Transitioning from Raw to Gear and Back Again
After 10+ years and a lot of success in just knee wraps, one might ask, "Why even bother switching?" I have a few reasons and recommendations for transitioning from raw to gear and back to raw. It takes time, and it's hard, but it's worth it.
Why I’ll Miss Multi-Ply Powerlifting
I'm not gonna subject you to a bunch of "back in my day" bull crap. Assuming you're at least somewhat interested in gear, and instead of playing the middle as I've always done, I'm gonna give you the truth.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Ego in Powerlifting
Sometimes ego helps you out in powerlifting. Sometimes it doesn't. Here's where the ego will bite you, and how to mold yourself for your best lifting and life.
Where Do Powerlifters Go From Here?
Listen as you may, but I strongly urge you to not max out once you return to the gym. I know, you wanna see exactly how strong you are and impress your friends, but resist. Here's why.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #55: Strength History
Who becomes great? What matters now to keep your legacy moving to the next generation? Steve Goggins is Dave Tate's pick for the most underrated powerlifter, and he has his theories for why he isn't mentioned.
Resist the Urge to Compete
I’m betting that in the 6-8 weeks after the quarantine ends, a lot of contests are going to happen. My advice: Resist the urge!
The Thunderdome Within You
I ask a bunch of savages how this pandemic is affecting them. These strongman, powerlifters, coaches, and businessmen share their voice in this time of travesty. Here’s what they have to say.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — What's Missing From Younger Lifte...
“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room…” — Socrates
Becoming of a Female Powerlifter
I’ve recovered from the trauma of competitive bodybuilding, the trauma of being a young girl, a teenage girl, a 20-something girl, I think, as well as I ever will. And now, I eat the extra hotdog and I haven’t run a mile in years. I am a powerlifter.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dave Tate on the Risks and Rewards of ...
Every action has a reaction. If you remain indifferent to the negative reactions while only focusing on the positive reactions, you’re likely going to experience a major wake up call sooner or later.
Seminar Squats
Do yourself a favor and focus on technique; don’t get too wrapped up in band tension, percents, etc. Get your technique down and worry about the other things later.
WATCH: 17 Band Exercises Powerlifters Can Do at Home
Life gets hectic with viruses, gym closings and holidays, work, and travel, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get some training in.
Excuses are the Language of Quitters and Non-Starters
I have seen way too many lifters lose before they even really get started because they fall back on excuses. Be more than an excuse.
Top 6 Mistakes Powerlifters Make Health-Wise
I see the same mistakes made over and over, and these mistakes are absolutely huge when it comes to being able to keep training progressively.
JM Blakley’s Top-5 Bench Press Tips
As told to Dave Tate, some 18 years ago, these tips stand up to the gauntlet of common sense and I’m sure that at least a few will be of use to you. Load the bar!
From the Floor
No matter how strong you think you are, don’t let it go to your head. There’s always room for improvement and progress in the sport of powerlifting.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #47 with Dave Tate
Table Talk #47 coming in live to answer your questions and teach you a thing or two! In today’s Table Talk Dave Tate will be focusing specifically on beginners and their programming for this episode.
Beware of the Clowns
Every gym has a few clowns, and they are always entertaining. Think about your gym: can you picture them in your mind’s eye? Yup, that is them.
10 Ways to Increase your Longevity in Powerlifting
Do you fall into the category of lifters who don’t move outside of the 1-3 hours spent in the gym? If so, you’re not going to last very long in this game. Here’s how to increase your longevity as a powerlifter.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #46 with Dave Tate
Dave got you a Valentine’s day present… His undivided attention answering your questions from Instagram and Youtube! He’s rolling solo today answer prepared questions and live ones!
How I'm Prepping for My Next Meet
How do you prepare for your next week? When do you start preparing? Jeff Guller likes to get started with conjugate powerlifting nine weeks before meet time.
5 Platform Lessons to Take to Your Next Meet
What were your takeaways from last year as a powerlifter? By reflecting on our experiences, we can improve our future and how we react to it. Learn from my mistakes and do better this year.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #45 with Dave Tate
After a sickness that kept Dave out of the office for a few days, he returns to the table to talk everything conjugate. Joining in on the collaboration, our trusty strength and conditioning editorial intern is by his side. Tune in and enjoy!
I Thought He Was Dead or Living in a Cave in the Desert!
Just because you’re getting older, doesn’t mean that you can’t reach your fitness goals. It simply means your goals need to shift to suit your current state.
Do You Want to Increase Your Overhead Strength?
Are you not performing optimally because of a tight scapula? Limited scapulae mobility can prevent you from increasing your overhead strength the way you want to.
6-Week Cycle for the Powerlifter in Limbo Land
Sometimes life gets busy and it cuts into your training time. However, that doesn’t mean you still can’t get a good workout in and make progress.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Does Anyone's Bench Press Impress...
There are universal traits that unite what elevates a powerlifter to the top regardless of what era you competed in. Rather than try to pick apart the differences of each we should focus on the things that the best still do today.
Off-Season with a Reason
No idea what to do now that your meet is over? Here is an easy guide to help you make the most out of your “off-season.”
WATCH: JM Blakley Shares His Secrets on Bench Press Form
You won’t be able to properly improve your bench press without the proper form. JM Blakley recruits Yessica Martinez and Lily Starobin to share with us his secrets to a solid bench press form.
Breaking Up with the Barbell
Even though lifting weights is a passion, sometimes life challenges you to take a new direction. When Nicholas Bronkall’s body couldn’t take any more of the same, he got acquainted with movement in brand new ways.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip – JM Blakley Challenges the Idea of Spee...
