Semi-Supinated Grip Shrug
Semi-Supinated Grip Shrug
Blow up your traps and increase shoulder health
WATCH: Reconsider Bands as Your Strength Warm-up
WATCH: Reconsider Bands as Your Strength Warm-up
Are you really utilizing your muscles at their maximum strength?
Workout of the Day: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps with Mark Dugdale
Workout of the Day: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps with Mark Dugdale
1. Incline Bench Press 2. Banded Dumbbell Flat Bench 3. Dips with Chains and Machine Flyes 4. Shoulder Press and High Lateral Plate Raises 5. Machine Laterals 6. Rear Delt Swings and Close Grip Bench — click to see the sets, reps, and equipment I used for this chest, shoulders, and triceps workout.
Skip’s Tips for Training Each Muscle Group
Skip’s Tips for Training Each Muscle Group
There are a lot of great tips, but these are what I consider the best for training back, shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps, calves, legs, and abs.
Off-Season Bodybuilding Program for Powerlifters and Strongman Competitors, Weeks 1-4
Off-Season Bodybuilding Program for Powerlifters and Strongman Competito...
A good off-season program gives your joints a break, helps you put on quality muscle, and gives you a mental break from the rigors of competing so you can just have some fun training. This program provides all of those things.
The Shoulder Day From Hell
The Shoulder Day From Hell
A shoulder day that will leave you never wanting to move your arms again.
Build a Bigger Bench: The Female Edition
Build a Bigger Bench: The Female Edition
The bench press is typically the weakest lift for women. It’s no mystery why—they require a targeted approach.
How The OBB Power Handles Do More Than Save Your Shoulders
How The OBB Power Handles Do More Than Save Your Shoulders
The OBB Power Handles aren’t just great for saving your shoulders and elbows, they are great assistance work and stability as well!
Cambered Bar Squats With Casey Williams
Cambered Bar Squats With Casey Williams
Save your shoulders by incorporating Cambered Bar squats into your squat routine.
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
These illustrations from Reddit user /u/Chicken_Mcfugget demonstrate the impact of small muscular changes.
Shrugs with Banded Kettlebells
Shrugs with Banded Kettlebells
Joey Smith gives the secret to getting “meat hooks” like his.
A Push-Up Is Not Just a Push-Up
A Push-Up Is Not Just a Push-Up
This typical throw-away, punishment exercise is in fact a highly-technical skill capable of teaching and reinforcing proper movement patterns.
EliteFTS™ Cambered Bar Overhead Press
EliteFTS™ Cambered Bar Overhead Press
EliteFTS™ Julia Ladewski performs a set of overhead presses with an EliteFTS™ Rackable Cambered Squat Bar.
Bradford (Over and Back) Press
Bradford (Over and Back) Press
Mark Dugdale demonstrates how to perform an Over and Back Press
A Mountain Dog Chest Training Session
A Mountain Dog Chest Training Session
Looking to build pro level pecs? Mark Dugdale shares a workout designed by coach and elitefts™ advisor John Meadows.
3 Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifters
3 Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifters
While being coached by Leo Totten and Mike Gattone at the NSCA National Conference, they finally got me to the point where I could actually catch a clean.
Upright Row with Rope & Kettlebell Grip Variations
Upright Row with Rope & Kettlebell Grip Variations
Set of upright rows with rope handle attached to a kettlebell. First half of the set with overhand grip and second with underhand grip
Seated Lateral Raise With Chains
Seated Lateral Raise With Chains
Mountain Dog Diet and Training Founder John Meadows preforming side raises with Elitefts™ chains.
SS Yoke Bar Deadlift
SS Yoke Bar Deadlift
Deadlift, SS Yoke bar, what else do you need?
Reverse Band Bench Toss
I’ve seen bench press throws prescribed by several coaches over the years, but personally I never liked the idea of tossing a barbell up in the air and catching it.
Econo Core Blaster Leverage Press
Double set using two different grips.
Obtain Flexibility in Shoulders
Obtain Flexibility in Shoulders
Rehab Specialist Mike Robertson talks shoulder flexibility with powerlifter Adam Driggers.
Get Healthy Hips and Shoulders with the Naked Get Up: Part 2
Get Healthy Hips and Shoulders with the Naked Get Up: Part 2
The get up will bring out everyone’s weak points; it’s a great assessment tool and corrective movement and also one of the greatest full body strength exercises.
