USA and USPA Powerlifting at the 2016 SkillCon
USA and USPA Powerlifting at the 2016 SkillCon
Coming soon this December. Register today!
Guest Judging Boss of Bosses 3
Guest Judging Boss of Bosses 3
Watching a lifter going for a lift he knows he has to make to move into first place... Watching a lifter going for a record that has stood for 15 or 20 years...
The American Idol Phenomenon in Powerlifting
The American Idol Phenomenon in Powerlifting
Without that experience in their back pocket, they simply get eaten up and spit out by the industry.
Rob Hall Totals 2226 Raw at Boss of Bosses 3
Rob Hall Totals 2226 Raw at Boss of Bosses 3
We made five specific changes to add 200 pounds to Rob's total in the last six months.
IPA Mountain Madness — My First Single-Ply Meet
IPA Mountain Madness — My First Single-Ply Meet
After three injuries in a half a year, I was pissed. I was depressed. I was dumbfounded. But I found my way back, hitting a PR total for my first single-ply meet.
WATCH: How to Fight Friction in the Deadlift
WATCH: How to Fight Friction in the Deadlift
Here is one tip I use in the gym and on the platform to make the entire movement smooth as possible.
Why I Love Powerlifting: 2016 RPS Lexen Dog Days
Why I Love Powerlifting: 2016 RPS Lexen Dog Days
This was my first push/pull meet and I kept repeating to myself, “It’s time. Work is done. Make it happen.”
How Do You Pick Your Opener?
How Do You Pick Your Opener?
There are many ways lifters go about picking their openers. I admit, my way might not be for you. But if it isn’t, you can still learn something from it.
Cus D’Amato — Past, Present and Future Thoughts
Cus D’Amato — Past, Present and Future Thoughts
Evaluating the past is important for fixing things that you did wrong. Looking forward to the future is important for setting goals. But if you do these things at the wrong time, you’ll run into trouble.
To Redemption: UPA Old School Iron Gym Summer Showdown
To Redemption: UPA Old School Iron Gym Summer Showdown
I hated that I fell short of my goal at the XPCs…90 pounds short to be exact. Each and every pound I left on the platform back in March is what fueled my training for my off-season and meet preparation.
144 Things I Love and Hate About Powerlifting
144 Things I Love and Hate About Powerlifting
Every lifter has their own reasons to love or hate this sport. Here are mine.
Building An All-Around Team: Find Your Role
Building An All-Around Team: Find Your Role
In any successful group or team, there are three key positions that must be filled. Does your team have them?
USPA Drug Tested National Powerlifting Championships — Meána Franco PRs in Every Lift
USPA Drug Tested National Powerlifting Championships — Meána Franco PRs ...
I needed to regain confidence in myself as a lifter and take a step out of my comfort zone. I accomplished this at USPA Nationals.
Special Olympics Ohio: The Definition of Strong(er)
Special Olympics Ohio: The Definition of Strong(er)
The powerlifting community could learn a lot from the Special Olympics.
Powerlifting Meets: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Powerlifting Meets: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
One of the best meets that I’ve been to as a competitor was the 2014 WPC World Championships in West Palm Beach, Florida. Why was it so great?
"The Jenn" Jenn Rotsinger Inaugural Women's Empowerment Weekend
"The Jenn" Jenn Rotsinger Inaugural Women's Empowerment W...
If this weekend is any sort of indication of the direction and growth of women’s powerlifting, I’m sitting on my hands excited and have a few handfuls of confetti in my pockets.
WATCH: Knee Wrapping Technique for PR Attempts
WATCH: Knee Wrapping Technique for PR Attempts
If I don’t want to punch you in the face during my wrap, it’s not tight enough. Here’s how to do it right.
RPS Canadian Nationals — My First Meet Post Shoulder Surgery
RPS Canadian Nationals — My First Meet Post Shoulder Surgery
I believe you should treat every injury as a gift. While fighting to make it back to the platform I learned many things.
So You Made Weight, Now What?
So You Made Weight, Now What?
You’ve put 8-16 weeks of hard work into your meet prep. Why ruin it 24 hours before the competition?
