The Memorial Day Murph Experience
The Memorial Day Murph Experience
In honor of Lieutenant Michael Murphy, it’s time to rep out our yearly tradition. But remember, the volume of this hero WOD is brutal even if you’ve been training consistently for the last 12-weeks. Instead of trying to go “all-in” being mindful of scaling, pacing, and NOT worrying about your past times is important.
Improving Pullups
Improving Pullups
This method will have him doing more pullups quickly.
Future Strength Coach Hopefuls
Future Strength Coach Hopefuls
These guys need some guidance. Are you their answer?
44 and Broken, Part 3
44 and Broken, Part 3
I’m three weeks into my journey to return to competition after a six-year layoff. So far I have received a lot of positive feedback for putting my quest out there.

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