How Do You Become a Superhero?
You don’t have to have powers to be a superhero… after all, not all heroes wear capes.
The Role of Self-Regulation and Control in Sport Performance
You must be in control or have autonomy, to set goals, move through intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, and grittily, hardily, toughly keep on track — especially if your choice is to be or continue being a successful high-performance athlete.
The Role of Mental Toughness in Sport Performance
I decided to finish the series with what I consider to be the remaining badly misused concepts. The previous one was discipline, and now, the worst of all: mental toughness.
New Rules for Being a Strength Coach
If you aren’t willing to change and grow, you won’t survive. Here are the ways my perspective on strength coaching rules has changed since my previous article on the topic.
The Power of Support
Even in powerlifting, when it feels like you’re one-on-one with the bar, you’re not alone.
Exiting Your Comfort Zone: Expect Casualties Along the Way to Success
Winners create their chances and don’t wait for opportunities. They are relentless, ruthless, and focused.
Putting It All Out There — Fighting Complacency and Contentment
Making progress in training or in life means taking ownership of your future. Are you a passenger sitting quietly or are you grabbing the wheel and pressing the gas pedal?
The False Prophecy of Motivation and Inspiration
It is nice to think we should always be ‘motivated’ and ‘inspired’ to achieve our dreams or goals. Shit, I wish it were like that. The truth is that that we all have ups and downs.
I’m Just Like You
I’m a judgmental dick, but technically, I’m no different than some of the people I judge.
You Are Dying
You’re on this planet for a reason. You have a purpose. Don’t let it die inside you so that you can live a safe life.
WATCH: Q&A with Coach Kav — The Reason for Motivational Quotes and S...
What’s the deal with all of Coach Kav’s quotes and slogans? Do they actually make a difference?
The Next Cup of Coffee
I found the one thing that I was missing, and you might be too. The one thing that is a bigger energy booster than any cup of coffee.
Peak Mental Performance Podcast featuring Jim Wendler — Discipline over ...
These discipline-related principles frame the discussion that Jim and I have in this episode. We also discuss various training principles that all circle back to the idea of prioritizing discipline.
All Together Now — The Psychologist
Today we will look into sports psychology. While the coach and the nutritionist are pushed into multi and interdisciplinarity even when there is not a proper structure for it, the same doesn’t happen with the sports psychologist.
Approaching the Bar: What Motivates You Before A Heavy Lift?
Do you need ammonia? Loud music? A slap to the back of your head? Your training partners screaming?
If I Could Write a Letter to Me...
I took the opportunity to write myself a letter but with one caveat: I couldn’t include ANY reference to working out, competing or being “buff.”
Why Compete in Powerlifting?
Powerlifters train for years to test their strength at powerlifting meets, yet receive little recognition or financial reward in return. So where’s the motivation?
WATCH: Motivational Rant at UGSS
You will meet people who change your life forever. I’ve found most of mine within the four steel walls we call a gym.
Why Do You Lift — Defining Hope, Motivation, and Risk
This is where we find the relationship between hope and two other concepts that are directly important to sports performance and powerlifting in particular: motivation and risk.
How Powerlifting Saved My Life
Years of self-destructive life and eating habits led me to 430 pounds and a combined diagnosis of pre-diabetes and hypertension. I had two options: make a change or die.
Coaching: Sometimes It's All in the Delivery
Learning to connect with and effectively motivate your athletes can go a long way. Choose your words wisely.
To Reach Your Goals, Be An Observer
Don’t become so caught up in your own head that you lose objective grounding in your assessment of the world. Here’s how to properly use detachment to reach your goals.
WATCH: CNS Burnout in the Gym
With all the energy Clint spends on being a chaotic animal in the weightroom, is he vulnerable to central nervous shutdown?
Inspiration and Motivation: 6 Articles to Help You Find Your Inner Drive
Being truly great means finding a way to help others the same way you seek to improve yourself.
Who's Your Iron Mike?
That extra push each competitor needs doesn’t always come from the place you’d most expect it. Sometimes it comes from Iron Mike.
Being A Garage Lifter
Training changed my life, but it was elitefts that taught me how to do it correctly. I’m a garage lifter, and I’m happy to be.
WATCH: JL Holdsworth Defines the Culture of The Spot Athletics
It is no accident that The Spot Athletics has a distinct persona in the sports performance industry; JL and his coaches have worked hard to establish precisely the training facility they want for their clients.
Obesity Is Beating Americans
In a time where we have more health based resources ever before how can the obesity epidemic be worsening?
Antoine Vaillant Backing It Up
"Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body."
-Arnold Schwarzenegger
'Heavy Metal Fitness' Films Motivational Training Video
Elitefts equipment is marketed as exceptionally durable and intended for heavy use. Here's how it holds up on video.
Surround Yourself with Amazing People
The experience of sharing success with like-minded individuals will motivate you to wake up everyday and make the most of the time you’re given.
LISTEN: The Power Athlete Podcast
John Welbourn and his coaching crew provide insight into how they create power athletes.
Motivation and Willpower Seminar with James Clear
Success and self-control are twisted together tighter than two strands of DNA.
5 Mental Strategies To PR at Your Next Competition
You’ve spent weeks preparing your body for the meet, don’t let your mind hold you back.
Motivation for Youth Athletes Through Friendly Competition
Worked well for Cain, not so well for Abel.
Evan Centopani Discusses Adversity
Prime Nutrition's Evan Centopani Discusses Adversity- In this video we visit Evan at his home in Connecticut
Important Steps to Reach Your Goals
Let go of your past, bury old habits, and look to a brighter future.
Great Lessons We Can Learn From Arnold Schwarzenegger
Excellent Podcast with Tim Farris and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Incentive-Based System for Collegiate Athletes
Abandon the carrot and stick in favor of a more effective and measurable motivational strategy.
Life Is NOT A Marathon
This post really caught my attention because I think along the same lines and as so happens was considering writing something about the same topic. As luck would have it Martin beat me to the punch and did a WAY better job with this than I ever could of.
Live What You Love!
Motivation is the inner power or energy that pushes toward acting, performing actions and achieving. –
#BM Motivation
Live What You Love!
Motivation is the inner power or energy that pushes toward acting, performing actions and achieving. -
#BM Motivation
WATCH: Three Keys to Strength
When you're dealing with serious challenges, having these three factors in place is even more crucial.
Talent versus Skill
Motivational Speakers speaking in this video are Jaret Grossman, Eric Thomas, Les Brown and Will Smith.
The 80 Percent
Apparently, biologists have known the power our minds hold over our genetics. Yet we aren’t being taught how to take advantage of this fact.
Q&A with Bob Youngs
You can have the best program in the world, but if you don’t work hard you’ll make no progress. Your Facebook questions answered!
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