WATCH: How Does It Feel to Do an 1100-Pound Good Morning?
WATCH: How Does It Feel to Do an 1100-Pound Good Morning?
Steve may be one of the strongest squatters of all time, but it hasn’t stopped him from receiving criticism for his squat style. Are the concerns warranted?
WATCH: 8 Good Morning Variations That Belong in Your Program
WATCH: 8 Good Morning Variations That Belong in Your Program
Team elitefts gives you this compilation of their favorite good morning variations.
WATCH: Single Leg RDL/ Good Morning Progression
WATCH: Single Leg RDL/ Good Morning Progression
Unilateral posterior chain movements can be extremely beneficial to athletes from a performance and injury reduction standpoint
Elitefts™ SS Yoke Bar Exercise Variations
Elitefts™ SS Yoke Bar Exercise Variations
Seven exercises you can do with the elitefts™ SS Yoke Bar other than squat
Elitefts™ SS Yoke Bar Upper Back Good Morning (Spinal Erectors)
Elitefts™ SS Yoke Bar Upper Back Good Morning (Spinal Erectors)
elitefts™ Founder and CEO Dave Tate explains an upper back exercise using the SS Yoke Bar being performed by elitefts™ Advisor and mastermind of Mountain Dog Training John Meadows.
Elitefts™ Good Morning Technique
Elitefts™ Good Morning Technique
Elitefts™ Coach and The Spot Athletics Owner JL Holdsworth discusses proper technique and programming of the Good Morning exercise
Friday Technique Video: The Good Morning
Friday Technique Video: The Good Morning
You do not want to end up with a blown disc. Trust me.
Eight Sled Drag Variations for Strength and Athleticism
Eight Sled Drag Variations for Strength and Athleticism
Dragging a sled is one of the best things that you can do for yourself as an athlete.
Elitefts Equipment 101: New & Improved SS Yoke Bar
Elitefts Equipment 101: New & Improved SS Yoke Bar
EVERYTHING you wanted to know about the new & improved SS Yoke Bar plus a TON of training information.
Maintaining Upper Back Tightness in the Squat
Maintaining Upper Back Tightness in the Squat
If it is a weakness issue, you should be adding good mornings and Zercher squats to your assistance training.
Yoke Bar Good Morning
Yoke Bar Good Morning
Dave talks Yoke Bar Good Mornings with Ted
Johnny Anger: Good Morning!
Johnny Anger: Good Morning!
Just your everyday health club enforcer.
Power Squat Good Mornings
Power Squat Good Mornings
The Power Squat Good Morning is a great lower back movement when you are too worn out to deal with Good Mornings.
Pull-Thru Band Goodmorning
Pull-Thru Band Goodmorning
Loop the band around the base of the rack. Place the other end of the band around your neck.
Good Mornings with Bands
Good Mornings with Bands
This is an excellent exercise to develop your low back, glutes and hamstrings.
EliteFTS: Top 8 Good Morning Exercises
EliteFTS: Top 8 Good Morning Exercises
The Good Morning Movement is one of the best movements to include in any strength program. Here are our top 8 Good Morning varieties.
Unconventional Exercises Using Conventional Equipment
Unconventional Exercises Using Conventional Equipment
We don’t know the guys who run What we do know from reading the articles and asking questions is that they have helped us become better strength students.
Doing it Differently
Doing it Differently
As a follow up to Bob Youngs article “Things I Would do Differently”, I decided to give this idea a shot and see what I could come up with.

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