2016 APF Equipped Nationals — Qualifying for WPC Worlds
2016 APF Equipped Nationals — Qualifying for WPC Worlds
What I overcame for this meet is far more than I have for any other.
WATCH: Dave Tate's Closing Speech — April Training Camp
WATCH: Dave Tate's Closing Speech — April Training Camp
The founder of elitefts spoke with all attendees, finalizing a day of learning with coaches JL Holdsworth, Swede Burns, and Casey Williams,.
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Hardcore Lifters
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Hardcore Lifters
The information in this article is meant for lifters who care about only one thing: building the biggest powerlifting total possible.
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Normal Lifters
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Normal Lifters
The majority of people that go to the gym want a place where they can have fun, get stronger, and not be stressed in an overly-competitive environment. Here’s how to do it.
50 Things All Handlers Need to Know
50 Things All Handlers Need to Know
This list and the included video give you what you need to know before, during, and after the meet to help your lifter reach their competitive goals.
Lifting on the Platform — In Honor of My Father
Lifting on the Platform — In Honor of My Father
The journey was difficult but I walked away accomplishing something much more important at the Women’s Pro-Am than a big total.
Wish They Could All Be California Meets
Wish They Could All Be California Meets
The whole point of the US Open was to show Tarra and instill some confidence in what I already knew: that she would still be able to perform well at a lighter bodyweight.
Mental Characteristics of Successful Powerlifters
Mental Characteristics of Successful Powerlifters
In my years of powerlifting, I have seen some really gifted people go nowhere, and some really poorly suited people do very well. Mindset is everything.
6 Don'ts for New Lifters Going Into a Meet
6 Don'ts for New Lifters Going Into a Meet
As a coach and competitor these are the recurring mistakes I witness many first-timers make.
Post-Meet Training — What to Do the First 9 Weeks After Competition
Post-Meet Training — What to Do the First 9 Weeks After Competition
This 9-week program is designed to allow recovery, build muscle, improve conditioning, and prepare you mentally and physically for another heavy training cycle.
Three Powerlifting Fads That Are Hurting Your Total
Three Powerlifting Fads That Are Hurting Your Total
Training isn’t meant to be flashy — it’s meant to be effective. Resist the temptation of these “hip” techniques and stay on track to bigger PRs on meet day.
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
Switching to Single-Ply and Walking Out the Squat
I’m making some changes and have employed the knowledge of several lifting legends to answer these crucial questions.
WATCH: Table Talk — Where Is the Sport Discipline?
WATCH: Table Talk — Where Is the Sport Discipline?
There’s going to be a time when you can’t do this anymore. Don’t piss on this opportunity. When it’s gone, it’s gone.
Finding Peak Performance in Powerlifting Through Personal Coaching
Finding Peak Performance in Powerlifting Through Personal Coaching
The key to breaking my long-term training plateau was turning to someone with more knowledge and training experience than me. He knew exactly what I needed.
Coaching CJ Piantieri at the Special Olympics Southeast Meet
Coaching CJ Piantieri at the Special Olympics Southeast Meet
For over six years I have watched CJ overcome many obstacles. I am always impressed by his competitive tenacity and love for powerlifting.
Raw Unity Meet 9: Coaching, 5thSet, World Record Controversy
Raw Unity Meet 9: Coaching, 5thSet, World Record Controversy
Another year of RUM, another weekend of 5thSet lifters kicking ass on the platform. Thank God no one I work with broke a world record, right?
WATCH: Table Talk — Is Geared Powerlifting Dead?
WATCH: Table Talk — Is Geared Powerlifting Dead?
People always want to talk about when geared powerlifting ruled the sport. Now they think raw is in charge. What’s the answer?
Brian Schwab's Gear Recommendations
Brian Schwab's Gear Recommendations
From wraps and singlets to briefs and suits, here are the things I believe you should be wearing when you step on the platform.
Finding A Personal Record Through Consistency
Finding A Personal Record Through Consistency
Powerlifting is one tool I use to measure my strength. Through relocation, job change, a virus, a motorcycle crash, and children (the list goes on), there’s one thing I learned this past year: consistency.
