The Education of a Powerlifter
The Education of a Powerlifter
This is one of the best and most popular articles to ever be posted on the site. After you read this you will understand what it means to Live, Learn, and Pass On.
Slosh Sled Dragging: Advanced Chaotic Sled Dragging
Slosh Sled Dragging: Advanced Chaotic Sled Dragging
Don’t be fooled, this is highly metabolic and will jack up your heart rate very quickly.
Innovative Sled Dragging Technique
Innovative Sled Dragging Technique
In the video I show another variation of holding lacrosse balls.
 Strongman Versus Power Cleans for Football, Part 2
Strongman Versus Power Cleans for Football, Part 2
In part one of this series on Strongman training for athletes, I made the argument that Strongman training may be a great option for building strong and explosive athletes and a viable substitute for Olympic lifting.

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