Intra-Workout Nutrition Q&A: BCAAs, HBCD, and Supplements on a Budget
Intra-Workout Nutrition Q&A: BCAAs, HBCD, and Supplements on a Budget
You have questions, team elitefts has answers. Today's topic: intra-workout supplementation.
Understanding Self-Sabotage — Too Legit To Not Quit?
Understanding Self-Sabotage — Too Legit To Not Quit?
There are legitimate reasons that sidetrack us, and there are situations where we want to find an obstacle so we don’t have to work. Do you know the difference?
Whiny Physique Competitors, Let’s Get Something Straight
Whiny Physique Competitors, Let’s Get Something Straight
It occurs to me that the large majority of whining is coming from physique competitors. Apparently no one has been honest with you up to this point.
Quit Blaming The Judges
Quit Blaming The Judges
I’m getting tired of hearing words like “politics” thrown around to scapegoat a lost competition. Yup, it’s rant time.
Do You Have a Fat Slob for a Wife?
Do You Have a Fat Slob for a Wife?
I’ve been married for 23 years and have had a wife fluctuate from one extreme to another. Just hear me out.
3 Old-School Exercises You Need in Your Training Plan
3 Old-School Exercises You Need in Your Training Plan
Growing and progressing is the name of the game. You should do what works even if it isn’t new.
Why Comfort Can Kill Your Progress
Why Comfort Can Kill Your Progress
Familiarity and comfort aren’t always bad things — I drive the same route home every day. But in your diet and training? Be ready for change.
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed…Someone’s Blue
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed…Someone’s Blue
There’s a difference between using someone’s ideas or concepts and flat-out stealing them. It’s very simple to figure out, even though a lot of you blow it.
Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Where Everybody Knows Your Name
If I left work and went to the bar instead of the gym, would it really make a difference?
Debunking Dieting Myths: Is Skiploading Unhealthy?
Debunking Dieting Myths: Is Skiploading Unhealthy?
For sixteen years I have been honing the method of Skiploading and only now am I starting to hear complaints from inexperienced kids who don’t understand it. Let me break it down for you.
WINNERS — 12 Weeks of Free Online Training from Team Elitefts
WINNERS — 12 Weeks of Free Online Training from Team Elitefts
Congratulations to the four winners!
Fat Girls
Fat Girls
I’m glad they put a fatty on the cover of SI. If you don’t like it, I don’t care and neither does she.
The Boards vs. Social Media — Can We Have Both?
The Boards vs. Social Media — Can We Have Both?
There was a time not that long ago that you knew where to go for positive discussion about a shared interest. What happened? Can we get it back?
I’ve Earned the Right
I’ve Earned the Right
You’re welcome to whine about my methods or my opinions. And I’m welcome to not care.
5 Easy Ways To Become A Shitty Client
5 Easy Ways To Become A Shitty Client
Are you trying to make your coach’s life hell? Do you aspire to be the biggest pain in the ass possible? I’ve got the plan for you.
Observations From My White Trash Vacation
Observations From My White Trash Vacation
Every year my wife and I take our kids on a vacation, and that usually means a cruise. If you’ve been on a cruise, you know what I mean when I say “white trash.”
Four Sure-fire Ways to Harvest Calf Meat
Four Sure-fire Ways to Harvest Calf Meat
Building calf size takes time—a lot of it. This is the system I’ve used countless times to bring up my calves and the calves of my clients.
Happy Holidays and Mind Your Own Business
Happy Holidays and Mind Your Own Business
Something else to steal: my views on how to maintain “bodybuilder status” this holiday season. Yeah, I’ve dramatically changed my opinions on the topic in these past couple of years. Take notes.
Wenis and Wagina Training: Elbow Position Is Everything
Wenis and Wagina Training: Elbow Position Is Everything
Are you conscious of where you’re placing your elbows during presses, rows, flyes, curls, and pullovers?
3 Old School Bodybuilding Techniques We Need to Bring Back
3 Old School Bodybuilding Techniques We Need to Bring Back
Calf raises with my training partner’s sweaty ballsack on my back can stay in the past, but it’s time to bring back these other forgotten exercises.
Everybody Knows Somebody
Everybody Knows Somebody
Your appearance can be the gateway to meet new people and share a conversation. It’s up to you whether you see it as a pain in the ass or as an perfect opportunity to help someone.
Training to Fix Muscle Imbalances
Training to Fix Muscle Imbalances
There’s a right way and a wrong way when pursuing the balancing act of physique symmetry. Do this, never do that.
Back to the Belt
Back to the Belt
I thought my back-injury days were over. I thought I would continue to stay healthy if I stretched and visited my chiropractor. I was wrong.
Men's Physique — Bottom of the Pecking Order?
Men's Physique — Bottom of the Pecking Order?
You may or may not like it, but your girlfriend would love to bang a Men’s Physique guy. Can you really blame her?
3 Things You Will Need to Be Successful
3 Things You Will Need to Be Successful
This isn’t rocket science people. Stop complicating every damn process and start simplifying.
