Burn Fat and Build Muscle at the Same Time
The results will come pretty fast too, so you don’t need to do it for several months before you notice fat loss and muscle gain.
The Obese Body and Exercise
What I try to offer here is information to both coaches and obese people about why and how to exercise — different reasons than the conventional assumption concerning weight loss — considering some of the difficulties inherent in the condition.
Strong, Shredded, and the Ability to Perform Pain-Free
Want to be lean, muscular, strong, and conditioned, with the ability to move without pain? There are many variables, but these guidelines apply to everyone.
The Difference Between Outcome-Driven and Process-Focused
You’ve probably been told to focus on the process rather than the outcome, but the thing is, no one tells you how; you’re simply chastised for focusing on the wrong thing, then told to go on your merry way.
Throw Away the Calorie Calculator — A Better Way to Manage Caloric Intake
Within this article I am going to share my goal-based methods for assessing caloric needs, macronutrient ratios, and training protocols for my clients.
The Finer Points of Getting Shredded
As with any training-related goal, there’s a great way to go about things, and a not-so-great way to go about things. Let’s get into four of the finer points of shedding your unwanted fluff.
The Off-Season: Instastrong, Not Instafamous
There is a difference between what I want now and what I want most.
WATCH: Is Fasted Cardio the Best Cardio?
Does it really make a difference if you do your cardio before or after eating in the morning?
Fitness Professional vs. Fitness Personality: The Social Media Conundrum
I want to discuss what to look for when searching for accurate fitness and health resources, and even more importantly, what red flags to look out for.
The Mountain Dog Diet—A Healthier Way to Get Lean/Add Muscle...or Both!
The theme here is health and making better choices regardless of whether you’re trying to gain muscle or lose fat.
Energy Balance: How Your Body Fights Weight Loss
Let’s tackle some of the issues contributing to failed attempts at creating a negative energy balance.
Contest Prep Aftermath: Reverse Diet and Training Gone Wrong
In this second part of the series I am going to discuss the top-three nutrition and training mistakes I see when competitors reverse out of a show, how they may affect long-term progress, and what to do if you make them.
The Fallacy of the Fat Burning Zone
To better understand how exercise intensity dictates fuel use, and what this means in respect to the fat burning zone, we need to review the energy systems your body can rely on during exercise.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Should A Big Guy Lose Weight?
For someone over 350 pounds, the rules of dropping weight are a little different. There are a few things you need to remember.
Fat Loss Sabotage: Are You Hindering Your Fat Loss?
If you blindly follow and/or abuse any of these four dieting rules, you may be derailing your progress without knowing it.
5 Tips to Come Down A Weight Class
Aside from lessening my bench stroke, carrying extra bodyfat has really no upside. Consider these five easy steps I took to finally say goodbye to Fatville.
Don't Fear the Carbs: Timing, Sources, and Portions for Muscle Buil...
Intelligently consume this main energy source as a means to a better bulking season.
EPOC—The Secret to Fat Destruction
After years of competing as an IFBB pro, Dugdale has learned what will keep you thick while you shed fat.
Kentucky Strong: 28 Days of Fat Loss for the Strength Athlete
Need to shed some body fat for summer? All you need is 28 days.
Gain 31 Pounds Before Football Training Camp, Part 2
On this program, you’ve got to eat. If you are skinny and weak, you need to eat a ton of food. And don’t just tell me that you “eat a lot.” I get this answer from many kids, and when I take one look at what they really consume, it turns out to be nothing more than a few slices