The Best of 2020
The Best of 2020
The best-of-the-best content from 2020 all in one spot. Read our top articles, programs, and coaching logs! Watch our most-viewed YouTube videos! Check out our most popular products!
Seeing the Big Picture with your Training and Nutrition
Seeing the Big Picture with your Training and Nutrition
How to understand and breakdown the complexities of your food intake for better weight management.
Monster Garage Gym: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Monster Garage Gym: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
It is pretty much true, you are what you eat…or you will be.
A Case for 1x20 Training
A Case for 1x20 Training
In essence, this is the perfect system for youth athletes.
A Lion in Iron: F$%&ing Pick Something
A Lion in Iron: F$%&ing Pick Something
Stop overthinking cardio and just pick something.
Ruck & Maul: Off Season Rugby Plan for Club Players
Ruck & Maul: Off Season Rugby Plan for Club Players
Are you an athlete struggling with off-season fat gain? Ashley Jones has the program for you.
Training Logs: Do More Than Just Track
Training Logs: Do More Than Just Track
Remember in math class when your teacher told you to show your work? Well, you need to do it again.
Kentucky Strong: The Log Clean and Press
Kentucky Strong: The Log Clean and Press
Whether you want to Push, Press, or Jerk, these tips will definitely improve your log clean and press.
The Big Seminar: Matt Rhodes, Part 5
The Big Seminar: Matt Rhodes, Part 5
In this final segment from the “Big Seminar 2”, Matt Rhodes covers both winter and spring strength training, as well as the meaning of GBF.
The Big Seminar: Matt Rhodes, Part 3
The Big Seminar: Matt Rhodes, Part 3
In this excerpt from Matt Rhode’s speech at TPS’s the Big Seminar 2, Matt gives an overview of his summer football strength and conditioning protocol.
LTT3 Lost Footage: Vincent Dizenzo
LTT3 Lost Footage: Vincent Dizenzo
Putting a program through its paces and getting enough sleep will really help you SFW.
What Programs Will Get You Brutally Strong?
What Programs Will Get You Brutally Strong?
So, to sum up: pick a program you believe in, work HARD at it and get brutally strong.
The Path to the Platform
The Path to the Platform
Failure will happen, it does to everyone, no one is immune.
Introducing the MBA Meathead
Introducing the MBA Meathead
I am here to reinforce that powerlifters are much more than the stereotype presented by tootsie-rolling Planet Fatness marketers and their ilk.
Need Help Programming? Follow Along with Vincent Dizenzo's Bench Training
Need Help Programming? Follow Along with Vincent Dizenzo's Bench Tr...
I’m looking forward to my first intensification block in a few weeks when I can blast weight up like I’m used to.
No Limits, No Nonsense
No Limits, No Nonsense
When designing programs, we all have certain “rules” we abide to, whether they’re drenched in personal bias by us as coaches (including exercises in our programs that we’re comfortable with/have had past success with), someone told us that a certain exercise all of a sudden has little value or isn’t safe anymore, or the exercise in question has withstood the
The Riddle of Iron
The Riddle of Iron
As Conan slashes his way to revenge, we learn two universal truths via his character arc/journey—a man is in complete control of the weapons he commands and a man’s spirit is far more powerful than any weapons he stands against.
How Often Should You Deload?
How Often Should You Deload?
This process will change based upon what sport you are involved in because of different types of skill based training.
Trial and Error
Trial and Error
I have to admit I had been skeptical about guys like Boyle and Robertson.
Problems with Popular Nutrition and Weight Management Programs
Problems with Popular Nutrition and Weight Management Programs
To optimize program effectiveness, a variety of factors should be considered.
Although everyone is a unique snowflake and will adapt slightly differently, there are good ways to train and there are bad ways to train.
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 3)
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 3)
Part 3 of the Alwyn Cosgrove Interview
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 2)
BFP - Alwyn Cosgrove Interview (part 2)
Part 2 of the Alwyn Cosgrove Interview
 Westside for Fat Bastards!
Westside for Fat Bastards!
I’m sure you’ve all heard of the monsters at the Westside Barbell Club in Ohio.
Why You Need to Take Tai Chi
Why You Need to Take Tai Chi
Didn’t you hate it when your mom used to say, “Susan (or whoever), you NEED to clean your room” or “you NEED to empty the dishwasher” or even “you NEED to be nicer to your little brother.” One time I heard a young girl retort to her mother, “I don’t NEED to do anything but be born and die so
Guidelines to Designing Your Own Routine
Guidelines to Designing Your Own Routine
This is a guide for those who are just getting started and need a push in the right direction as far as workout program design.

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