The Fire
The Fire
I have such an urge to get back under the bar that there are few things I can compare it to.
By the Coach for the Coach: It Isn't the Strongest of the Species That Survives
By the Coach for the Coach: It Isn't the Strongest of the Species T...
I like to think that, as a profession, we’re much better than we were.
Mental Aspect of Olympic Weightlifting
Mental Aspect of Olympic Weightlifting
I was known around my gym and by other area lifters as the guy who hit himself, headbutted objects, and always had plenty of ammonia on hand.
The Rough Patch
The Rough Patch
It seems that when most folk are going through a rough patch in life, lifting gets them through it.
Strength: What Are You Going to Do with Yours?
Strength: What Are You Going to Do with Yours?
I’m going to push through that ache in my hips, that sting in my shoulder, and get that damn PR.
Learning to Learn: Becoming the Strength Coach You Were Meant to Be, Part 2
Learning to Learn: Becoming the Strength Coach You Were Meant to Be, Part 2
Self-education is probably the most important factor in being successful. I will take you on a journey to all the sources from which I get my information and how to learn from each.
Uncompromising Passion
Uncompromising Passion
When they complain about the workouts that you put them through and the pain that comes with hard work, tell them about that crazy bastard you used to train with half a lung who would rather die than not finish a workout.
A Case for Bullying
A Case for Bullying
On behalf of the victims of bullying, I’d like to present my story.
War at the Rack
War at the Rack
We know that each and every time we get ready for the gym to train, there is battle on the horizon.
Man is Wolf to Man
Man is Wolf to Man
Men are not gentle creatures who want to be loved.
The Manifesto of Supervillainy
The Manifesto of Supervillainy
Whenever people question me about my religion, political policies, moral code, business ethics, training program, or any other topic that seeks to classify me in some way, I always reply, “supervillainy.”
The Other Side of Things
The Other Side of Things
That night, the doctors in the emergency room told me that I was looking at six months, if I was lucky, to be ‘functional’ again.
The Newbie: Let There Be Pain
The Newbie: Let There Be Pain
My hands remind me of the steel, the calluses half torn from last night’s deadlift and a sore upper back telling me that those reps were just right.
Breaking Stereotypes
Breaking Stereotypes
Far too often, people are pigeon holed into stereotypes.
Tunnel Vision
Tunnel Vision
It’s very common to walk into a commercial gym or fitness center and see the most asinine movements being demonstrated without any rational purpose.
Success Is a Knot
Success Is a Knot
“There aren’t any diamonds without pressure…”
Running from Strength
Running from Strength
Take pride in what you’ve accomplished, but always acknowledge that there are barriers and boundaries to be pushed.
A Timeless Training Expression
A Timeless Training Expression
Strength training protocols are the hands on the clock.
Strength Science
Strength Science
I remember when I first heard the saying five years ago at a clinic—if you read for one hour every single day in your field, you will be one of the world’s leading experts in seven years.
Where Busting Your Ass Actually Pays Off
Where Busting Your Ass Actually Pays Off
I know that when I bust my ass during training I will get stronger.
The Psychology of Strength: Incorporating Mental Toughness Training
The Psychology of Strength: Incorporating Mental Toughness Training
I finally knew what was missing in my twenty years of training—the mental aspect.
If you persevere, there are fewer competitors.
How Strength Training Makes You A Better Person
How Strength Training Makes You A Better Person
I’ve long been a believer that strength training can make you a better person.

Items 119 to 141 of 141 total
