The Applications of Muscle Failure
The Applications of Muscle Failure
Here’s how to use muscle failure properly to build muscle without overloading your central nervous system or risking injury.
16-Week Powerlifting/Bodybuilding Hybrid Program
16-Week Powerlifting/Bodybuilding Hybrid Program
If you have an equal love for bodybuilding and powerlifting with a goal to become bigger and stronger, this program is for YOU.
Simple Does NOT Mean Easy
Simple Does NOT Mean Easy
Here’s the blueprint that’s simple, yet most don’t follow. It’s hard but it’ll yield great results for performance, strength, and size.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: Why and How to Use the Maximal Effort Method
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: Why and How to Use the Maximal Effort ...
You’re not a competitive powerlifter or bodybuilder. You want to move big weights in the gym, look good naked, and still have fun training and eating. You need the maximal effort method.
Skip's Do-Overs from 1984: What I Wish I Knew 34 Years Ago
Skip's Do-Overs from 1984: What I Wish I Knew 34 Years Ago
Of all of the things I wish I could go back and redo, these five things stand out as the most important or all-encompassing.
10-Week Rest Pause Method Progression for Strength
10-Week Rest Pause Method Progression for Strength
Small jumps each week alter the focus of this progression from hypertrophy to strength, first building the muscle, tendon, and ligament strength needed to handle heavier weights, and then hitting PRs.
Simple Training Has Stood the Test of Time
Simple Training Has Stood the Test of Time
I want to introduce some new training ideas to accelerate you from good to great by revisiting the past and adding a twist to several favorites.
Programs to Stimulate Size and Strength Gains
Programs to Stimulate Size and Strength Gains
I have collated a few of my most result-producing programs for you to try, from both a sports performance perspective and also general training for size and strength for the non-sports person.
The Death of Bodybuilding
The Death of Bodybuilding
We can argue which factors are to blame until we are blue in the face but these are the main issues.
WATCH: Dr. Eric Serrano SPS Presentation — Eating for Size and the Problem with Protein Shakes
WATCH: Dr. Eric Serrano SPS Presentation — Eating for Size and the Probl...
In the first part of his presentation, “Sports Nutrition for Peak Athletic Performance”, Dr. Serrano discusses nutrition for muscle gain, and shares several health concerns and issues with protein supplementation.
Get Big Without Getting Slow: Cluster Training
Get Big Without Getting Slow: Cluster Training
By gaining muscle, you increase your ceiling for strength. By getting stronger, you increase your ceiling for power.

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