WATCH: I am Clint Darden
“I don’t need a psychiatrist. Give me a squat rack and a deadlift platform and a bench and a couple of Atlas stones, and that’s my psychiatric chair right there.” Everyone needs a safe haven, and elitefts coach Clint Darden has found his at the House of Biceps in Cyprus.
WATCH: Learning the Strongman Jerk
Improving the jerk is all about getting the reps, trusting your technique, and not being afraid to miss reps.
WATCH: Painless Hook Grip Technique
Despite all of the positive aspects of using a hook grip, there’s one significant deterrent: pain. What if you could avoid it?
WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Bench Press
From setup adjustments to training intensity, Clint’s coaching adjustments are all explained in this video.
WATCH: Choosing the Right Weightlifting Singlet
Sleeves? Zippers? Material? Fit? Here are a few specific qualities to look for.
WATCH: How to Bench Press 300 Pounds This Year
Unimpressed? This old school method will help you get to 500 pounds, too.
WATCH: Clint Darden Coaches How to Shave Seconds Off the Farmer's Walk
These simple pick and acceleration adjustments will give you the edge you need during the initial seconds of the farmer’s carry.
WATCH: Clint Darden Shows How to Teach and Use the Clean for Athletes
An old football programming staple, the clean is used (and misused) by hundreds of coaches every year. Clint Darden starts at the bottom and fixes everything a football player needs for better carryover and better performance.
WATCH: When to Use elitefts™ Compression Floss Bands
Unsure how to use this new product? Here’s a personal message from the House of Biceps.
WATCH: How To Do A Real Glute Ham Raise
If your glute ham raises aren’t increasing your squat or deadlift, chances are you’re cheating. Clint gives you a few variations to try,
WATCH: The Easiest Way to Set Up Chains
If your setup takes longer than your set, you may want to try this accommodating resistance alternative.
WATCH: The Reason Behind Dynamic Effort Rep Ranges
You’ve followed the 9-12×3, but is it making you better? Do you know why?
Watch: House of Biceps EZ Straps Review & How To
Are you looking for the best way to use chains? Elitefts Coach Clint Darden shows you how to best use the elitefts™ EZ straps.
WATCH: Should I Bench in a Curve or Straight Line?
What is the optimal bar path for the bench press?
Clint Darden Talks Olympic Weightlifting and Life
Clint Darden talks training and life with the crew from The Weightlifting Scoop