Life, Lifting, and Jeeps
Life, Lifting, and Jeeps
Even after 47 years of life, I continue to realize there are crossover lessons between powerlifting and life. Case in point: modifying a new Jeep for desert driving.
Chad vs. The World: Redefining Dedication
Chad vs. The World: Redefining Dedication
Even the smartest, strongest, and best of us can learn and improve on what we do or how we do it. The journey for strength is all about education and learning, and this is how we continue to get stronger. All of this takes dedication.
Hard Lessons Learned From Half a Lifetime of Lifting
Hard Lessons Learned From Half a Lifetime of Lifting
With a bachelor’s degree in exercise science, a master’s degree, and a doctorate in the works, you think I’d be smart about how I trained. Well, think again! I’ve spent most of my life training like an idiot. Don’t make the mistakes I did. Learn from them.
My Biggest Mistakes as a Strength and Conditioning Coach
My Biggest Mistakes as a Strength and Conditioning Coach
These are just a few of my mistakes, and I’ve made many more than the ones listed here. Remember, mistakes are just lessons, so if you haven’t made any mistakes, you haven’t learned any lessons.
Advice for High School Linemen
Advice for High School Linemen
I’ve made a lot of mistakes when I was younger, and I believe it’s part of a coach’s job to pass on the knowledge and experiences I have gained from my own athletic career, such as never being average, striving for perfection, and detailing everything.
Supplemental Training Mistakes and Essentials
Supplemental Training Mistakes and Essentials
I learned a large portion of my knowledge of supplemental training from many mistakes I made in the gym. I am hoping to help all of you readers avoid at least a few of the mistakes I made and get more out of your supplemental training.
The 5 Worst Mistakes I've Made in Powerlifting
The 5 Worst Mistakes I've Made in Powerlifting
You learn a lot from the mistakes you make at your first meet. Imagine all you can learn from the mistakes spanning an entire powerlifting career.
WATCH: Good Morning Styles and Mistakes
WATCH: Good Morning Styles and Mistakes
Different versions can fix different problems.
Take off your iPod and love someone with your gift.
Personal Trainer Writing Mistake #1
Personal Trainer Writing Mistake #1
Responding to popular demand, I’d like to cover something I see lots of guys doing on websites and in articles.
The Angry Coach: Top Three General Mistakes
The Angry Coach: Top Three General Mistakes
Just something to think about when you’re in the middle of the learning process – like we all still are.
The Angry Coach: High School Strength Coaches - Don't Make This Mistake
The Angry Coach: High School Strength Coaches - Don't Make This Mis...
I learned that it’s pointless to bring a gun to a knife fight, if you will.
3 Mistakes Made by High School Football Head Coaches
3 Mistakes Made by High School Football Head Coaches
If you’re a head coach, don’t do this. If you’re going to do this, don’t hire a strength coach.
Mistakes by a First Time Lifter
Mistakes by a First Time Lifter
This article is about a lifter who I have talked with over the internet a few times. I won’t mention any names or places, but he knows who I’m talking about. I watched a disaster happen at his first meet. There are a number of things that he and his group could have done differently to help him through his
5 Bigest Bench Mistakes
5 Bigest Bench Mistakes
Dave demonstrates the top 5 biggest bench mistakes.
The Number 1 Squat Mistake
The Number 1 Squat Mistake
The number one squat mistake.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now
If I Knew Then What I Know Now
From time to time growing up, I would hear these words come out of someone’s mouth, but I never thought about what they meant.
Not Cutting Fat and Keeping Muscle? You May Be Doing 1 of These 5 Things Wrong
Not Cutting Fat and Keeping Muscle? You May Be Doing 1 of These 5 Things...
As with anything in life, consistency reaps major rewards.
 60 Bench Tips and Common Mistakes
60 Bench Tips and Common Mistakes
Maybe you just don’t know how to f&*%ing bench! Then we suggest you read these tips.
 The Top Five Mistakes Made by Basketball Players
The Top Five Mistakes Made by Basketball Players
There is a cornucopia of training information for almost every athletic endeavor that you can imagine partaking in. This information can be found online, in books, and from seminars. You don’t have to go very far to learn about training for your sport.
Beginner Mistakes, Part II: The Dynamic Bench Press
Beginner Mistakes, Part II: The Dynamic Bench Press
Having coached for several years and after attending several Force Training seminars, I see the same problems on dynamic bench day no matter where I am. These problems aren’t always reserved for the beginner; I seem to make some of these same mistakes and have to take a step back and re-evaluate. Let us first take a look at the
Beginner Mistakes - Part I: Max Effort Progression
Beginner Mistakes - Part I: Max Effort Progression
When I first started training using the Westside methods, I would often end my max effort exercise and feel like I didn’t do anything.

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