Improve Your Bench Immediately Using These Training Cues
I’ve always said it only takes a single well-thought-out cue to change the way someone approaches a lift. I’m certain that one of these bench cues below are going to be that single cue that you’ve been waiting for.
A Manual for Implementing Technical Cues
Everyone can benefit from technical cues, with the contingency that they are employed properly, consistently, and under the correct circumstances — which is more rare than you might expect.
3 Non-Traditional Movements to Overcome Weakness in the Overhead Press
Weaknesses in rack position, leg drive, or the lower back will severely hold back your overhead press strength. Here are solutions to each of those problems.
New Year, New Bench
There is no reason in the world you can’t give up sucking at bench press. No one gets joy from incompetence in the greatest lift ever. No one. That’s something I can help you with.
WATCH: 9 Strategies to Deadlift 900 Pounds
At Boss of Bosses IV, Steve Johnson hit the number one total at 308 with a 2260-pound raw total and the all-time American deadlift record with 909. Here’s how he did it.
From the Judge’s Chair: The Bench Press
In the first article of this series, I explained the value of the judge’s perspective in relation to the squat. Now let’s look at the bench press and see what lifters can learn from considering the judge’s role.
WATCH: Learning the Strongman Jerk
Improving the jerk is all about getting the reps, trusting your technique, and not being afraid to miss reps.
Bench Pressing Secrets of the Pros
In this article, you will find multiple quotes from some of the best lifters past and present regarding what makes a good bench presser — Greg Panora, Jeremy Hoornstra, Ryan Kennelly, and Eric Spoto to name a few.
Deadlift Fundamentals — The Difference Between Failure and Lockout
These elite lifters share some fundamental characteristics at the start of their deadlifts—hips high, arm length maximized, shins very close to the bar, and torsos not vertical.
The elitefts Definitive Guide to Board Pressing
Dave believes the most important and widely used purpose for boards is to increase/correct the mini-max or sticking point.
Five Bench Pressing Basics You’re Overlooking
Don’t let the mass quantities of information fool you: the basics of the bench will never change. Follow them and you’ll get stronger.
Setup Rules for the Bench Press
Regardless of what program you think works best for you, the form used to complete the lift is still the same.
WATCH: Bench Press Instruction with JL, Swede, and Casey
In this final collection of footage we’ll share from our April training camp, the three expert coaches demonstrate the proper way to learn and improve the bench press.
WATCH: Destroying the Paradigm of a 'Functional Bench Press'
This presentation from the University of Western States Chiropractic College breaks down the bench press and examines why there is a benefit to performing the movement outside of a posturally correct position.
WATCH: Expert Bench Press Troubleshooting with Casey Williams, Dave Tate...
As he aims to take his 540-pound bench up to 600, Casey is employing the help of these veteran coaches. Watch as he learns the adjustments needed to keep pushing forward.
Friday Technique Video: Foot Placement for the Bench Press
How is your body built to maximize your leverages?
WATCH: Leg Drive for Bench Press
The key to a big bench is to keep this technique from an open bar to over 600 pounds.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Adjustable Bench
When will there be a competitive adjustable bench?