5/3/1 for Strongman: Programming Adjustments, Competition Prep, and Training Tips
5/3/1 for Strongman: Programming Adjustments, Competition Prep, and Trai...
Take the core philosophies of 5/3/1, make two key adjustments in exercise selection and timed AMRAP sets, and you’ve got yourself a damn good strongman program.
If I Were Emperor...
If I Were Emperor...
I tried to offend everyone so no one could get too mad. Let’s get to it. 
What I Learned From Louie Simmons
What I Learned From Louie Simmons
Talk to any strength coach or trainer, and in some way, they have been influenced by Louie Simmons. Here are 7 ways he influenced me.
#112 - Westside Barbell Stories (Discipline and Consistency)
#112 - Westside Barbell Stories (Discipline and Consistency)
Jim Wendler and Matt Rhodes to discuss training, coaching, consistency, discipline, and past Westside Barbell stories
5/3/1 and Run
5/3/1 and Run
Concurrent training, commonly known as hybrid training, can be a frustratingly fine line to walk. Here’s the recipe.
#110 - BONUS: Jim Wendler's Strength Training for High School Football Players
#110 - BONUS: Jim Wendler's Strength Training for High School Footb...
Jim Wendler’s seminar Strength Training High School Football Players is compiled for you to implement as a coach or an athlete.
#100 - Jim Wendler Returns
#100 - Jim Wendler Returns
Don’t miss the return of Jim Wendler in this exciting episode celebrating 100 episodes and 1,000,000 downloads of Dave Tate’s Table Talk.
An Application of Linear Periodization and Why It’s Still Relevant
An Application of Linear Periodization and Why It’s Still Relevant
Piecing together what I’ve learned from Dave Tate, Jim Wendler, and Sam Brown, I added 70+ pounds to my total in a six-month period.
#58 - The Boys are Back with Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, Vincent Dizenzo, and Dave Tate
#58 - The Boys are Back with Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, Vincent Dizenzo, ...
On this episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk, the boys are back in town!  Dave is joined by Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, & Vincent Dizenzo!
Jim Wendler's Favorite Accessory Movements
Jim Wendler's Favorite Accessory Movements
Jim Wendler's favorite accessory movements from his article "The Triumverate!"What are your favorite accessory movements? Let us know in the comments!    
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's Garage Gym Warm-up
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's Garage Gym Warm-up
Nearly a decade of training combined, and what have Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, and Vincent Dizenzo learned about the perfect warm-up?
Extra Workouts for the Off-Season Football Player
Extra Workouts for the Off-Season Football Player
Here’s an excellent example of how to place extra workouts in a weekly off-season football training schedule along with what an extra workout accomplishes (or should).
Seminar Squats
Seminar Squats
Do yourself a favor and focus on technique; don’t get too wrapped up in band tension, percents, etc. Get your technique down and worry about the other things later.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #50 with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Jim Wendler
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #50 with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Ji...
The three amigos are back! Need a laugh? You’ll want to watch and listen to this home edition of Table Talk.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dizenzo Gains 28 Pounds in 24 Hours and Wendler Makes Fun of Him
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dizenzo Gains 28 Pounds in 24 Hours an...
Vincent Dizenzo, Jim Wendler, and Matt Rhodes come together to deliver a classic tale of body odor, sketchy needles, and a whole lot of that sweet power bloat. Complete with quite a few verbal jabs at each other in between, like does losing weight even count as a challenge as a super heavyweight powerlifter?
The Truth About Valentine’s Day
The Truth About Valentine’s Day
You’re welcome for the reminder.
WATCH: I am Vincent Dizenzo
WATCH: I am Vincent Dizenzo
“To be able to give back is a much bigger legacy than anything you’ll leave on a platform.” elitefts coach Vincent Dizenzo finds his calling in helping others by passing on knowledge, especially when it comes to dieting and weight loss.
Vincent Dizenzo's BAMF Program
Vincent Dizenzo's BAMF Program
A few weeks ago I blogged about how I was mistakenly looking for a one-size-fits-all approach to dealing with my injuries, and my circumstances are different. But with the help of four friends (and my wife), we came up with a BAMF program. Here it is.
Conjugate For A Little Old Man
Conjugate For A Little Old Man
People have asked me to write about how I train. I haven’t done it because I figured you guys thought it’d be boring… until now. Here’s a look at my training and the process behind it.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What Lift Are You Most Proud Of?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What Lift Are You Most Proud Of?
