More Conjugate For A Little Old Man
More Conjugate For A Little Old Man
I recently turned 78, and that certainly hasn’t stopped me from training. After the responses from last month’s article, I decided to delve a bit deeper into my little old man conjugate training program. Enjoy!
Conjugate For A Little Old Man
Conjugate For A Little Old Man
People have asked me to write about how I train. I haven’t done it because I figured you guys thought it’d be boring… until now. Here’s a look at my training and the process behind it.
Practical Programming Adjustments Determined By Age
Practical Programming Adjustments Determined By Age
If you aren’t considering this factor, your training is suffering.
What's Old?
What's Old?
Instead of thinking of age as a disability or a disadvantage, recognize your experience for what it is: an advantage in achieving physical and mental greatness.

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