Fat Loss Isn't Easy: Myths and Facts about Losing Weight
Weight loss is easy; fat loss—without losing too much muscle—isn’t so easy.
The Art of Hustling and a Few Fat Loss Tips
It has been my experience that muscle heads who train hard and actually are willing to read about it and study it are usually very success oriented people.
Atkins’ New Diet Revolution: Under Investigation
Many people who have followed Atkins' New Diet Revolution now realize dietary fat isn't the sole reason people are fat nor is it the evil often promoted by low fat diet advocates.
Power Circuits For More Strength, Muscle, and Fat Loss
Whether you’re training for a sport or simply hitting the iron to look ripped and shredded, training with explosiveness is the key!
Evolutionary Plan for Fat Loss and Optimal Health, Part 2
You need get an idea of what types of food and how many calories you need to maintain your current body weight.
If You Are Fat, Stop Telling Me how to Diet!
I’m constantly amazed by how many fitness gurus give nutrition advice that they can’t follow themselves.
Fat Loss Q&A
There isn't any substitute for good old-fashioned discipline, but there are connections between what goes on in the brain and why people experience strong cravings to eat certain bad food choices.
Calories: Count Everything or Ignore the Incidentals?
Those extra/uncounted calories can really add up.
Body Transformation Chronicles
I've been asked several times to document how I dieted down for this last (and hopefully last) transformation.
Dizenzo Reaches Fat Loss Goal in 12 weeks
This is embarrassing, I was more of a mess than I thought when I started.
Project Six-Pack (Part 2)
Have you been fumbling around with your training, adding things in and out for no apparent reason?
Dieting Food Prep For Meatheads
Prep Scale: Simple - Open bars, crack drink and eat. How complicated is this?
Not Cutting Fat and Keeping Muscle? You May Be Doing 1 of These 5 Things...
As with anything in life, consistency reaps major rewards.
Project Six-Pack (Part 1)
What once was the outline of abdominal muscle trying to peak through had now taken on more of the infamous muffin top shape.
3 Smart Ways to Survive a Diet
I don’t know that it’s entirely possible to stay sane while dieting, but here’s a few tricks that may work.
Five to Thrive: Five Tips for Nutrition Success
Seth has five tips to keep you on track to losing weight and staying healthy.
The Importance of Nutrition for the High School Athlete
Jeff discusses why it’s important for high school athletes to know the difference between a good choice and a bad choice when it comes to nutrition.
Low-Carb Diet Q&A with Shelby Starnes
The very low-carb diet (VLCD) is a synthesis of the best of these approaches, but geared towards the carb-sensitive individual.
Why Cardio Alone Doesn't Cut Fat
I wrote this article in order to educate women and some men who believe that doing cardio and abs will help them shed pounds on their midsection.
The Best Training for Muscle Mass for Beginners
For someone who is starting out and seeking a huge, powerful physique without using illegal drugs, you’ve found the right place.
The Cure for Cardio ADD
When it comes to conditioning work or any form of “cardio,” going to the dentist can actually sound like a much more appealing option.
Eating “Clean” isn’t Enough!
Eating clean isn’t enough to earn a low body fat level or maximize performance.
Three Simple Steps to Building Maximum Muscle
Even with today’s technology, we still don’t completely understand everything involved in muscle growth.
Metabolic Stimulus: Fat Loss Rewards for Oxygen Debt
Metabolic Circuits: training that boosts your metabolism? Wait, I thought ALL resistance training boosts your metabolism. Yes, that would be a logical point – well made.
Fat Loss for Dummies, Part 2: The Lost Art of Intensity
I’ve been saying for years that fat people finish marathons all the time.
How to Add Cardio and Diet to Your Powerlifting Regimen
I feel a man should be able to lift heavy shit, bust out 10 or more pull-ups, and get up at any given time and bang out two or three miles.
Fat Loss for Dummies, Part 1: Everything Works but Nothing Works Forever
There you go again—walking in a straight line for hours on that treadmill, dancing on and off that step in your “power” aerobics class.
Gaining My First 20 Pounds
There are many articles about gaining (quality) weight and its importance in performance in strength-related competitions.
Nutrition Q&A (Part 2)
Dr Serrano,
I have a tough time bouncing back after making weight for MMA fights and powerlifting events. I have to work hard to get my weight down, but then I feel depleted by the time I need to compete. What is the best way to drop 5 lbs leading up to a weigh in?
Spotlight on Nutritionist Dr. Chris Fox
My name is Dr. Chris Fox. I’m a chiropractor who specializes in spinal rehabilitation. I’m 35 years old, I’ve been lifting since I was 13, and I’ve been seriously bodybuilding since I was 20.