The Warm-Up Clock and Controlled Chaos
The Warm-Up Clock and Controlled Chaos
When meet day arrives, you’ll be faced with variables you don’t see in the gym. At Monster Garage Gym, we’ve developed a way to control the most stressful of these variables: the clock.
The Mental Woes of Breaking in New Gear
The Mental Woes of Breaking in New Gear
The whole process is a mental fuck if you let it be. From poly to canvas, here’s my most recent battle with unanticipated obstacles.
How to Cut Weight Without Ruining Your Meet
How to Cut Weight Without Ruining Your Meet
If you’re going to cut weight, you need to control your body’s response to food and water. Use these reliable methods to make your class without hurting meet day performance.
Behind the Numbers: Interview with Bruce Mason
Behind the Numbers: Interview with Bruce Mason
With a growing record of impressive meet numbers, this young and talented lifter aims to take over the sport of geared powerlifting.
The Other Side of the Long and Winding Road
The Other Side of the Long and Winding Road
I’m sharing my difficult story not to elicit sympathy, but to point out facts of life. We all experience challenges, we all have our stories. It is how we deal with them that determines who we are.
0-1200 in 5 Sets
0-1200 in 5 Sets
Using sustainable methods, Tarra has been able to grow from wobbly softball player to unstoppable powerlifter. This is her story.
Canadian Conflict RPS Revolution Powerlifting Meet
Canadian Conflict RPS Revolution Powerlifting Meet
Ken along with over 120 other lifters were at the Canadian Conflict RPS Revolution Powerlifting Meet in Kingston, Ontario this past weekend.
How the Mighty Fall: The Road From Hell
How the Mighty Fall: The Road From Hell
I learned what it was like to feel old and weak, but my heartbeat was a war drum again. As long as I was breathing, I would be moving — I would be moving toward the conflict.
The Science Behind the Weight Cut
The Science Behind the Weight Cut
Weight cuts are one of the worst parts of powerlifting. Here are the ins and outs of the entire process and why you might respond differently than your fellow competitor.
Learning Things the Hard Way
Learning Things the Hard Way
Learning not to do stupid things will take you further in this sport than any training method.
The Spot Athletics Staff Compete at 2015 APF Raw Senior Nationals
The Spot Athletics Staff Compete at 2015 APF Raw Senior Nationals
This year raw and equipped nationals were split. This meant that I didn’t get to see a lot of the team members that I normally do at nationals. As such, it was just my team and myself from at nationals. I did not compete this year as I have way too much going on […]
5 Mental Strategies To PR at Your Next Competition
5 Mental Strategies To PR at Your Next Competition
You’ve spent weeks preparing your body for the meet, don’t let your mind hold you back.
Holdsworth Wins World Championship
Holdsworth Wins World Championship
Overcoming knee injuries and numerous life changes, Holdsworth sees how he ranks in the bench and deadlift categories.
The Powerlifter's Guide to Off-Season Programming
The Powerlifter's Guide to Off-Season Programming
SWOT analysis is crucial in developing a business plan, but can it also be applied to your powerlifting?
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Divas
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Divas
Most are willing to share their knowledge, but there are exceptions.
A Case for Sanity and Powerlifting, Part 2
A Case for Sanity and Powerlifting, Part 2
There are three fundamental strategies any reasonable athlete or coach can use to choose one’s attempts.
A Case for Sanity and Powerlifting, Part 1
A Case for Sanity and Powerlifting, Part 1
Meets are not designed for finding one-rep maxes.
Do You Workout or Train?
Do You Workout or Train?
It is much different to walk into a workout session without any real point than to walk into a training session with an objective ahead of you.
The Coach
The Coach
He taught me more about the deadlift in ten minutes than I had managed to learn in two years. Just imagine what might happen over the next twelve weeks leading up to my next meet.
Visualizing a Lift: Before, After, Here, or There?
Visualizing a Lift: Before, After, Here, or There?
Sports science has taught us that visualization electrically activates the corresponding muscle groups.
The Long Road to My First Meet
The Long Road to My First Meet
This past weekend I competed in my first powerlifting meet, but before I get into an account of the actual event, some background information is probably in order.

Items 60 to 118 of 120 total
