conditioned for Life
Get Strong and Conditioned for Life
Stick with a basic routine, and you will get to where you want to be.
How to Use Finishers for Serious Results
How to Use Finishers for Serious Results
Workout finishers have been a popular addition to the training world in the last year and for good reason.
Hitting Goals in the New Year
Hitting Goals in the New Year
Are your goals realistic and attainable? Murph recently gave his advice to this Q&A post.
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part II: To Carb or Not to Carb
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part II: To Carb or Not to Carb
I’m going to discuss two schools of thought on this issue: to immediately carb-up post workout or to prolong or completely avoid carbs post workout.
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part I
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part I
A fair amount of research exists about peri-workout nutrition. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of myths. So, what is true?
44 and Broken, Part 7
44 and Broken, Part 7
I’m coming to the end of the training cycle, and the meet is only a few weeks away.
Fasts and Sprints for Fast Fat Loss
Fasts and Sprints for Fast Fat Loss
Losing weight, specifically fat, is a struggle for most.
Deconstructing Dizenzo
Deconstructing Dizenzo
With Dizenzo’s permission, we plopped him down on the virtual therapist’s couch and did a tag-team psychoanalysis on some of the mental struggles he is going through with his fat loss diet.
Key Performance Indicators: Measuring Progress Correctly
Key Performance Indicators: Measuring Progress Correctly
Key performance indicators are specific, measurable things that tell us whether or not we are making progress toward our goals.
Getting Dirty Diet: If It Fits Your Macros
Getting Dirty Diet: If It Fits Your Macros
While the former clean eating method is the one most commonly associated with bodybuilders and athletes, the second method, known as “if it fits your macros” or the catchy acronym “IIFYM” is rapidly gaining popularity in training and nutrition circles.
Cheat to Get Ripped
Cheat to Get Ripped
Bodybuilding preparation is based in tradition, not science. This leads to physiological problems when trying to get ripped.
Strengthening Your Core (Values)
Strengthening Your Core (Values)
With many great things, the precise point of origin is not always obvious.
Interval Sprint Programs for Rapid Fat Loss and Muscle Growth
Interval Sprint Programs for Rapid Fat Loss and Muscle Growth
Most strength athletes would rather go through an all night torture session listening to pop music while being forced to eat tofu instead of doing “cardio.”
Retreating to the Cave
Retreating to the Cave
If you’ve heard of the Caveman diet or the Paleo diet but have no idea how to get back to the cave, this article may be for you.
Fast Tips for Intermittent Fasting
Fast Tips for Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting has recently emerged as a hot topic, particularly for those seeking an effective tool for reducing or maintaining body fat levels.
Using the Snowball Effect
Using the Snowball Effect
It’s February and you probably already quit any New Year’s Resolution you set.
Basic Nutrition: Part 1
Basic Nutrition: Part 1
The energy derived from foods when they are oxidized in the body is measured in kilocalories (thousands of calories).
Logic Does Not Apply IV: Exercise for Weight Loss
Logic Does Not Apply IV: Exercise for Weight Loss
If exercise does affect fat loss, we could create very simple experiments to determine the amount.
Dirty Cauli-rice
Dirty Cauli-rice
I got this recipe from Elana Amsterdam and made a few changes.
What a Journey It Has Been...
What a Journey It Has Been...
What a journey it has been—and it’s only the beginning.
Warrior Contest Prep 101
Warrior Contest Prep 101
It’s universally agreed that there are many ways to skin a cat in regards to preparing for a physique show.
Drinking the Weight Loss "Kool-ADE"
Drinking the Weight Loss "Kool-ADE"
Five years ago, I grew tired of being a member of the “bloat crew” and decided to do something about it.
The Need to Train Heavy While Dieting
The Need to Train Heavy While Dieting
Build some mental muscle while you conserve your physical muscle and you will be a much better lifter and/or bodybuilder because of it.
Sledgehammer Conditioning for Athletes and Weekend Warriors
Sledgehammer Conditioning for Athletes and Weekend Warriors
The tool of demolition workers and superheroes.
Cardio for Meatheads
Cardio for Meatheads
When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, many gym goers either flat out don’t care or they toss in a lackadaisical 30-minute session on the elliptical following their weight work.
Fat Loss Tips for Women
Fat Loss Tips for Women
If you’re a woman who’s looking for results, read on.
Carb Back-loading
Carb Back-loading
Everyone’s eating them first thing in the morning, or cycling them, some people are going anabolic—having carbs just on the weekend—and still others are having just one Carb Nite® a week.
The Modified Warrior Diet
The Modified Warrior Diet
This article is intended to give a brief background of the original Warrior Diet and provide a consolidated source for the recommendations and guidelines of my modifications.
The Overlooked Essentials for Your Ultimate Adaptation
The Overlooked Essentials for Your Ultimate Adaptation
If only I had known these essential ingredients for getting stronger, leaner, and more energetic when I was competing in bodybuilding, it would have made things a whole lot easier.
Dud to Stud - Week 19
Dud to Stud - Week 19
I am currently in week 19 of a fat loss diet with Shelby Starnes.

Items 119 to 177 of 271 total