Endless Sled Dragging Variations That Will Dramatically Improve Your Performance
Endless Sled Dragging Variations That Will Dramatically Improve Your Per...
Get your ass out there and start dragging some sleds! It’s not as much of a drag as you think it is. With 22 variations to get you started, the possibilities are truly endless.
Glute Training for Meatheads
Glute Training for Meatheads
Training to get Instagram-worthy glutes is just as much for the guys as it is the girls. Not only will your backside look better, but working on your glutes might help out with knee and back pain, too.
Show Report: 1st Place Novice at the 2019 NPC Mid-Atlantic Cup
Show Report: 1st Place Novice at the 2019 NPC Mid-Atlantic Cup
I started my bikini prep at 147 pounds with 27 percent body fat and ended at a low of 113.8 pounds with 15 percent body fat — a total of 33 pounds lost. Despite that loss, after my results from the first show, I knew I had to bring in my glutes tighter…
How Irradiation Can Be Detrimental
How Irradiation Can Be Detrimental
Even though Instagram makes neural irradiation look cool, please take a moment to stop and ask yourself: What is it, and why are you doing it?
7 Leg Exercises Designed for Greater Hypertrophy
7 Leg Exercises Designed for Greater Hypertrophy
Here is an unbeatable compilation of the best blood-pumping lower body movements from team elitefts.
Stiff Leg Deadlifts....In A Hack Squat?
Stiff Leg Deadlifts....In A Hack Squat?
Do you struggle with stiff leg deadlifts? Use a hack squat to get more out of your stiff leg deadlift!
Single-Legged and Semi-Functional?
Single-Legged and Semi-Functional?
Can proper implementation of unilateral exercise produce healthier, higher-performing athletes?
WATCH: Adjusting the Glute-Ham Raise to Optimize Your Training
WATCH: Adjusting the Glute-Ham Raise to Optimize Your Training
Don’t let a substandard equipment setup ruin your best asset for posterior chain strength.
4 Ways to Test Your Grit in the Weightroom
4 Ways to Test Your Grit in the Weightroom
If you can survive these challenges it will be good for…but it won’t feel that way.
Using Your Body's Mobility and Stability Mechanisms to Drive Performance
Using Your Body's Mobility and Stability Mechanisms to Drive Perfor...
Let’s climb in the driver seat of that car with a performance-tuned suspension and a set of tires that will connect that power to the ground and put the pedal to the floor!
Glute Ham Raise 21's
Glute Ham Raise 21's
The 21’s sequence isn’t just for biceps…
WATCH: How To Do A Real Glute Ham Raise
WATCH: How To Do A Real Glute Ham Raise
If your glute ham raises aren’t increasing your squat or deadlift, chances are you’re cheating. Clint gives you a few variations to try,
Wake Up and Build Your Muscles with Preactivation Techniques
Wake Up and Build Your Muscles with Preactivation Techniques
Stuck sitting at a desk all day? Try these movements and tips to wake up those sleepy muscles.
Rackable Cambered Bar Goodmornings with Chains
Rackable Cambered Bar Goodmornings with Chains
Matt Ladewski owner of Region Barbell Club demonstrates how to perform good mornings on the Elitefts™ Rackable Cambered Squat Bar with chains.
Tsunami Bar Squats
Tsunami Bar Squats
Elitefts™ Advisor and Owner of Mountain Dog Training and Nutrition John Meadows performs squats with the elitefts™ Tsunami Bar.
Serrano Split Squats
Serrano Split Squats
Matt Ladewski owner of Region Barbell Club demonstrates how to perform Serrano Split Squats
Banded Dumbbell Leg Curl
Julia Ladewski demonstrates how to perform a banded dumbbell leg curl
Bulgarian Split Squats
Bulgarian Split Squats
Mark Dugdale demonstrates how to perform a brutal drop set of Bulgarian Split Squats
WATCH: Pelvic Tilt for Deadlift Lockout
WATCH: Pelvic Tilt for Deadlift Lockout
Is your lockout holding you back from breaking deadlift PRs?
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 6)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 6)
Brian Carroll learns how to stiffen his core.
I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie
I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie
If Sir Mixalot taught us one thing, it’s that big butts rule.
Pull Through
Begin by facing away from a low pulley cable with a single “D” handle or triceps rope.
