Alternatives to Squat Training After Overuse Injuries
Alternatives to Squat Training After Overuse Injuries
When looking at how to continue to train through overuse injuries, there are five main regressions and changes I have found able to lead to pain-free movement in the squat.
Applications and Benefits of Tempo Training
Applications and Benefits of Tempo Training
Tempo training has the potential to be highly specialized to meet whatever metabolic demands, fiber type, or performance goal an athlete wants to develop.
Team elitefts UGSS — June 2017
Team elitefts UGSS — June 2017
What does this mean for you?
Rehab Done Right: 7 Mistakes of Injury Rehabilitation
Rehab Done Right: 7 Mistakes of Injury Rehabilitation
If you anticipate an extended period of time off, there are lots of things you can do right to avoid common mistakes. Your goal should be to come back stronger and tremendously benefit from time away from heavy weight.
Rehab Report: Repairing My Hand and Planning My Return to the Platform
Rehab Report: Repairing My Hand and Planning My Return to the Platform
This article was meant to have been about the results of my meet in December and the setting of PRs and possible world records. All of those aspirations ended on October 7, 2016.
What's the Purpose of Your Training?
What's the Purpose of Your Training?
It is almost as if lifters don’t think training starts until the weight gets heavy. I’ve got news for these kinds of lifters: a training session starts right after the last one is finished.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — Bringing It All Together
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — ...
This is my favorite part of the whole series — you get to see how all of this comes together and how it can help YOU as a lifter.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — Shifting the Pelvis Back to Neutral
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — ...
We’ve worked on several components separately but this exercise brings them together: first getting into the left hip, then finding neutral, and then breathing and bracing while in this proper position.
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — Glute Retraining
WATCH: Anterior Pelvic Tilt Fix with Casey Williams and Dani Overcash — ...
We pulled him into his left hip in the previous exercise, while this correction is designed to help drive him “off” his right hip.
Powerlifting: 25% Training, 75% Pre-Hab, Rehab, and Injury Prevention
Powerlifting: 25% Training, 75% Pre-Hab, Rehab, and Injury Prevention
If you think you’ll make it in this sport by pushing through your workouts even when you’re injured or suffering, you’re wrong.
The Reason for the Letters — JL's Technique That Is Fixing Dave
The Reason for the Letters — JL's Technique That Is Fixing Dave
For a lot of reasons, we haven’t shared the details of what has been going on to help my training. I’m going to bring everyone up to speed now.
The JL Letters — Passages 3 and 4
The JL Letters — Passages 3 and 4
Every relationship has its highs and lows. You can’t stay on the honeymoon forever.
The JL Letters — Passages 1 and 2
The JL Letters — Passages 1 and 2
Things are getting hot between Dave and JL. What’s behind this growing bond?
5 Barriers: Why You're Having A Bad Experience with PT
5 Barriers: Why You're Having A Bad Experience with PT
Get the most out of working with your rehab expert so you can move better with less pain.
Training Through Injury: How To Overcome Disc and Lumbar Issues
Training Through Injury: How To Overcome Disc and Lumbar Issues
A disc injury is not a death sentence. You now need to develop into a smarter lifter who is not only focused on PR’s but also on long term health.
Ibuprofen Reduces Pain AND Healing Process
Ibuprofen Reduces Pain AND Healing Process
Nsaids can be effective at reducing pain of chronic tendon injuries. However, can they be detrimental to healing in the long run?
Women and Imposter Syndrome
Women and Imposter Syndrome
The more I reflect, I realize how much I have permitted this fear to dictate to the extent to which I engage in certain opportunities or cultivate a niche for myself as an educated, strong ass woman who wants to get you healthy.
Do You Speak Pain?
Do You Speak Pain?
When your body speaks, do you listen? You’ll pay a heavy price for ignoring it.
Assessing Your Dysfunction — Finding Why
Assessing Your Dysfunction — Finding Why
Still searching for your quick fix? You won’t find it anytime soon.
RUM9 Meet Report: Finding My Identity on the Platform
RUM9 Meet Report: Finding My Identity on the Platform
RUM9 is the first meet I stepped onto the platform as an individual with a secure sense of identity as both a PT and athlete. Feelsy meet recap incoming.
Dominance in Movement: Controlling the Dimmer Switch
Dominance in Movement: Controlling the Dimmer Switch
Remember: you don’t do “life” under a bar.
Operation Be Less Fat: A Year In Review
Operation Be Less Fat: A Year In Review
I started 2015 with a plan. Like most plans, it had to change throughout the year. I learned a lot and have even more to accomplish.
Lessons Learned From Bilateral Bone Breaks
Lessons Learned From Bilateral Bone Breaks
This case study, derived from my extensive rehabilitation, details every aspect of the steps I took to overcome an unexpected and immediate halt to my training.
Third Time’s a Charm or Three Strikes You're Out?
Third Time’s a Charm or Three Strikes You're Out?
After two heart surgeries, I was starting to recover. I was making progress. That’s when my cardiologist called with more bad news.
Rehab and Training: Forward-Thinking Prevention, Retrospective-Thinking Treatment
Rehab and Training: Forward-Thinking Prevention, Retrospective-Thinking ...
You’re always going to be in one of the three phases of training. Your goal is to find a way to stay in Phase One as long as possible while avoiding Phase Three at all costs.
