The Biggest Weaknesses in Your Overhead Press
Address your weak points: upper back, scapula mobility, and core strength. Read more!
2021 Worlds Strongest Man Events Sneak Preview
The Worlds Strongest Man 2021 contest will be held June 15-20th in beautiful Sacramento California. Strongman competitor and former American Log Press record holder Robert Oberst has launched a new Youtube video explaining what he knows about the events for the prelims and the finals. One thing is for certain, the new types of events […]
Run a Successful High School Strongman Contest with This Christmas List
If Santa and his reindeer deliver these items, you’re guaranteed to have a great Christmas and an amazing strongman contest at your school!
Don't Peak Too Soon: Strongman Training 2 Weeks Out
You have to learn that 2 weeks before the competition, you aren’t going to get stronger. All you can really do is screw things up. Don’t lift 1RMs; instead, deload or train with lighter weights. You want to peak at the competition, not in training.
Matt Mills Finishes in 18th Place of 40 at the 2019 Arnold Amateur Stron...
I might not have made it as a top-10 heavyweight finalist in the 2019 Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championships, but I sure learned a lot while I was there. Plus, I’ll be sure to apply everything I learned this time around at my next competition.
Takeaways From My First Strongman Competition
Powerlifting gave me a great foundation for strongman, but I still had to do a lot of training for it. Even though I technically qualified for USS Nationals, I want to make sure I can handle heavier events before I even think about competing.
Get Bigger, Stronger, and Leaner with 1 Move
All you need is one technique: one-motion log press. That’s it. No more, no less. Just that. One. Singular. Technique.
10 Items for Serious Strongman Competitors
Gyms only go so far in mimicking the items used in strongman competitions, so read on to start building your personal strongman training arsenal.
12 Gifts to Warm the Heart of Your Anti-Social Friend
There are many versions of such misanthropes around (with home gyms of their own), and while this list will make their days, months, and years, it will make any true appreciator of strength training happy.
Developing Your Own Strongman Program
Designing a program that builds agility, speed, strength, and conditioning, while also training the strongman movements, can seem a daunting task. Here’s how I approach it.
Strongman Programming for Max Reps Events
I’m going to outline a 12-week program for an event that is max reps — a weight that is currently out of your reach.
Overhead Pressing for a Bigger and Safer Bench Press
After two pec tears, I needed to try something new. Not only did training the overhead press make my bench stronger, but it also solved all my pec injury problems.
WATCH: The One-Motion Log Pressing Technique — Why and When to Use It
This step-by-step guide (with video) demonstrates how a strongman competitor can use this unique technique to increase efficiency and performance in the log clean and press.
WATCH: Clint Darden Teaches How To Fine-Tune the Log Press
An experienced strongman competitor already knows the basics. This video shows how to clean up the sloppy habits and press heavier weight overhead.
Huge Weekend For Strongman: World Records Fall and One Team Rises
500+ pound logs and 1700+ pound deadlifts. You know, typical strongman stuff.
Yessica Martinez Wins First Place at Caution Strong Competition
Last minute strongman competition turns into a victory.
Incline Fat Bar Speed Bench Against Micro Resistance Bands
Looking for some inspiration to train for your next strongman event?
Log Clean & Press Variation (re-lap)
EliteFTS Log Clean & Press Combination: 1st Rep from floor, 2nd rep re-lapped
10 Strongman Ways to Irritate Your Neighbors...Guaranteed
After reviewing this list, I realize how devious I’ve become in my old age.
Assistance Training for Strongman and “Functional” Strength
A lot of guys who train for Strongman don’t put much thought into assistance work, if at all. Assistance exercises can improve specific attributes and get you through your sticking points in many cases.
Incorporating the “Big Three” Into Sports Training, Part I
Sports training or sports-specific training is a different beast than competitive powerlifting. However, the “Big Three” have a great impact on the overall strength and explosiveness of the athlete. The $1500 question is how to develop a strength and speed program to help athletes excel in their sport of choice.
Maximum Effort Training for Strongman
As covered in my last article, the dynamic effort (DE) session is dedicated to speed. Max effort (ME) is dedicated to huge weights and re-writing the record books every session you train. My approach is a bit different from the traditional Westside approach.