Metabolic Typing (Part 1)
Metabolic Typing (Part 1)
No two people are alike. Enter “metabolic typing,” or what I like to call common sense. In the 1930s, by visiting different parts of the world, Weston Price discovered that there was a link between modern eating habits and the degree of chronic degenerative illness.
Nutrition and Well-Being
Nutrition and Well-Being
I’ve been using nutrition as a successful weapon in such athletic endeavors as powerlifting, running, swimming, sprint triathlons, special operations military training, and then back to powerlifting. Has it made a difference for me?
Free Radicals and Exercise (Part 1)
Free Radicals and Exercise (Part 1)
Although exercise in the form of endurance or resistance type training has numerous benefits such as increasing oxygenation of tissues and improving insulin sensitivity, it also has a downside.
Protein Timing: Protein Essentials (excerpt from the book)
Protein Timing: Protein Essentials (excerpt from the book)
There’s a window of opportunity around workout time where protein consumption enhances muscle protein synthesis above normal levels (in addition to the protein synthesizing effects of resistance training).
Protein: The Complete Guide
Protein: The Complete Guide
Over the past two to three decades, there has been an almost never-ending debate regarding human requirements for protein. The basic argument has come down to whether or not athletes need more protein than average, sedentary individuals.
Fish Oils and Exercise for Better Health
Fish Oils and Exercise for Better Health
According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), high cholesterol, or hyperlipidemia, is one of the primary causes of coronary artery disease.
Combat Nutrition (Part One)
Combat Nutrition (Part One)
A few weeks ago I was weighing guys at the Kentucky Fighting Challenge weigh-ins and I realized how bad these athletes needed some direction regarding nutrition. In fact, I have realized this for a long time as I speak with numerous combat athletes weekly. . I finally decided to address this issue with an article.
Teenage Super Bench Press Monster
Teenage Super Bench Press Monster
The super Bench Press Monster, Mike Brown, brought a massive 730 pounds down to his chest and blew it off like it was a broomstick.
Power Nutrition Recipes to Get You Jacked!
Power Nutrition Recipes to Get You Jacked!
There are thousands of recipes out there but the problem is the large majority aren’t geared for the powerlifter.
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 3)
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 3)
Yes, it’s finally here! You now have the final part in this three part series on how to go up a weight class. All the while making sure you don’t look like you have been on a serious diet of hot dogs and marshmallows.
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 1)
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 1)
One of the most asked questions that I receive is how to gain lean muscle tissue while maintaining their current body fat percentage.
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 2)
The Top 25 Ways to Pack on Serious Mass (Part 2)
In the first part of this series I discussed 8 top ways to pack on mass when going up a weight class. In the second part of this three part series I will continue with the next 8 tips to take you to success.
The Pie Diet, Nutrition for the Powerlifter
The Pie Diet, Nutrition for the Powerlifter
Being a powerlifter allows you more room for error in your nutritional plan than say, a bodybuilder, but getting the right amount of calories and nutrients is just as important.
12 Basic Steps to a Bigger Total
12 Basic Steps to a Bigger Total
Learn the Fundamentals of Power Nutrition.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 2
Auto Regulatory Training Part 2
The training process must include a critical and determined degree of fatigue, followed by an appropriate duration to which Reserve Strength may be elicited.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
The individual control and systematic manipulation of volumetric management is largely dependant upon the proper integration of critical training variables. Specifically, these elements that must be monitored in training for sport can be generally classified into the broad category of measurement.
Training High School Athletes
Training High School Athletes
One of the most asked questions throughout the day was “What would you have done differently, if you knew what you know now?” And though I answered the question as best I could, I couldn’t help but rethink the question over and over.

Items 60 to 76 of 76 total