Swiss Bar Grappler Press
Swiss Bar Grappler Press
Nobody said this was easy.
Swiss Bar Front Raises
Swiss Bar Front Raises
A solid exercise using the three different grips to exhaust your shoulders.
Swiss Bar Clean and Press
Swiss Bar Clean and Press
Take a narrow grip, clean the bar up to your shoulders and then press overhead.
Swiss Bar Military Press
Swiss Bar Military Press
The Swiss Bar military press is a great exercise to improve the strength of your shoulders and triceps.
Swiss Bar Press with Bands Around Wrist
Swiss Bar Press with Bands Around Wrist
Video demonstration of Swiss Bar Press with Bands Around Wrist.
Swiss Bar Overhead Press
Swiss Bar Overhead Press
The overhead press is a staple for bodybuilders, powerlifters, strongmen, and pretty much everybody.
Strip the Rack Seated Press
Video demonstration of stripping the rack with the seated press.
Dumbbell Push Press
Dumbbell Push Press
The MINX Dumbbell Push Press
Seated DB Cleans s/s Rear Delts
Seated DB Cleans s/s Rear Delts
Seated DB Cleans s/s Rear Delts
Hand Walking The Rack
Hand Walking The Rack
Loosen up your shoulder girdle.
Leverage Flyes
Leverage Flyes
These are a great way to add some stretching with slight loading to your program, or, you can add these to a long complex of Grappler movements using the bar or very light weights.
Leverage Snatches
Leverage Snatches
Those who enjoy oly lifts, this is a great way to perform 1 arm snatches.
Two Arm Dumbbell Front Raise
Two Arm Dumbbell Front Raise
I don’t think I have to write much about this exercise.
Seated Side Raise
Seated Side Raise
This exercise is one that you do after you hit a huge PR on a board press or something similar and just don’t care what you do.
Seated Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise
Seated Rear Delt Dumbbell Raise
Stay bent over and raise the dumbbells out and to the side.
Seated DB Military
Seated DB Military
The seated DB military is a great way to develop overall shoulder strength.
One Arm Seated Clean & Press
One Arm Seated Clean & Press
This exercise can be used as a warm-up or as a progression to the standing version utilizing a barbell or various odd objects.
Dumbbell Shrugs
Dumbbell Shrugs
Just don’t do the New Jersey Roll.
Shoulder Press Pushup
Shoulder Press Pushup
This is a great variation of shoulder press instead of using dumbbells or a barbell.
Side to Side Push up
Side to Side Push up
The lifter will perform a typical push-up and while in the bottom position will push to the left and to the right and then back to center and finish at lockout, repeat.
One-Arm DB Shrug
One-Arm DB Shrug
Exercise should be done with minimal deviation from neutral.
Sledge - One Arm Around Head
Sledge - One Arm Around Head
This is a great shoulder mobility movement and serves as a great warm up exercise
Sledge Hammer Raise
Sledge Hammer Raise
I have no idea what to call this movement.
Walking Dips
Walking Dips
This is certainly not for the weak.
Weighted Dips
Weighted Dips
The weighted dip has been met with love and criticism in the strength training world.
Side Raises With KBs
Side Raises With KBs
The difference is where the weight is distributed.
Front Raises with Kettlebells
Front Raises with Kettlebells
This movement is performed the same way you would a standard dumbbell front raise except you will be using Kettle bells.
Double-Kettlebell High Pulls
Double-Kettlebell High Pulls
Another plus is that there truly is no resisting the bells on the way down.
Bentover Rear Delt with KBs
Bentover Rear Delt with KBs
This movement is performed the same way as rear lateral raises with dumbbells.
One-Arm Kettlebell Military Press w/Bands
One-Arm Kettlebell Military Press w/Bands
These are an added variation to military pressing with kettlebells.
T-Bar Retractions
T-Bar Retractions
Setup in a T-bar and perform protractions and retractions with head in neutral
Supine Internal Rotation
Supine Internal Rotation
Loop one or two bands to the bottom of a power rack.
Supine Band External Rotation
Supine Band External Rotation
Loop one or two bands to the bottom of a power rack.

Items 1 to 59 of 107 total
