A Practical Guide for Implementing Block Periodization for Powerlifting
Block Periodization is not a one-size-fits-all training system. It is not a matter of sets x reps, exact exercises, and personal beliefs.
An Alternative Look at Concentrated Loading in the Sport of Powerlifting
This revision and reconsideration of the ‘block’ misnomer helped me better understand concentrated loading and produced a new way to program each lift.
Less Work, More Results in High School Athletes
Stop burying your athletes into the ground and do only as much training as needed for optimal results.
Testing Is Not Equal to Training
A tree measured but not watered will show no growth. Know when to put down the yardstick and pick up the watering can.
Non-Traditional Microcycles in a Powerlifting Program
This basic template gives you five, 14-day microcycles to revamp that old-school program and give you new-age gains.
Programming Considerations for Bench-Only Competitors
Technique and programming are so complex that bench pressing is a sport in, and of, itself.
Beyond the Point of Adaptation for Youth Sports
Do you really need to train your youth athletes like Bulgarian weightlifters?
Coaches Should Ditch These Nonsense Training Beliefs
Being a coach requires more than just body-slamming fans who storm the field.
Training Strategies for Busy Lifters
A purpose-driven guide to fitting training in your life without having to resort to bedroom push-ups.
The Problem of Oversimplification
With a complex organism such as the human body, answers to questions must contain a broad analysis covering various components.
Preventing Adaptation to Exercise
Bodybuilding magazines have promulgated the myth of muscle confusion. While it sounds ridiculous, a slight tweaking in your exercises will grease the path of continued progress.
The Importance of Tracking Volume
One can not ignore the necessity of regulating training volume. Rest in peace, Mike Mentzer.
Team Sports Are Not About Individual Glory
What do you do when a win for yourself is a loss for your team?
A Practical Approach to Achieving Desired Sport Outcomes
In the authors previous article he sold you on the importance of solid programming. In this one, he delivers the game plan.
The Dark Side of Program Comparison
Teach your kids to be the best they can be, not the best on YouTube.
Desired Sport Outcomes Require Solid Programming
Program your training based on goals, energy systems, and sport requirements.
Programming Predicaments
When designing programs, don’t follow any blind allegiance to a certain template.
Programming Predicaments (Part 2)
For those training without a competition planned, are you making the best use of intelligent programming?
Programming Predicaments
Are you trying so hard to categorize your training under a marketed label that it is no longer optimal for your strength needs?
Training with Purpose: Hard Work, Smart Work, or Both?
Which are you: raging bull or exercise scientist?
Training with Purpose: Properly Tapering Volume and Intensity
Moderate your training for optimal gains.
Training with Purpose: Strength Training Considerations for Athletes
The term strength and conditioning usually brings visions of a meathead coach loading plates, spotting athletes, and screaming motivational words.
Training with Purpose: Programming Thoughts and Considerations for the N...
Naspinski once again visits block periodization and offers tips you can apply to your training in the coming year.
Training with Purpose: Utilizing Different Methods in a High Frequency A...
Take an objective look at your needs and figure out a plan that will achieve these goals.
Training with Purpose: Individualization
When it comes to training athletes, certain individualities need to be considered.
Buddy Morris Interview
Gabriel Naspinki interviews Buddy Morris at the Elitefts Learn to Train 6 Seminar.
Training with Purpose: In Retrospect
I think it is important to look to the past to avoid future mistakes.
Training with Purpose: Possible, Useful, Appropriate
By examining your training and categorizing your movements, you can prioritize to achieve results.
Tough Questions for Aspiring S&C Coaches
I have had the privilege of mentoring numerous interns trying to become a strength & conditioning coach
Training with Purpose: Specialized Exercises
When selecting special exercises, remember to look at the individual athlete and things that are unique to his event, technique, or position.
Training with Purpose: Deep Love or Cheap Lust?
Who you ridin’ with? Them or us? Deep love or cheap lust?
Training with Purpose: Heredity, Genetics, and Trainability
When looking at the subject of heredity, it’s important to understand that some aspects are strongly correlated and others have less bearing.
Training with Purpose: Limiting Stress
Take a look at how to use overreaching as a tool to either break plateaus or use before a planned layoff from training.
Training with Purpose: Training Isn't Religion or Politics
Shutting out information simply because it doesn’t come from a narrow scope of influences that appeal will limit long-term progress.
Training with Purpose: Modifications and Variation in Training
You’re only limited by as much information and ability as you have to logically modify your programming.
Reno Hardcore: My Learn to Train Seminar 6 Experience
You would be hard pressed to find another seminar anywhere with the stacked deck in attendance at the LTT6.
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts on Adaptation (Part 2)
Training is not a process that should be equated to randomly throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts on Adaptation
Training is best when aged slowly, like a fine wine.
Training with Purpose: I'm No Mechanic, but...
Planning your training and restoring a car…they’re not so different.
Training with Purpose: Correlation and Causation
In training, is there really a clear-cut cause for any outcome?
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts
Truth: Sometimes hard work isn’t enough, and success can’t be made from copying and pasting what someone else did.
Training with Purpose
One Size Does Not Fit All, Part 2: Utilizing a System of Qualification for American Football
Training with Purpose
One Size Does Not Fit All, Pt. 1: Programming and Qualification in Powerlifting
Block Periodization for Powerlifting: Revisited and Revised
It’s been two years since his first article on block periodization was published. What has Gabriel Naspinski changed?