What I Wish I Knew as a Female Athlete
As an athlete, you’re taught many things—work hard, compete until the end, work together with your teammates, push yourself to the limit, and have fun.
The Big "T"
Testosterone decreases protein degradation and increases protein synthesis, and most evidence concludes that it has a significant effect upon muscle tissue.
Stop Wasting Your Time!
You are wasting your time! That’s right. I said it. You are spending countless hours in the gym and hundreds of dollars on organic foods and exotic supplements, and you’re wasting your time!
Fat Loss Without Cardio?!?
Aerobic exercise is often very rhythmic, and many people detest it because it is so boring. Every time I go into a gym, the so-called cardio section is full, and the weight area is somewhat like a ghost town.
Dietary Fat Loading for Destroying Body Fat (Part 1)
Up to a point, every strength athlete is better off leaner. Depending on the sport, there is a level of being too lean, but few reach this unfamiliar territory, especially powerlifters.
elitefts/Troponin Nutrition Seminar
I can confidently say, “If you’ve attended one elitefts seminar…well, you’ve really only attended one elitefts seminar. And you have no idea what you’re missing if you don’t attend more.”
Ten Nutrition Tips for Parents of Young Athletes
It’s your responsibility as parents to start developing good habits for your children in all aspects of life. Nutrition is no different.
BCAA Supplementation Roundtable
Do we need BCAA supplementation? The debate rages on. The following is an excerpt from Knowledge and Nonsense: The science of nutrition and exercise by Jamie Hale.
Carnitine L-Tartrate Supplementation for Powerlifters
When I read that l-carnitine l-tartrate (LCLT) could help me burn fat, recover from exercise, favorably affect my hormone levels, and deliver more oxygen to my muscles, I was intrigued.
Fats: The Real Performance Enhancing Supplement
Do you want to sound smart at the water cooler in your office? Well, let me save you the 500-page read of the famous book, “Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill.”
Sixteen Rapid Muscle Growth Tips (Part 2)
Let us remind you that immediately following training, it is vital for you to take your 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis right there on the gym floor.
Citrulline: An Ergogenic Nitric Oxide Stimulator?
We’re always on the lookout for the next ergogenic supplement, but only every so often does one catch our eye.
Carb Cycling for MMA Fighters
As MMA fighters, we’re constantly looking for ways to improve our game. We sharpen our skills, improve our conditioning, and increase our strength, all with the goal of being better warriors. However, many of us fail to take advantage of a very important key to success in the ring (or cage)—optimal nutrition.
Practical Nutrition Tips for Busy Lifestyles
The fast-paced, hectic climate of today’s world makes it difficult for many of us to find the time to eat properly.
Sixteen Rapid Muscle Growth Tips (Part 1)
Gaining lean muscle tissue is never as simple as it seems. However, there are some sure fire ways to increase your rate of progress.
An Objective Look at Intermittent Fasting (Part 2)
Long periods of fasting punctuated by large meals — yes or no?
An Objective Look at Intermittent Fasting (Part 1)
The ancient practice of fasting seems to periodically find its way into modern fitness subcultures.
Do You Know Your Shit? (Part 1)
It’s unbelievable. Over 31 percent of the typical mini-van driving, TiVo watching, Lucky Jean’s wearing, Prozac popping, spray-on-tan sporting American hasn’t taken a crap in the last three days!
elitefts Nutrition Roundtable
…with Jim Wendler, Mike Ruggiera, Tom Deebel, Julia Ladewski, Mark McLaughlin, Alwyn Cosgrove, Lance Mosely, James Smith, Brian Schwab, and Travis Mash
Neural Performance and Recovery with Carnitine-L-Tartrate
In this article, we’ll take a look at the theoretical basis for CLT to improve something even more elusive—neural performance and recovery.
Spotlight on Nutritionist Shelby Starnes
Shelby Starnes, a brand new addition to Team Elite Fitness Systems, is one of Justin Harris’/Troponin Nutrition’s premier nutritionists.
Top 17 Tips for Losing Body Fat ASAP (Part 2)
Summer is quickly approaching. Will you be at the pool proud of the way you look or hiding at the snack bar?
Top 17 Tips for Losing Body Fat ASAP (Part 1)
Summer is quickly approaching. Will you be at the pool proud of the way you look or hiding at the snack bar?
Optimizing Muscle Strength and Recovery with CLT
Through the haze of misinformation clouding the supplement industry, strength athletes are often left wondering if anything will actually help them. Recently, a little known supplement has emerged that can do just that.