Is speed work really doing anything for your progress? JM Blakley is willing to bet that it isn’t. Powerlifting is about force, not speed.
A Bag of Bricks
What can a retired Navy SEAL teach us about managing stress and fear in our lives? Robert O’Neill says carrying stress is like carrying around an unnecessary bag of bricks.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #43 with Julia Anto, Yessica Martinez, and Al...
This episode will have a little less testosterone than usual, but don’t let that stop you from listening! Tune in to find out what makes these three women strong(er) than you…
WATCH: Jordan Shallow Explains How Bicep Curls Can Help with Your Should...
Another way to combat the shoulder and elbow pain present in many powerlifters is by doing bicep curls, and doing them properly. It will help prevent injury when doing your bench press.
Mountain Dog Makeover
Don’t be afraid to steal from others if it benefits your training. Incorporating borrowed ideas into your training can take it to the next level.
3 Things I Learned From Training My @ss Off with Dave Tate
The Train Your @ss Off with Dave Tate event was not only a life-changing experience; it was also truly something I will remember forever. It has made me a better coach, a better training partner, and a better overall human because it helped me figure out what is truly important in my life.
12-Week Powerlifting/Strongman Hybrid Program
How are strongman and powerlifting related and how do you combine the two in a program? This is something Dave Tate wanted me to write, so here it is.
Three Questions You Should Ask Your Chiropractor
Finding a new healthcare provider can be tedious and frustrating, particularly if you don’t feel you’re being heard. Start a new visit off by asking the right questions to be sure you’re speaking to the right professional.
7 Exercises That Have Become Extinct
Trends come and go and with them, certain exercises. With that in mind, which exercises does a seasoned bodybuilder say are outdated?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Common Causes of Hip Shift
Hate to break it to you, but you can’t out-correct a corrective exercise.
2020 Vision
Powerlifting benefits all ages, from young to mature. No matter your age, results won’t come without motivation and motivation won’t come without discipline. What are your 2020 goals and how will you achieve them?
WATCH: How Tricep Extensions Can Improve Your Bench Press
Elbow pain is a common ailment of powerlifters, particularly when it comes to the bench press. However, an unlikely move can help treat and prevent bench press related elbow pain.
Peaking Technically
Peaking technically is reeling in your training from general to specific as a meet approaches while changing and removing variations and setting yourself up to be at your best technically. This is important when transitioning to a conjugate approach.
WATCH: Dave Tate's Powerlifting Warm-Up Circuit
If you’ve dreamed of training the same way Dave Tate’s athletes do, today’s your lucky day… well, not exactly. Maybe you can’t train like them, but you can sure warm up like them!
Week of Testing: Rest or Train?
Rest and recovery is a key part of any workout program, no matter the type or level of difficulty. Remember that while reaching your PR goals is important, so is your mental and physical health.
WATCH: I am Jordan Shallow
“I’m not the strongest guy in the world, but I might have a run as one of the stronger chiropractors.” elitefts coach and columnist Dr. Jordan Shallow wants to make his mark in chiropractic, education, training, and fitness — and he might be doing just that through his travels and writings.
Is Programming More Important Than Technique?
I decided to poll lifters at a meet to get their opinion. Their answers may surprise you.
Jeff Guller's 2019 in Review
Even though I didn’t make all of the goals I set for this year, I did have some good results. And if results are the measure of a year, then it was a good year.
Got Upper Back?
It seems that lifters do not understand the importance of the upper back or how to use it in the three main lifts. The lifters I judged at a recent meet and just about all of my clients prove that to me, so let’s fix that.
Competition Results: 7 elitefts Athletes, 3 Meets, 1 Weekend
Check out how some of your favorite lifters did this past weekend at Great Lakes Raw, IPA Buckeye Brawl, and APF Raw Power Challenge.
Win Games by Waving Volume
Most college programs that I’ve seen basically run three sets on all accessories. I didn’t want to be most college programs. I had to find a way to do a ton of work and build work capacity but also not run the kids into the ground. That’s where waving volume came into play.
5 Gifts for the Ultimate Powerlifting Garage Gym
I am here to tell you if these are on your Christmas list and you get all these items, then you will be on track for a massive total and some of the best training of your life. I cannot recommend all of these pieces enough.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #39 with Dave Tate
Fun fact: Dave’s out of the purple Monsters, so green is his next best option (the white Monster’s make him shit). Tune in and ask away!
WATCH: I am JM Blakley
“Our human potential is much higher than we recognize.” elitefts coach and columnist JM Blakley might be the namesake of the JM Press, but he hopes his impact in the strength sports world will go far beyond that and the weights he’s lifted.
WATCH: How to Implement Strongman into Your Powerlifting Training [White...
If you’re interested in doing some strongman movements but are hesitant because you’re in the middle of a program, don’t be! Brian Alsruhe will show you how to implement those movements into your current program.
5 Gifts for the Powerbuilder
With no weight class or aesthetic events to worry about around the holiday season, it’s a perfect opportunity to pack on some extra mass… and to pick up some gifts for your favorite powerbuilder.
How to Set Up a Successful Meet Prep
The harder you work and push yourself in your off-season, the better and more productive your competitive season will be.
What If No One Was Watching?
One might act a certain way at a concert Saturday night but act entirely different at church Sunday morning… and of course, one might lift a certain way for the sake of Instafamousness and socialookatmedia versus how they should lift and train for the pending meet or competition.