An Easy Lunge Regression
Frequently, athletes understand the lunge movement but do not understand what should be moving and what is the primary goal. You can fix this by regressing the athlete and utilizing these tips to help them better understand the proper mechanics of the lunge.
Build Your Legs While Babying Your Back
A lower back injury doesn’t have to mean the end of your training days. Here’s one of my go-to methods for continuing to train hard and make progress.
Lateral Lunges
Athletes are always changing direction on their playing field; start training in a different plane of motion to increase athleticism.
Zercher Keg Lunges
Take a zercher hold on your keg and keep the keg right under the chin, upper body stays upright
Adding Strength with Little Equipment
Imagine—you’re a broke kid living in a small town in the middle of nowhere. The closest fitness center is miles away and you don’t have a car to get there anyway. None of your friends know what a weight is. You’ve asked them to give it a try, but they just gave you the middle finger as they sped off