3-Day Conjugate Split for the Raw Lifter
A simple and practical solution for those on tight schedules. With this setup, add hundreds of pounds to your total.
I Am Jo Jordan
Powerlifting is a small and fleeting part of Jo’s existence. Although one of his top priorities, the joy of life is family. Learn more!
What I Learned From Louie Simmons
Talk to any strength coach or trainer, and in some way, they have been influenced by Louie Simmons. Here are 7 ways he influenced me.
12-Week Omni-Contraction Program for Powerlifters
Use the omni-contraction method and the different contractions (concentric, eccentric, and isometric) to improve your powerlifting total.
#114 - Table Talk LIVE with JL Holdsworth & Douglas Heel
JL Holdsworth and Douglas Heel join Dave to discuss their travels and share ideas on healing and performance in serving diverse populations.
#112 - Westside Barbell Stories (Discipline and Consistency)
Jim Wendler and Matt Rhodes to discuss training, coaching, consistency, discipline, and past Westside Barbell stories
#108 - Season 2 Finale: Louie Simmons and the Future of Table Talk
In the final episode of Season 2, Dave Tate sits down to discuss Louie Simmons’ passing and the future of Dave Tate’s Table Talk Podcast.
#105 - Training YOUR Ass Off with Dave Tate and Coming Full Circle
Sam talks about what it was like going from “Training HIS Ass Off” to “Training YOUR Ass Off” and going from a participant to an assistant.
#103 - 3 Steps to Get Stronger NOW!
If you’ve plateaued this training season, let Sam be your guide and deliver 3 steps to help you get stronger now.
#102 - Brian Carroll: Hating to Train and the Secret to Deadlifting
In this episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk, Brian Carroll and Dave sit down and share a cigar and dive into what it means on going “all in” in the gym, not wanting to train, and how the hell these little guys deadlifting so much. Don’t miss this episode, filled with banter between friends and […]
#101 - Speed Training, Training Volume, and the Crack House
You may be wondering how speed training, training volume, and crack houses all come up in one episode. Listen to find out.
Try This Warm-Up Before You Bench
How much you bench is reliant on a good warm-up. Here’s an upper body warm-up to help answer this question while reducing the risk of injury.
Build Your Deadlift Without Deficits
There is more to building the deadlift than variety, and there is also a point of diminishing returns to consider.
#99 - Training Talk with ATWR Powerlifter Naomi Sheppard
Sam Brown and Naomi Sheppard talk training and the Ghost Clash, where Naomi competed recently and finished as a top lifter.
#98 - Alcohol and Training?! What Have We Done!?
What? Yes, you read that title correctly. Whoever said that alcohol and training don’t mix was trying to take away some good times.
#97 - Exercise Selection Checklist with Sam Brown
Sam Brown takes over this episode to talk about exercise selection and share his exercise selection checklist.
Can Training Be Protective Against Injury?
Train balls to the wall and stuff is bound to break, right? Back things off and recovery capabilities won’t be as taxed, right? Well, kind of.
#95 - Matt Mills and Brittany Diamond
Matt Mills and Brittany Diamond talk about training for both strongman and powerlifting, gross gym stories, and competition training.
#94 - When Dave Made the Best Gains and Why
In this Table Talk episode, Dave Tate addresses when he felt he was at his “BEST” and what made it possible.
#93 - Can Powerlifting Wreck Your Health, Plus Gear Drama
The long-term impact powerlifting can have on health, and if it wrecks your body, as well as the current state of Multiply Powerlifting gear.
#92 - Fear of Lifting, Getting Paid as a Lifter, and GPP
How to deal with the fear of lifting maximal weights, how to get paid as a Powerlifter, and the integration of GPP into your training.
#89 - Powerlifting Injuries and Meeting Some elitefts Staff
Dave Tate and elitefts staff discuss old injuries and how they came to be at elitefts as well as what to expect from elitefts in the new year.
Never Fear Change
Trying to get stronger or bigger? Carrying too much fat? Regardless of the goal, change is inevitable. Embrace it to reach your goals.
#88 - Sam's Gone and This is the Last Podcast?!?
Dave Tate goes solo to answer questions and give as much information on powerlifting as possible in two hours.
#86 - Dave Tate's Table Talk Live with Jujimufu and Joey Szatmary
Juji and Joey Szatmary review their squat-based lifting day with Dave Tate and Sam and delve into other topics like New Year’s resolutions.
#84 - Dave’s Social Media Obsession and 2022 Training Goals
2022 is upon us and Dave Tate has a plan and goals for social media and how it will impact his business and the education he pushes out.
What is Wrong with Powerlifting?
Absolutely nothing. That may not be the best question to ask if we’re looking to improve this wonderful sport.
#82 - Commercial Gym Conjugate and Training Principles
Take a deep dive into how you can work conjugate into your training if you are restricted by what your commercial gym offers.
Please Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself
Everything in my life has been placed on hold for the past six years. I’m a shell of my younger self and here’s my story. I’m back!
#80 - Mitigating Injury and Peaking for the Meet
Learn how to mitigate injury while under the bar and get the inside scoop on how Sam is peaking for his meet.