The Mental Games: Are You Winning or Losing?
The Mental Games: Are You Winning or Losing?
I’ve lost, I’ve won, and now I’m tied with adversity. I refuse to the lose the next round.
How the Mighty Fall: The Road From Hell
How the Mighty Fall: The Road From Hell
I learned what it was like to feel old and weak, but my heartbeat was a war drum again. As long as I was breathing, I would be moving — I would be moving toward the conflict.
The 5 Worst Mistakes I've Made in Powerlifting
The 5 Worst Mistakes I've Made in Powerlifting
You learn a lot from the mistakes you make at your first meet. Imagine all you can learn from the mistakes spanning an entire powerlifting career.
What Type of Deload Will Help You Recover Best?
What Type of Deload Will Help You Recover Best?
Deloads are extremely useful for making continual progress from harsh training. When the time comes for you to back off the weights, make sure you do it the right way.
Potentially Life Changing Treatment For Those With Spinal Cord Injury
Potentially Life Changing Treatment For Those With Spinal Cord Injury
A very promising rehabilitation technique for those suffering from spinal cord injury
A Pain in the Patellar
A Pain in the Patellar
Knee pain may indicate patellar tendonitis. Here’s what causes it and how to treat it for long-term bodybuilding success.
Mythbusters 101: Don't Fall for These Fallacies
Mythbusters 101: Don't Fall for These Fallacies
Bad information is passed from lifter to lifter, website to website. Let’s end the charade.
Managing My Injuries with Dr. Kinakin's Specialized Rehabilitation Techniques
Managing My Injuries with Dr. Kinakin's Specialized Rehabilitation ...
Athletes and lifters must care for their bodies with the attention of every detail. For me, this meant seeking deep acupuncture, electrical impulses, and the use of a percusser.
Red Yeast Rice for Healthy Blood Lipids—Who’s Foolin’ Who?
Red Yeast Rice for Healthy Blood Lipids—Who’s Foolin’ Who?
Is this “natural” supplement used to reduce blood lipids all it’s cracked up to be?
What Is Post-Activation Potentiation?
What Is Post-Activation Potentiation?
This fancy term might make you sound smart, but is there a way to use it to your advantage in the gym?
Laying Down the Foundation for Boxing Victory
Laying Down the Foundation for Boxing Victory
Solid principles for pound-for-pound power.
Ed Coan & Chris Duffin Talk Strength Shop
Ed Coan & Chris Duffin Talk Strength Shop
This is REALLY good and worth the time to watch. One key take away aside from the content of the video is to understand you have to ALWAYS keep learning! - Dave Tate
The Kettlebell Swing for a Healthy Back
The Kettlebell Swing for a Healthy Back
Do those dusty kettlebells over in the corner of the gym have some proven, practical benefits for powerlifters?
Goggins Optimistic One Week Post-Hip Replacement
Goggins Optimistic One Week Post-Hip Replacement
After serious surgery, Goggins shares an update in good spirits.
You're Not as Broken as You Think You Are
You're Not as Broken as You Think You Are
How to intelligently address and repair injuries.
Use Your EliteFTS Bands Better
Use Your EliteFTS Bands Better
Think you’re getting the most out of your bands?
Dave Tate's Guide to Supplemental Movements with FULL Video
Dave Tate's Guide to Supplemental Movements with FULL Video
Updated with Dave Tate's FULL presentation (video) on supplemental strength from the LTT8.
Lift to Live
Lift to Live
While most powerlifters live to lift, Paige lifts to live.
Under the Bar: Who, What, Where, When, and Why
Under the Bar: Who, What, Where, When, and Why
Four and a half months post-surgery…and the hip feels good.
Baby Power (Part 1)
Baby Power (Part 1)
This cycle is the most important training I have ever written for someone.
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 2)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 2)
The second segment of Brian’s journey to a healthier back.
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 1)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 1)
Brian Carroll’s journey to a healthier, pain-free back.
Monster Garage Gym: It Is Not If, But When
Monster Garage Gym: It Is Not If, But When
At some point in your career as a powerlifter, you will be injured. How will you respond?
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Prehabilitation
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Prehabilitation
Instead of rehabing, think about prehabing. It’s less painful and you certainly won’t regret it, unlike the alternative.
RENO HARDCORE: Constantly Learning
RENO HARDCORE: Constantly Learning
Along the way, I spotted this big rock that I really liked.
Facts Needed to Prevent Hamstring Strains
Facts Needed to Prevent Hamstring Strains
Once you’ve experienced a hamstring strain, you wish nothing more than for it to never have happened or at least for it to never happen again.
Recovery Update
Recovery Update
Overall I’m happy with the way things are going.
Graston Torture
Graston Torture
The dude does phenomenal work with his Graston technique.
Is ART Necessary?
Is ART Necessary?
The b*tch of it was that I wasn’t doing anything hard when I got hurt.
Training Concepts, Recovery and Knee Rehab with Buddy Morris
Training Concepts, Recovery and Knee Rehab with Buddy Morris
These videos made me realize what I needed to do in order to preserve longevitiy in doing what I love…lifting!!
RotatoReliever: An Effective New Option For Repairing Shoulder Injuries
RotatoReliever: An Effective New Option For Repairing Shoulder Injuries
Well, surgery or expensive and timely rehab may not be your only option.

Items 60 to 118 of 179 total