Metal - IPF Powerlifting Update
METAL and IPF have signed the co-operation contract for next four years.
Gear vs. Raw Training Minus Bro-Science
Do you really know how gear works or are you relying on Bro Science?
Going Pro
I started experimenting with single ply gear a few months ago including Metal IPF V-Type Squatter, Metal IPF King Presser, and Metal IPF Deadlifter.
METAL Gym Training, deadlift with chains..
Ano Turtiainen, Olli Ruohola, Jari Malinen, Vesa Taavitsainen, Kalle Hyotylainen, Lari Liukkonen, Kalle Rasanen, etc..
Board Press with Bench Shirt
I do understanding most readers don’t bench press with a shirt and more than likely never will.
The 5/3/1 Bench Routine for the Equipped Lifter
The entire routine is structured around the strength curve that you would use while benching in a good shirt. The main exercises are floor presses with chains, 4-boards, 5-boards, and shirted bench work.