Current State of the Injury Rehabilitation and Pre-habilitation Field
Current State of the Injury Rehabilitation and Pre-habilitation Field
How do people begin to decipher what constitutes good injury rehabilitation or pre-habilitation? In this article, I’m going to describe in detail many different factors that will help you sniff out the bullshit.
10 Big Lessons 2016 Taught Me
10 Big Lessons 2016 Taught Me
Your numbers will be subject to so many external variables, but your character is forged by intentionality.
Are You and Your PT Compatible?
Are You and Your PT Compatible?
Beyond skill-set, a physical therapist’s personal belief system, communication style, vision, and philosophy are just a few things you should consider when searching for the perfect match.
The Fire
The Fire
I have such an urge to get back under the bar that there are few things I can compare it to.

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