#110 - BONUS: Jim Wendler's Strength Training for High School Football Players
#110 - BONUS: Jim Wendler's Strength Training for High School Footb...
Jim Wendler’s seminar Strength Training High School Football Players is compiled for you to implement as a coach or an athlete.
Pre-Season Camp is Over and We're Into the Fall Season
Pre-Season Camp is Over and We're Into the Fall Season
Here’s a brief look at the tentative training plans for Football, Women’s Soccer and Cross Country/Track for the Fall In-Season.
The Practice Squad
The Practice Squad
I recently reconnected with an old client: Don Cherry, whom I first met as a 16-year-old football player. Over the last several years, I’ve been lucky to watch that kid I trained in the belly of the Beast become a college and NFL football player and most recently, one of the voices behind a great podcast.
Building A Summer Training Philosophy
Building A Summer Training Philosophy
These are the five ingredients you need to put together the summer plans for your athletes: core exercises and runs, team goals, position plans, individual goals, and correct grouping.
The Evolution of DeFranco's Football Training
The Evolution of DeFranco's Football Training
Joe D. talks about 3 of the changes he's made to his program during the past 12 years.
The Seven Myths of American Football Training
The Seven Myths of American Football Training
It’s time to debunk a few old-school thoughts about football training.
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 4
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 4
We use 2-, 3-, and 4-board presses, different grips, and different bars; we’re always tricking the body.
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 3
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 3
We’re looking for great mechanics and the ability to understand different movements.
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 2
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 2
I care about results and that’s what we get—results!
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 1
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 1
The three common strengths the athletes displayed were hard work, dedication, and sacrifice.
Build More than Muscle and Strength in Your High School Weight Room
Build More than Muscle and Strength in Your High School Weight Room
A structured off-season training program will do wonders for your in-season success.
Four Pre-Season Football Conditioning Drills with the Prowler
Four Pre-Season Football Conditioning Drills with the Prowler
Are your football conditioning drills getting you into game shape or simply sprint shape?
Real World Testing for Football Players: It Isn't Just a Numbers Game
Real World Testing for Football Players: It Isn't Just a Numbers Game
Players spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours each year preparing for combines at all levels.
Partial Lifts, Sleds, and Concentric-Only Lifts for Super Football Strength Building In-Season
Partial Lifts, Sleds, and Concentric-Only Lifts for Super Football Stren...
If there’s one area where most football players really drop the ball, it’s in-season strength training.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Football Strength Training Programs
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Football Strength Training Programs
Just as all great football teams have common traits (good defense, team work, great coaching), all football strength programs share common qualities that set them apart from the pack.
Top Five Kettlebell Exercises for Football Strength
Top Five Kettlebell Exercises for Football Strength
Kettlebells are a perfect tool when it comes to building strength, explosiveness, and flexibility for football.
Seven Steps for Building the Perfect High School Lineman
Seven Steps for Building the Perfect High School Lineman
Here are the seven steps for building the perfect high school lineman.
Six Lateral Strength Exercises for Crazy Football Speed
Six Lateral Strength Exercises for Crazy Football Speed
Here are six lateral strength exercises you can use in your training program to ensure that you’re building real world game speed.
Top 10 Football Training Tools for Under $75
Top 10 Football Training Tools for Under $75
When it comes to football strength training, I’m a simple man.
Considerations for Training Offensive and Defensive Linemen
Considerations for Training Offensive and Defensive Linemen
In the sport of American Football, no player is more important and often less recognized than the down linemen.
(Don’t) Assume the Athletic Position
(Don’t) Assume the Athletic Position
In all sports, the rudimentary beginnings of movement starts with a specific stance or posture.

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