Virtual Existence: Are You Clark Kent, Pretending to be Superman?
Virtual Existence: Are You Clark Kent, Pretending to be Superman?
It’s pretty damn easy to disguise yourself behind the anonymity of a keyboard, but the character you create online isn’t the person you get to be in the real world.
Training and Dietary Considerations for Women
Training and Dietary Considerations for Women
A person’s physique reflects her genetic component compounded with the sum of the decisions she’s made in regards to her health.
Powerlifting Sport Psychology Training
Powerlifting Sport Psychology Training
Have you ever been to a powerlifting meet and heard someone boast about colossal training lifts?
Self-Esteem and Lifting
Self-Esteem and Lifting
I have a ton of theories about life, lifting, weight loss, and other things. None of them are based on any scientifically proven truth. All of them are based on my observations of the world and people in general.

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