Good Training Gone Bad
Good Training Gone Bad
In training, many choices must be made. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.
Elitefts™ Reverse Band Bench Press (MM Set-Up)
This set-up may actually correlate more with using a bench shirt
Cycling Reverse Band Tension to Build Peak Strength
Cycling Reverse Band Tension to Build Peak Strength
Reverse bands are a common tool to overload movements, but there is more than one way to utilize them in your training.
Elitefts™ Reverse Band JM Press
Elitefts™ Reverse Band JM Press
Elitefts™ Content Coordinator Sheena Leedham demonstrates a Reverse Band JM Press
Reverse Band Squat with Elitefts™ Mini-bands
Reverse Band Squat with Elitefts™ Mini-bands™ Sponsored Lifter Scott Yard performing a Reverse Band Squat
Clint Smith: How Does Paul Key Bench?
Clint Smith: How Does Paul Key Bench?
Meet the theories behind the benching aficionado.
Reverse Band Bench Toss
I’ve seen bench press throws prescribed by several coaches over the years, but personally I never liked the idea of tossing a barbell up in the air and catching it.
S4 Reverse Band Squat Training Videos
S4 Reverse Band Squat Training Videos
Had way more in the “tank” but I was playing it smart.
Reverse Band Bench Press
Reverse Band Bench Press
Got a crappy lockout? These will set you straight.

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