While Dave’s AWOL, Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, and Vincent Dizenzo fill in and answer questions. This question (what lifts are you most proud of?) sparks a conversation about coaching and fond memories this trio of friends shared and are now sharing with you.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Wendler, Rhodes, and Dizenzo Respond to Robert Oberst’s Criticism of the Deadlift
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Wendler, Rhodes, and Dizenzo Respond t...
It’s not really a controversy unless we talk about that particular controversy, right? Well, if you wanted some hot takes on Robert Oberst’s deadlift criticism, you’re in the right place!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #18 with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Jim Wendler
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #18 with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Ji...
Watch out, Dave — there’s a new host in town. Actually, there are 3 hosts in town, and they’re taking over Table Talk Podcast while Dave is on vacation. Expect some wild stories with Vincent Dizenzo, Matt Rhodes, and Jim Wendler as they answer your questions.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Why Strength Coaches are D-Bags
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Why Strength Coaches are D-Bags
Matt Rhodes’ takeaway lessons for strength coaches in this clip: Put your best foot forward. Stop screaming and start communicating. Hold yourself accountable. Do better and be better.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Glory Days
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Glory Days
Talk about a blast to the past: Dave Tate, Jim Wendler, and Matt Rhodes relive the so-called glory days of training in the winter without heat and using knee wraps as wrist wraps. Best of all, it’s all documented in an old video. There’s no way to bury that evidence!
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Big Misconception About Chuck Vogelpohl
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — The Big Misconception About Chuck Voge...
If you’re emulating Chuck Vogelpohl by ramming your head into the bar and yelling like a wild person at meets, you’re doing it wrong.
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Dan Dalenberg
Introducing New elitefts Athlete Dan Dalenberg
Dan Dalenberg found his way through life with the help of fellow powerlifters. As a Team elitefts athlete, he intends to give back to the community by passing on information he’s learned from those who got him through his lowest points.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #10 with Jim Wendler and Matt Rhodes
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #10 with Jim Wendler and Matt Rhodes
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate, Matt Rhodes, and Jim Wendler re-watch some old training videos, talk about near-death experiences, being a strength coach, and more.
How Strong is Strong Enough?
How Strong is Strong Enough?
Generally speaking, if we can get an athlete stronger, that athlete will get faster. But at what point is the athlete strong enough for continued speed improvements? I hope you weren’t looking for a quantifiable answer on this one…
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 2-Minute Conjugate Breakdown
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 2-Minute Conjugate ...
Conjugate. You keep using that word. We do not think it means what you think it means. Why is conjugate training so hard to understand? It’s not! In fact, because it’s so easy to understand, Jim Wendler can explain it in two minutes. Two minutes! It’s that simple.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 5 Core Values for Training
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Jim Wendler's 5 Core Values for T...
Core values are something that Jim… well, values. He’s got core values for every aspect of his life, whether it’s the core values he and his wife share, the core values at work, or core values for training. His fifth core value on the list took him eight years to figure out.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #3 with Jim Wendler
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #3 with Jim Wendler
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate and Jim Wendler talk about a couple of documentaries, majoring in exercise science, the best way to break down the conjugate method, and more.
Buddy Morris on Stress and Recovery for the Athlete
Buddy Morris on Stress and Recovery for the Athlete
“Play the game; don’t let the game play you.” Coach Buddy Morris (one of the speakers for the 2019 Strong(er) Sports Training and Success Seminar) talks about stress adaptation and recovery with Dave Tate, Tom Myslinski, and Jim Wendler in the sixth video of a nine-part conversation.
Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019
Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019
My life went through a lot of changes and adjustments during 2018, which meant I had to learn and re-learn things. Lesson 1: the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, but sometimes it is, so watch your lawn and don’t forget that some grass is better than yours.
Max Effort Training for Dynamic Results
Max Effort Training for Dynamic Results
It seems that everyone wants to start racing a Ferrari before they learn how to put the key in the ignition.
The 14-Day Program: An Interview with John Bott
The 14-Day Program: An Interview with John Bott
What did your training look like before you began this training? Give us a sample week/template that would be fairly typical of what you did.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation — Know the Trapdoors of Your Training Program
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presen...
To close his presentation, Wendler discusses exercise selection, indicators of athlete readiness, and the importance of knowing the trapdoors of your training program.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation — The High School Football Training Plan
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presen...
