5 Items That'll Transform Your Dad Bod Into a Beach Bod
5 Items That'll Transform Your Dad Bod Into a Beach Bod
The term “dad bod” was tossed my direction more often than I could count when I found out I was going to be a dad, and I was certain that I wasn’t going to fall into this physique and let my lifestyle slip because of any children. These items will ensure that I have a beach bod, not a dad
WATCH: The First Time I Trained with Ronnie Coleman
WATCH: The First Time I Trained with Ronnie Coleman
The plan for the training session was to squat but the bodybuilding group had a lot more in mind.
Lying Leg Curls - Strip Set with Partials
Lying Leg Curls - Strip Set with Partials
Elitefts.com Advisor & Mountain Dog Diet & Training founder John Meadows performs an extended set of lying leg curls
Seated Leg Curls With Partials
Mean muggin’ on the leg curl machine.
Stability Ball Leg Curl with Band
Stability Ball Leg Curl with Band
To begin this exercise, loop a band around a power rack.
Double Band Leg Curls
Double Band Leg Curls
The Double Band Leg Curl is unreal for bringing up weak hamstrings.

7 Item(s)