#78 - Scratched Bars, Commercial Gym's Secret & Life Strategies
Don’t miss Dave and Sam going in-depth into why scratched bars are such a big deal and Dave’s life strategies he shares with Sam.
Enhance Your Training Through a Detox
I can’t see Arnold doing a set of squats with Ed Corney, as Ed scrolls through his social media or texts Franco Columbo. Can you?
#77 - Injuries, Perceived Maxes, & Squid Game
Dave Tate and Sam Brown discuss how injuries can make you better, perceived maxes, and Squid Game? What’s going on?
#76 - How Dave Enters the Void and Max Effort Training
Dave Tate and Sam Brown talk about how Dave enters the void, their thoughts on max effort training, and trying geared lifting.
#70 - Dave Tate's Table Talk with Chad Aichs
Growing up in the age of Men’s Health magazines, Chad Aichs had to weed through all the bullshit to be one of the strongest men in the world.
The Triple Triad Dogg Shitt Method
You followed part 1 and part 2 and had great results. Here’s ten more weeks to keep pushing beyond your limitations.
Powerlifting Basics: Go Easy on the Croutons
You are only a new lifter once, and that is a gift to take seriously. Don’t squander it by dabbling in the post-elite aspects and methods of training.
#58 - The Boys are Back with Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, Vincent Dizenzo, ...
On this episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk, the boys are back in town! Dave is joined by Jim Wendler, Matt Rhodes, & Vincent Dizenzo!
#57 - Jujimufu on Dave Tate's Table Talk
Get the inside scoop on the legendary Jujimufu that you won’t see anywhere else!
The Powerbuilder Program is Here
We will beat puniness and weakness once and for all as we combine bodybuilding and powerlifting to form the ULTIMATE unity.
The Misuse of Post-Activation Potentiation and Pre-Exhaust in Powerlifting
What does the literature tell us about using exercise before the main work we want to improve that day? It tells us A LOT.
elitefts LIVE with Swede Burns: Q&A on 5th Set, Training for Powerli...
Join Sam Brown as we sit down with Swede Burns of 5thSet fame to talk training, life, and more! This elitefts Livestream was originally broadcast on March 16, 2021.
STRENGTH FEED EXCLUSIVE: WATCH: Q&A with elitefts Director of Perfor...
Join us in this Strength Feed Exclusive re-broadcast as Sam Brown takes your questions!
Sub-Maximal Training, Maximal Results: A 6 Week Beginner / Intermediate ...
This is a basic six-week training cycle for an intermediate or beginner lifter who has reached a plateau in their training. Beginner/intermediate, in this case, refers to someone who has been lifting and following a training routine for 6-12 months. For this article, “squat” refers to the barbell back squat. This is not a […]
Simple & Effective: Linear Periodization for Powerlifting
Linear Periodization isn't "sexy" or cool, but more complicated isn't always better. Here's Dave Tate's explanation from his classic article, "The Periodization Bible:" "The Western or linear method of periodization is the most practiced yet most misunderstood form of periodization used by lifters and coaches today. I was first introduced to the Western method from […]
The Best Lift for Collegiate Athletes
Although collegiate athletes are not powerlifters, powerlifting is the ultimate inspiration for their training. Hands down, the barbell Romanian deadlift should be a part of their exercise selection.
Juggling Powerlifting, Life, and Love
Meet two love birds, Aaron and Kelly Grosos, and learn how they make it work as competitive powerlifters.
Be honest, are you really doing all 5? "Avoid Overtraining You have to increase the amount of volume you are able to recover from. The only way to recover from higher volumes is intelligent programming, patience, smart recovery, and listening to your body. If you don’t feel recovered between sessions, then your volume is probably […]
Programming for Size and Strength: The Overall Structure of Conjuphasic
What is "Conjugphasic"? Christian Anto explains the hows and whys this system for size and strength and gains in his athletes, and how YOU can implement it and make some SERIOUS gains. Conjuphasic programming: Eccentrics Phase _________________________ Week 1 Day 1 Heavy Lower *Cambered Bar Max 3: *Drop Weight 30% then 3x5 + 5 […]
How to Come Back From Multiple Injuries
A personal account of my two-year journey from a broken radius, broken ulna, and a torn ACL (all on the same day) to coming back stronger than ever. Tons of people have broken bones and torn muscles and ligaments before, in and out of competition, and this is just one of those stories.
The Dogg Shitt Method 2
Add these six weeks to the DSM 12-week template, and you have yourself an awesome 18 weeks of training!
It Wasn't What I Thought It Would Be
Sums up 2020…but rewinding the clock, I thought the top guys trained hard every day when I started powerlifting. I thought it was just a matter of getting strong enough and in good enough shape to go hard and heavy 24/7, 12 months a year.
Get Your Powerlifting FastPass
Unlike amusement parks, this FastPass isn’t something you buy with your credit card. This transaction takes effort and time, but when you make the choice, it’ll greatly improve your lifts and ranking,
If It Makes You Strong(er), It Makes You Strong(er)
The only way I know how to explain this concept is by retelling the familiar story of Priorities and a Jar. What are you filling your empty jar with?