How I'm Prepping for My Next Meet
How I'm Prepping for My Next Meet
How do you prepare for your next week? When do you start preparing? Jeff Guller likes to get started with conjugate powerlifting nine weeks before meet time.
Peaking Technically
Peaking Technically
Peaking technically is reeling in your training from general to specific as a meet approaches while changing and removing variations and setting yourself up to be at your best technically. This is important when transitioning to a conjugate approach.
Jeff Guller's 2019 in Review
Jeff Guller's 2019 in Review
Even though I didn’t make all of the goals I set for this year, I did have some good results. And if results are the measure of a year, then it was a good year.
Meet Report: 2019 USPA Nationals with Dan Dalenberg
Meet Report: 2019 USPA Nationals with Dan Dalenberg
2018 was not a good year for my powerlifting career. 2019 has been better. My training’s gotten better, I’ve gotten better at caring for myself, and I competed better. I want to do better next time around, though….
Meet Report: Making a Comeback at APF Nationals After a Painful Injury
Meet Report: Making a Comeback at APF Nationals After a Painful Injury
Two years ago, I injured myself at a meet. The pain was so bad I nearly pulled out of the meet. After talking with some experts, I decided to hop into the APF Nationals without a weight cut and with a quick prep. Let’s just say it’s good to be back.
Watch the 2019 World Classic Powerlifting Championships Live
Watch the 2019 World Classic Powerlifting Championships Live
Starting 3 a.m. EST tomorrow, June 10th, until Saturday, June 15th, you can live-stream the Open category finals of the 2019 World Classic Powerlifting Championships at
2 FREE Ways to Increase Your Total
2 FREE Ways to Increase Your Total
Hard work pays off — not snake oil sales and get-rich-quick schemes. That doesn’t mean you can’t get stronger quickly. It just means you’ll have to put in a little extra work, like bumping up a weight class.
Meet Report: A Squat Suit Depth Experiment at 365 Strong World Games
Meet Report: A Squat Suit Depth Experiment at 365 Strong World Games
My training was more organized than it was for the IPA meet. But I decided to experiment before this meet: I trained using my squat suit without the briefs. It actually improved my speed, depth, and how much weight I could handle.
Managing Meet Day Stress
Managing Meet Day Stress
You’ve spent months preparing and training, and you’ve made a significant financial investment in entry fees, lodging, food, and so on. All this of stress for just 9 lifts sucks up a lot of your energy. You can’t afford to waste your energy, so manage it instead.
Meet Report: 5thSet at the Kern US Open
Meet Report: 5thSet at the Kern US Open
Now that I had the trip paid for thanks to a seminar event, I could focus on helping my lifters at the US Kern Open: the reason I’d flown all the way from the East Coast to begin with.
The Four Weeks Post-Meet
The Four Weeks Post-Meet
Look before you leap into training right back after your last meet because the next four to six weeks can (and will) set up your next cycle for success… or for failure. Take time to reflect on that. Success or failure… which one will you choose?
Turning Pro at the 2019 APF Women's Pro-Am
Turning Pro at the 2019 APF Women's Pro-Am
My goal for this meet was a 400-pound squat until Dave asked, “What’s the Pro total for your weight class?” In that moment, I knew that was no longer the goal — it became a Pro total.
Murphy's Law Reigns Supreme at Tennessee State Championships
Murphy's Law Reigns Supreme at Tennessee State Championships
Murphy’s Law: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. That’s pretty much a solid description for how the Tennessee State Championships went for me. But hey, good job to the victors. Now it’s time to prepare for my next meet…
44 Things to Pack for Your Next Meet
44 Things to Pack for Your Next Meet
Packing the basics is just half the battle. Meet sites can be cold, uncomfortable, and might be far from easy access to good food. All variables need to be taken into consideration while packing for meet day… and these 44 items will help you cover your bases.
How to Tame the Meet Prep Beast
How to Tame the Meet Prep Beast
The meet prep beast is going to rear its ugly heads at you sometimes, and its mugs come in many forms: injuries, stress, or a lousy no-show training partner. When one of them tries to bite, it’s best to have a flexible plan of action that helps you nimbly dodge from the monster’s jaws.
Upcoming Meet: 2019 APF Cincinnati Women's Pro-Am
Upcoming Meet: 2019 APF Cincinnati Women's Pro-Am
Are you a woman? Check. A pro lifter? Check. An amateur lifter? Check. Are available the weekend of April 13th-14th? Check. If you've checked off at least three of these prerequisites, you should go register for the 2019 APF Cincinnati Women's Pro-Am meet.
Meet Report: 1,200 Total at IPA Buckeye Brawl
Meet Report: 1,200 Total at IPA Buckeye Brawl
It was my first time representing Team elitefts at a meet. The support I got from them was unreal. Oh, and the team shirt was pretty cool, too.
WATCH: A Better (or at least more exciting) Bench Setup
WATCH: A Better (or at least more exciting) Bench Setup
On technique, execution, and flare, he gets a 10.
The Building of Mike Strom
The Building of Mike Strom
As Strom prepares for Worlds, his coach reflects on what it took to get there.
Cycling Reverse Band Tension to Build Peak Strength
Cycling Reverse Band Tension to Build Peak Strength
Reverse bands are a common tool to overload movements, but there is more than one way to utilize them in your training.
USAPL American Open Results
USAPL American Open Results
I had some good PRs, some serious let downs, and a great battle with IPF world deadlift champ Mike Hedlesky.
