WATCH: Pre-Workout Circuits to Optimize Training Time and Maximize Perfo...
Training a high number of athletes in a limited number of time poses unique problems for timing and extensive warm-ups. Use these quick and efficient protocols to streamline team workouts.
Elitefts™ Mini-Band Shoulder Circuit (high position)
Shoulder Pre-habiliation Circuit using the elitefts™ bands
Elitefts™ Prone Dumbbell Circuit (YTALWs)
Chest Supported Shoulder Pre-hab Circuit using dumbbells on the elitefts™ Collegiate 0-90 Bench
Elitefts™ Mini-Band Shoulder Pre-hab Circuit (low position)
Shoulder Pre-Hab Circuit using elitefts™ mini-bands
Beast Reality: 2013 Training Retrospective
Here is to a new year of paying attention to those little things. They do make all the difference.