I Wanna Get Fat
I Wanna Get Fat
The decision to cut or add weight does not have to be so complicated. Is it a pleasant experience? Well, that's debatable.
WATCH: Table Talk — What Are the Best Core Exercises?
WATCH: Table Talk — What Are the Best Core Exercises?
You should be doing core exercises as part of your warm-up and as part of your accessory work on certain training days. Are you doing the right ones?
The Elitefts Manor— A Retirement Home for Powerlifters
The Elitefts Manor— A Retirement Home for Powerlifters
Where do the old, broken hip, ate-up powerlifters go after they retire from the sport? What do young guys in their prime get to look forward to? It's glorious...just glorious.
From Living and Lifting to Hardly Living and Hardly Lifting
From Living and Lifting to Hardly Living and Hardly Lifting
Life can throw a lot of obstacles your way — my health issues and hospital stay weren't part of my lifting plan this year. But, hey, at least I am alive.
So Many Stupid Reps — Just for Bodybuilders?
So Many Stupid Reps — Just for Bodybuilders?
Julia, in conjunction with Alexander Cortes and Scott Paltos, discusses how training like a bodybuilder and adding in higher reps might help powerlifters with the big three lifts.
WATCH: What Makes the Texas Squat Bar So Special?
WATCH: What Makes the Texas Squat Bar So Special?
Listen to Clint Darden and learn all of the features that really matter for you, the lifter.
Price of the Platform
Price of the Platform
From test vials to Vicodin bottles, a handful of powerlifting champions recount their sacrifices. Was it worth it?
Matt McGorry: A Man of Many Roles
Matt McGorry: A Man of Many Roles
The Unlikely Powerlifter grew from strength sports to high-budget production without losing sight of where he started.
WATCH: Technical Demonstration of Competitive Kettlebell Sport
WATCH: Technical Demonstration of Competitive Kettlebell Sport
Two veterans of kettlebell sport walk you through the ass-kicking, heart-pounding, 10-minute event.
 15 Dumb Things Powerlifters Must Stop Doing
15 Dumb Things Powerlifters Must Stop Doing
You’re guilty of at least one of these things. Don’t be a shithead. Stop.
How to Direct Goals to Achieve Success
How to Direct Goals to Achieve Success
Examples from the playground lead to achievement as an adult.
Crush the Age Barrier
Crush the Age Barrier
Head towards the white lights.
Ed Coan & Chris Duffin Talk Strength Shop
Ed Coan & Chris Duffin Talk Strength Shop
This is REALLY good and worth the time to watch. One key take away aside from the content of the video is to understand you have to ALWAYS keep learning! - Dave Tate
Have You Tried Gateway Gear?
Have You Tried Gateway Gear?
C’ mon guys, everybody’s doing it. It won’t hurt you (as long as you use it correctly).
WATCH: Scenes from the WPC World Championship
WATCH: Scenes from the WPC World Championship
A look back at competitors, experts, and officials that participated in the World Championship.
Deadlift Battle
Deadlift Battle
How many times can you pull 400 pounds in 10 minutes?
Deadlift Battle
Deadlift Battle
How many times can you pull 400 pounds in 10 minutes?
Turning Ordinary Bros to Powerlifting Pros
Turning Ordinary Bros to Powerlifting Pros
Anyone can recruit world champion ringers to their powerlifting team, few coaches can create them from scratch.
Box Squat Troubleshooting: Improve Your Raw Total
Box Squat Troubleshooting: Improve Your Raw Total
You can ditch the gear, but don't ditch the box.
What "Live, Learn, Pass On" Really Means
What "Live, Learn, Pass On" Really Means
In this audio clip, Dave explains how to apply the motto to real life.
Dave Tate's Guide to Supplemental Movements with FULL Video
Dave Tate's Guide to Supplemental Movements with FULL Video
Updated with Dave Tate's FULL presentation (video) on supplemental strength from the LTT8.
The College Student's Guide to Powerlifting
The College Student's Guide to Powerlifting
Welcome to Blast and Dust 101. I’m your professor Joe Schillero.
Is Your Squat Too Low?
Is Your Squat Too Low?
Avoiding the “tuck under” during heavily loaded squats will save you years of pain and injury and will lead to more consistent training and better, stronger results.
What It Takes to Be a Better Than Average Powerlifter
What It Takes to Be a Better Than Average Powerlifter
I have learned in powerlifting as with life that if you want to be successful you have to move past your comfort zone.
Concurrent Strategies in Strength Training, Part 2
Concurrent Strategies in Strength Training, Part 2
For more examples regarding loading protocols, I highly recommend reading Christian Thibaudeau’s, Black Book of Training Secrets–Enhanced Edition. Most of these graphs are taken from there. Another interesting book to consider is Joe Kenn’s, Coach’s Strength Training Playbook, which is another awesome read.
Choosing and Training Your Openers
Choosing and Training Your Openers
We get a lot of questions regarding how to choose openers for powerlifting meets and there are a lot of ways to look at this. Since most veteran powerlifters have their own way of doing things and will probably never read this article, we are not going to address them. What I am going to do is address the lifter
Beginner Mistakes, Part III; Have a Plan
Beginner Mistakes, Part III; Have a Plan
Here are 10 things that will help you plan your workouts and help keep you focused

Items 60 to 87 of 87 total