Tips When Traveling for a Meet
Tips When Traveling for a Meet
Elitefts™ Coach Bob Youngs shares his ‘Tips When Traveling for a Meet‘ checklist.
Monster Garage Gym: What Is Right with Powerlifting?
The meet was everything that is right with powerlifting.
I’m addicted to powerlifting…
No Bullsh*t: Ain’t It Sweet to Be Elite
No Bullsh*t: Ain’t It Sweet to Be Elite
The sweet and sour of the NBS Fitness powerlifting team’s first meet.
A Magical Day
A Magical Day
Days that go right may be few and far between, but when you have one like this… it’s just badass.
My Experience with Strength Training in the Military (Part 2)
My Experience with Strength Training in the Military (Part 2)
Jesse Pierce competed in his first powerlifting meet. However, as a soldier, the real task was waiting for him after he stepped off the platform.
It's the Littlest Things That Can Make the Biggest Difference
It's the Littlest Things That Can Make the Biggest Difference
When it comes to competition, you want to make sure everything is in order—even the tiniest things. As Eric Maroscher points out, one thing is definitely key.
Chaos Method Training
Chaos Method Training
Up until the last few months, my template has been the same. It was coined the “Chaos Method.”
44 and Broken, Part 9
44 and Broken, Part 9
It’s done and in the books. I competed at the 16th annual RPS Power Challenge on October 21, 2012.
44 and Broken, Part 8
44 and Broken, Part 8
This is the last time you’ll hear from me until it is in the books.
PL Newbie Guide
PL Newbie Guide
How to prepare, what to expect, and all that comes in between your first time on the platform.
Reno Hardcore: I Am An elitefts™ Athlete
Reno Hardcore: I Am An elitefts™ Athlete
I hadn’t competed in anything since college and that fire was raging again after the meet.
44 and Broken, Part 3
44 and Broken, Part 3
I’m three weeks into my journey to return to competition after a six-year layoff. So far I have received a lot of positive feedback for putting my quest out there.
44 and Broken, Part 1
44 and Broken, Part 1
When I was younger, I read about Hatfield’s 1000-pound squat and said to myself, “I will do that someday.” That day never came.
Powerlifting 101: Why You Need to Compete…Now
Powerlifting 101: Why You Need to Compete…Now
By far, the most important reason to compete is because it’s a blast.
The MBA Meathead: The Business Restructuring Cycle
The MBA Meathead: The Business Restructuring Cycle
I need to work for a few months on conditioning and tons of accessory work to bring up weaknesses.
NAPF Arnold Raw Challenge
NAPF Arnold Raw Challenge
I wanted to get on the biggest stage a raw lifter could find…and then win.
Brute Strength Gym's Strongest Man IV Write-up
Brute Strength Gym's Strongest Man IV Write-up
My ears got bumblebees in them, legs went to jello, vision began to shrink down to a tiny dark tunnel and everything got tinted red.
Brian Schwab: APF Gulf Coast Recap
Brian Schwab: APF Gulf Coast Recap
I’ve been training for meets non-stop for years and although I’m not injured physically, I need a break mentally.
The Day of Deads: Proven Performance Strongman 1 Write Up
The Day of Deads: Proven Performance Strongman 1 Write Up
The only memory I have of that event is the pain from every rep, but I wasn’t about to quit.
Brian Schwab: APF Raw Nationals Results
Brian Schwab: APF Raw Nationals Results
My point from this is that meet conditions are never perfect, whether or not you plan for them to be.
Amy Wattles: Heathen Highland Games Write Up
Amy Wattles: Heathen Highland Games Write Up
In the end, it’s just about getting better each time I’m out there.
Andy Deck at the Amateur Strongman World Championships
Andy Deck at the Amateur Strongman World Championships
Andy Deck, representing lightweights worldwide at the Arnold Sports Expo.
Peaking for a Meet
Peaking for a Meet
I designed this program to have in front of me week in and week out until judgment day arrived.
Adam Drigger's Decembombs
Adam Drigger's Decembombs
I knew it was December, but I was purposely ignoring my own good advice.
Long-Winded Paxton Strongman 6 Write-Up
Long-Winded Paxton Strongman 6 Write-Up
The only regret that I have about this contest is that it’s over!
2010 North American Strongman Nationals Write-Up
2010 North American Strongman Nationals Write-Up
I am more excited than ever for the future of Strongwoman in America.
Vincent Dizenzo Grinds it Out
Vincent Dizenzo Grinds it Out
I figured if I was going to throw caution to the wind with my equipped training I’d need some sort of edge.
Dizenzo Benches 800
Dizenzo Benches 800
Everyone must have been scared of me. Either that or nobody wanted to fly to Connecticut to lift.
A New Bench PR
A New Bench PR
I have 8 weeks till the Pro-Am, so I hope to get my 800-plus press there. I still have plenty of time.
Meet Day Eats
Meet Day Eats
Here’s a good meal plan to ensure adequate energy and hydration for a powerlifting meet.
How NOT to Make Weight
How NOT to Make Weight
My meet didn’t exactly go as planned.
Cycling for the Big Meet
Cycling for the Big Meet
Getting ready for a big meet is stressful. There are a lot of things to consider, especially when using equipment. I am not going to write out all of my workouts, but I am going to give you a few points that I have learned over the last 20 years, and hopefully you can avoid some of my
Choosing and Training Your Openers
Choosing and Training Your Openers
We get a lot of questions regarding how to choose openers for powerlifting meets and there are a lot of ways to look at this. Since most veteran powerlifters have their own way of doing things and will probably never read this article, we are not going to address them. What I am going to do is address the lifter

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