Does the Anabolic Window Exist?
Could rushing for that over-priced protein powder after working out be a waste of muscle-building hopes and cash?
Grow BIG Quads Without Lower Back Pain
Due to a few low back tweaks, while squatting 700 pounds in my early 30s, I’ve had to completely revamp the way I train legs. This article lays out the foundation in which I continue to stimulate quad development in the absence of big pounds.
The Science of Muscle Memory: Is it Real?
Is it actually easier to regain lost muscle and strength than it is to build it for the first time?
Increase Muscle Mass with Massage
If you’re looking for a way to restore muscle function and promote muscle growth, a trip to the massage table may be the answer.
Controversies in Recovery Strategies
This article will provide a scientific evaluation of three frequently-implemented recovery strategies: anti-inflammatory interventions (NSAID/ice baths), foam rolling, and nutrition timing.
WATCH: How Much Protein Do You Really Need to Build Muscle?
100 grams per day? 200? 300? And is it possible too have too much?
Mixing Macros — How to Use Macronutrient Combinations to Improve Your Ph...
Different macronutrient combinations can each have their own physiological effects, advantages, and disadvantages. Take total advantage of it.
7 Bodybuilding Lies That Are Keeping You Skinny and Weak
These fallacies are plastered in every shitty magazine and web blog — you may still be falling for them. I’m here to share the truth.
Are Pain Killers Killing Your Muscle?
Don’t confuse the masking of pain with the process of recovery.
Applying Bodybuilding Science to Create a Genetic Freak
If your simple training program is not producing results, your satellite cells, hormone balance, and intensification techniques might be to blame.
Revisiting Post-Workout Carbohydrates
When looking to spike insulin, carbohydrates are not the only macronutrient to consider.
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part II: To Carb or Not to Carb
I’m going to discuss two schools of thought on this issue: to immediately carb-up post workout or to prolong or completely avoid carbs post workout.