7 Leg Exercises Designed for Greater Hypertrophy
Here is an unbeatable compilation of the best blood-pumping lower body movements from team elitefts.
Alternatives to Traditional Size and Fitness Programming
The best program for muscle hypertrophy and aerobic capacity extends the training perspective to a year-long pursuit of improved fitness.
8 Best Maximal Lifting Techniques for Mega Mass
Bodybuilding training isn’t the only way to build muscle. Here are serious hypertrophy techniques ripped straight from the powerlifting platform.
The Dante Row For The Lat Development You've Been Looking For
A forgotten back exercise that will pump blood into your lats like never before
WATCH: Two Bench Press Mechanical Drop-Sets for Hypertrophy
In a traditional drop-set, you decrease weight in successive reps. With these variations, you will alter the movements to train past failure and new growth.
Shelby Starnes' 3-Way Hypertrophy Split
This routine divides training into push, pull, and leg sessions for maximal muscular growth and optimal time efficiency.
Training Program for Building Slow Fibers
Pavel Tsatsouline gave slow fibers one more article — this time with a program.
Branch Warren Obliterates Back
Eight minutes of inspiration from the most hardcore bodybuilder still in the game.
New elitefts Columnist Reflects on Competitive Days
Buddy Dreimann shares tales from the most hardcore gym on the East Coast.
WATCH: Hypertrophy-Based Back Training
Dave and the BIG DOG bring on scapular Armageddon by inflicting trapezoid tyranny and latissimus dorsi demolitiion with just a touch of rhomboidal wreckage.
Secondary Workouts for Increased Muscle Size and Conditioning
Bump up the volume for a better build.
Elitefts™ Calf Training: Soleus and Tibialis Anterior Superset
Elitefts™ Advisor and Owner of Mountain Dog Training John Meadows performs a unique calf superset at the S4 Compound.
The Research Meathead: Training to Failure
Train to Failure, or Not Train to Failure? That is the Question!
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 5)
In this QT, we will look at the latest research on heavy lifting and heart health.
NYSC Undercover: Fred Duncan and Coach X Hypertrophy Roundtable (Part 1)
Lift consistently and the demand is perceived as worthy of increasing muscle to handle the work.
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 4)
Brandon returns with a quick look at hypertrophy and running.
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts, Part 3
This edition of quick thoughts looks at hypertrophy and muscle length, the final frontier, long-term dilemmas, and the interactions of illness and intense training.
The MBA Meathead: Death by Meeting
When I was a bright–eyed 22 year-old pecking away on a keyboard performing entry level tasks, I thought meetings were fantastic.
Maximizing Supercompensation for Maximal Hypertrophy
Get a grip on your addiction. You’ll love the result.
Mechanical Advantage Drop Sets: Invention of Necessity?
As a 16-year old kid, I knew that when two jacked cats like this come into the gym and preach about building size, it’s time to shut up, take notes and soak up that information like a sponge.
Making the Switch from Power Athlete to Bodybuilder: Rethinking the Pre-...
The types of adaptations that power athletes have elicited through their training emanate not from one particular muscle group but rather from the entire central nervous system.
Throw Out the Rep Ranges: A Different Perspective
One thing I’ve learned in the past couple years is that all of those set and rep tables that students have to memorize in their exercise science classes should be thrown in the trash can.
Do Powerlifters Need Cardio?
Having a base level of aerobic fitness can be highly beneficial for a powerlifter.
Five Things Powerlifters Can Learn from Bodybuilders (Part 2)
This is part two of a two- part series discussing lessons that bodybuilders and powerlifters can share with each other.
Cluster Training
Cluster or rest-pause training involves using short inter-set rest periods of anywhere from 10–30 seconds to produce more powerful repetitions or more repetitions with a heavy weight.
6 Things I’ve Learned So Far This Season
We’re just over halfway through the season with twenty-two games played and, if successful in the playoffs, the prospect of sixteen more without any time off for good behavior.
What Do You Do Now That Basketball Season Is Over?
The basketball season is just coming to an end for many high schools, and it won’t be long before many of the players are off to their AAU teams.
Strength 101: Part II - The Methods of Strength Development
A lifter uses multiple lifting techniques because the body has many different modes of adaptation.
Squats: Superior to Leg Presses for Muscle Hypertrophy and Athletic Prowess
After analyzing this, is the leg press really safer than the squat?
Heavy or Light Weight?
To get toned and ripped muscles, it’s best to do a lot of reps with light weight to failure…wrong!
Assistance Exercises for the Raw Squatter
So it’s been three meets now and I’m still doing this raw thing.
Anatomical Fixer Upper
As an athlete, eventually you hit a point where performance stagnates, whether it’s from asymmetries, lack of mobility in certain joints, injuries, or false plateaus. Whatever the specific reason, we have all felt a loss of performance. It’s at this point that you need to go back and check your training, nutrition, and recovery journal. You should be looking to
Great Rules that Suck
I was born with a rebellious streak. It’s been with me just about every day of my 32-year existence. When I wake up every day, I know that I’ll probably do or say something that will probably be nothing more than an act of rebellion in some form or another against something that I see as wrong or unjust. I
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