In the previous videos, Wendler discussed his general mindset and approach to strength and conditioning for a high school football team. In this segment, he goes into detail about how he has designed the training sessions.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation — Taking Over A Failing High School Football Team
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presen...
When Jim took over the training, the team had no identity and had no idea what they were going to be as they entered the 2017 season. What they became was the strongest team on the field every night they played.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation — Preparedness of Youth Athletes
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presen...
The starting point with youth athletes today is drastically different than it was 30 years ago. This means the training plan needs to be different too.
My Indicators
My Indicators
My key indicators (as well as yours) take time to know and develop. They also will change over time, so always be on the lookout and always monitor your training.
WATCH: Blast from the Past — The Beginning Stage of a Diet
WATCH: Blast from the Past — The Beginning Stage of a Diet
How many carbohydrates do you need in every meal? Should you consume more on training days than rest days? How many grams of protein are necessary? These actually aren’t the questions you should be asking.
Peak Mental Performance Podcast featuring Jim Wendler — Discipline over Motivation
Peak Mental Performance Podcast featuring Jim Wendler — Discipline over ...
These discipline-related principles frame the discussion that Jim and I have in this episode. We also discuss various training principles that all circle back to the idea of prioritizing discipline.
Meet Report: RPS Connecticut States — From SHW to 198
Meet Report: RPS Connecticut States — From SHW to 198
It’s been more than a year since I last competed (not counting the unsanctioned and unseasonable non-invitational last December) and announced that I would be taking a step back from chasing the biggest bench possible.
Upper Back for the Bench
Upper Back for the Bench
So why do you want to build a strong, thick upper back? Isn’t the bench all pecs, shoulders, and triceps?
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Compilation Series
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Compilation Series
If I can teach a kid to squat correctly, I can teach him anything.
Building the Yoke
Building the Yoke
A big yoke equals instant respect. No one wants to screw with a guy that has a big neck and a thick yoke.
WATCH: True Age vs Training Age
WATCH: True Age vs Training Age
There are rules about training age that apply whether you’re 15 or 50.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Exercise Selection and Attempting PR's
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Exercise Selection and Attempt...
You want your athletes to get stronger but not in a smokescreen fashion. You have to be strategic about how and when to attempt PRs.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Programming Layout for Youth Athletes
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Programming Layout for Youth A...
The first step to having a good program is following a training outline that balances every need of the athlete.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Training Standards and Injury Management for Kids
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Training Standards and Injury ...
In this video, the second part of his presentation, Jim goes into detail about both the mental and physical aspects of training kids.
The Short Science Behind Titanium Knick-Knacks
The Short Science Behind Titanium Knick-Knacks
These are everything.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's UGSS Introduction — Earn the Barbell, Training Philosophy, and Industry Trends
WATCH: Jim Wendler's UGSS Introduction — Earn the Barbell, Training...
This video is Jim’s full 20-minute introduction to his UGSS presentation.
WATCH: Jim Wendler Speaks at Open Underground Strength Session
WATCH: Jim Wendler Speaks at Open Underground Strength Session
As elitefts team members, we’ve seen the impact that this community and time training together has had on our lives and lifting careers — we’re bringing more people into that fold.
Underground Strength Session with Jim Wendler — Seminar Highlights
Underground Strength Session with Jim Wendler — Seminar Highlights
Jim Wendler is actually my brother’s strength and conditioning coach for London's football team.
Underground Strength Session with Jim Wendler — Training Highlights
Underground Strength Session with Jim Wendler — Training Highlights
Mini recap before Jim Wendler takes center on the platform.
WATCH: Off Topic — Should You Periodize Your Conditioning?
WATCH: Off Topic — Should You Periodize Your Conditioning?
In building your aerobic base, is it enough to simply add Prowler pushes, hill sprints, and sled drags to your program? Dave and Jim explain the purpose behind GPP.
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Box Squatting
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Box Squatting
Box squats have been around for years but the debate still hasn’t been settled.
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Travel Stories [Extended Version]
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Travel Stories [Extended Version]
It seems like Dave and Jim are never going to run out of stories from their days of travel seminars. In this video we have strip clubs, Benny Podda, alcoholism, and porn.
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave Tate and Jim Wendler — Training for All-Around Fitness
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave Tate and Jim Wendler — Training for All-Aroun...
If you want to build total fitness, you need to know about something Jim Wendler calls The Push-Pull Concept — and it has nothing to do with benching or deadlifting.

Items 1 to 59 of 174 total