Sometimes Quitters DO Win
Sometimes Quitters DO Win
While I was thinking about how stupid and selfish I was for my life decisions, I started thinking about my health. If something happened to me, how would it impact my kids?
How Should You Train When You're Sick? Should You At All?
How Should You Train When You're Sick? Should You At All?
Not sure if you’re too sick to train? Use the red light | green light system to determine whether you should spend your afternoon on the couch or the bench.
Save a Newbie
Save a Newbie
Remember all those things you wish you would have known when you started? Maybe we should do more than laugh at the guy across the gym doing machine decline iso-lateral presses.
What Age Are You Chasing?
What Age Are You Chasing?
To you youngsters: as you reach for maturity, don’t stumble into old age.
Bodybuilders Dying Young: Are Steroids to Blame?
Bodybuilders Dying Young: Are Steroids to Blame?
Doctors and strength athletes frequently argue over the effects (good and bad) of performance-enhancing drugs, but some facts aren’t debatable.
Can You Handle The Couth?
Can You Handle The Couth?
You’re welcome to your opinion about any man — living or dead. But sometimes you should just keep that opinion to yourself.
Bring On the Regulation
Bring On the Regulation
This industry is a sea of turds, full of ‘coaches’ with no credentials and no right to be training anyone. Let’s fix that.
A Bodybuilder's Take on the Bands and Chains Trend
A Bodybuilder's Take on the Bands and Chains Trend
If you use bands and chains your social media following may grow, but will your muscles?
Welcome to the Post-Show Gates of Hell
Welcome to the Post-Show Gates of Hell
Terrible things can happen after a show. I’ve seen shingles, illness, and weight rebound. If your protocol is intelligent, you can avoid all this.
Cheat Meals, Refeeds, and Triple-X Eating
Cheat Meals, Refeeds, and Triple-X Eating
Could abandoning your diet be the secret to a leaner physique?
Muscle Logic 101
Muscle Logic 101
Wondering if you’re doing it wrong? Then why do you keep doing it?
Three F Words Everyone Should Use During the Holidays
Three F Words Everyone Should Use During the Holidays
The holidays aren't meant to be a time for calorie-counting.
The Soccer Mom Diet
The Soccer Mom Diet
Come at me in the (comments) section. I dare ya!
An Open Message To All Competitors And Coaches
An Open Message To All Competitors And Coaches
Recognize your role, accept your responsibilities, and quit making excuses to hide your flaws.
Beer, Boobs, Guns and...Other Things Bros Like
Beer, Boobs, Guns and...Other Things Bros Like
The journey of a thousand pounds begins with the first ounce.
Are You Partial to Full Range of Motion?
Are You Partial to Full Range of Motion?
Skip addresses the commotion over range of motion.
Post-Season Dieting Discussion
Post-Season Dieting Discussion
I grill Ken Skip Hill, debrief Agent X, and de-shell Shelby Starnes to find the optimal diet plan after a bodybuilding show.
I'm Not Sad for Mike Matarazzo
I'm Not Sad for Mike Matarazzo
I’m sad that not enough people live the way they want to—happy and on their own terms.
What If?
What If?
If "ifs and buts" were candy and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas.
Experts Don't Exist
Experts Don't Exist
Proximity often diminishes respect. Are you overlooking a nearby authority?
WTH Are They Thinking?
WTH Are They Thinking?
What’s the deal with CrossFit?
You Down with OCD?
You Down with OCD?
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to not overcomplicate something simple.
On Being a Father
On Being a Father
The job doesn't come with a guidebook, but you can learn from the experiences of Team elitefts!
Gluten Sensitive or Attention Whore?
Gluten Sensitive or Attention Whore?
Tossing your ass OFF the gluten bandwagon.
Re-Examining the Re-feed
Re-Examining the Re-feed
How to add strategy to your cheat meals.
Is Bacon Healthy? Don't Be Stupid
Is Bacon Healthy? Don't Be Stupid
Bacon blasphemy: If you worship at the temple of pork, you sing the praises of a false God.
Equivocation, Obliquity, or Prevarication?
Equivocation, Obliquity, or Prevarication?
Find out why Skip got banned from Kroger (and it has nothing to do with an inappropriate toe-tapping incident in the men’s room stalls).
Metabolic Damage or Adrenal Fatigue?
Metabolic Damage or Adrenal Fatigue?
Lately, everywhere I turn someone is blowing off about metabolic damage.
#I'mBulking #NoYouAreNot #YouAreAFatAss
#I'mBulking #NoYouAreNot #YouAreAFatAss
The chances of you getting ripped without cardio are pretty slim.
Sticks and Stones
Sticks and Stones
Skip’s guide to handling haters.
Can We All Just Get Along?
Can We All Just Get Along?
Hard work and commitment should be respected, no matter how you choose to train or compete.
Just a Little Patience
Just a Little Patience
Proximity has nothing to do with how good you will get in this sport.
Just Sayin: Do Not Bitch
Just Sayin: Do Not Bitch
Have some eggnog and tell yourself that you will be back to beast mode soon enough.

Items 119 to 177 of 187 total