Friday Technique Video: Shoulder Integrity Exercises
Friday Technique Video: Shoulder Integrity Exercises
Do you want to keep benching, deadlifting, and squatting heavy? Then you better keep your shoulders healthy.
Friday Technique Video: Foot Placement for the Bench Press
Friday Technique Video: Foot Placement for the Bench Press
How is your body built to maximize your leverages?
WATCH: Bench Press Grip
WATCH: Bench Press Grip
JL shares how to fix a common bench press grip mistake.
WATCH: The Romanian Deadlift
WATCH: The Romanian Deadlift
We love the RDL as a general pattern builder.
WATCH: The Pull Through
WATCH: The Pull Through
Modify your pull through stance to help build your sumo or conventional pull.
Friday Technique Video: The Good Morning
Friday Technique Video: The Good Morning
You do not want to end up with a blown disc. Trust me.
Friday Technique Video: Proper Execution of the Power Clean
Friday Technique Video: Proper Execution of the Power Clean
Are you hurting your athletes more than helping them?
The Pace of Your Stroke: Using Tempo for Gains in Size and Strength
The Pace of Your Stroke: Using Tempo for Gains in Size and Strength
I’ve dealt with several injuries over the last few years and it has caused me to do more research on how to get jacked (more research than I ever wanted to do in my life). However, it’s allowing me to get bigger and stronger, while still rehabbing injuries. The secret to this success has been speed.

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