Reverse Power Squat
Reverse Power Squat
I am posting this more for the picture than anything else.
Newton’s Way of Squatting
Newton’s Way of Squatting
If you have been frustrated by recurrent back issues and can no longer perform traditional squats, try one of these methods.
Weighted Up & Overs 50lb BB
Hannah with weighted up and overs with 50lb BB.
GHR with Band
GHR with Band
This is an old school exercise index clip that was either taken from some of the very early (now discontinued) Westside Barbell Videos or from Dave Tate’s early Westside Seminar Slideshows.
One Movement: Glute Ham Raise
One Movement: Glute Ham Raise
GHR demonstrated using the ONE movement format.
Chain Lunges
It’s as hardcore as it looks.
Spider Bar Squats
Spider Bar Squats
The Spider Bar combines the benefits of a cambered bar and a safety squat bar.
SSB Arched Back Good Mornings
SSB Arched Back Good Mornings
This exercise works your posterior chain like no other.
Rackable Cambered Bar Squats
Rackable Cambered Bar Squats
Cambered bar squats are good for the soul.
Dumbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Dumbell Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Video demonstration of stiff leg deadlifting using dumbbells.
Spider Bar Box Squat
Video demonstration of Spider Bar Box Squat.
Walking Good Morning
Walking Good Morning
Walking Good Morning
Death Squat
Video demonstration of Death Squat.
Sponge Bob Yoke Bar with Chains
Sponge Bob Yoke Bar with Chains
Video demonstration of Sponge Bob Yoke Bar with Chains.
Barbell Hip Thrusters
Barbell Hip Thrusters
Cambered Bar Back Raise
Cambered Bar Back Raise
Cambered Bar Back Raise
High Sponge Bob Yoke Squats
High Sponge Bob Yoke Squats
High Sponge Bob Yoke Squats
One Leg Glute Bridges
One Leg Glute Bridges
This is a great warm-up exercise to help activate the glutes.
Lying Side Leg Raises
Lying Side Leg Raises
This is a very simple warm-up exercise and I’m probably sure that you’ve seen your mom, wife or grandmother do.
Lunge On Elevated Box
Lunge On Elevated Box
This is a variation of a lunge that is done with the front foot placed on an elevated box.
Hip Lift with Band
Hip Lift with Band
Hook a mini band up to the power rack as shown so that it spans across the bottom of the power rack.
Hip Circles
Hip Circles
This is pretty easy but a tremendous exercise to do for hip mobility.
High Knee Step Up
High Knee Step Up
I think my mom does these in aerobics class.
Leverage Overhead Squats
Leverage Overhead Squats
Perform these either with one or two hands, facing the grappler base or from the side as if you were at the top of the snatch.
Leverage Front Squat
Leverage Front Squat
You can load these up quite heavy and this is a great way to not have to worry about balancing a barbell in front of you in an awkward
Glute Ham Raise on Bosu Ball
Glute Ham Raise on Bosu Ball
This is yet another exercise that was conjured up due to lack of equipment at a commercial gym.
GHR - Glute Ham Raise
GHR - Glute Ham Raise
To do a GHR, you’ll start with your body in a horizontal position on the bench with your toes pushed into the toe plate.
Glute Bridges
Glute Bridges
This is a great warm-up exercise to help activate the glutes.
Fire Hydrant
Fire Hydrant
To do a fire hydrant, get on your knees and hands.
45 Degree Back Raise on Pro Bench
45 Degree Back Raise on Pro Bench
This bench can be set up to work a variety of different ways.
Seated Box Jumps
Seated Box Jumps
To begin this plyo exercise, start seated on a box.
Braced Squats - Version 1
Braced Squats - Version 1
Torso Stability and Coordination
Single-Leg Box Squat
Single-Leg Box Squat
I really like this exercise.
Single-Leg Reverse Hyper with Chain
Single-Leg Reverse Hyper with Chain
I came up with this exercise when I was 6 months pregnant.
Single-Legged Squat
Single-Legged Squat
This exercise is a great way to work each leg independently.
Stability Ball Glute Ham Raise
Stability Ball Glute Ham Raise
Place your knees on the stability ball.
Stability Ball Leg Curl with Band
Stability Ball Leg Curl with Band
To begin this exercise, loop a band around a power rack.

Items 1 to 59 of 104 total
