The Powerlifting Pond
The Powerlifting Pond
Do you remain a big fish in a little pond or venture out of your comfort zone and into bigger meets?
Will Equipped Powerlifting Rise Again?
Will Equipped Powerlifting Rise Again?
Lifters’ longevity in the sport may ultimately dictate which division becomes the most popular.
The Death of Powerlifting
The Death of Powerlifting
What’s wrong with powerlifting? Not online coaching. Not Crossfitters doing meets. Not other lifters secretly being deep cover Nazi operatives. Not anything about other lifters, or coaches, at all. All that’s really wrong, from my perspective, is this…
Death of a Number
Death of a Number
I’ve seen men shoot bottle rockets out of their ass for views and women with “shorts” on using thirst trap camera angles from the rear all in an attempt to be accepted as a “powerlifter.” Sadly, it works.
2016 APF Equipped Nationals — Qualifying for WPC Worlds
2016 APF Equipped Nationals — Qualifying for WPC Worlds
What I overcame for this meet is far more than I have for any other.
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
I’m making some changes and have employed the knowledge of several lifting legends to answer these crucial questions.
Beyond the Barbell
Beyond the Barbell
For most powerlifters, exercise begins and ends with the barbell. What if I told you there were ways to get better without it?
WATCH: What Is Team elitefts?
WATCH: What Is Team elitefts?
Many definitions may apply, but how does Clint Darden define Team elitefts?
Top 20 Things Men Should Know About Female Powerlifters
Top 20 Things Men Should Know About Female Powerlifters
You think you know about female powerlifters? You don't know the first thing that is going on in their heads.

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