5 Great Exercises for the Most Hated Machine in the Gym
5 Great Exercises for the Most Hated Machine in the Gym
Everything can hold a purpose in the gym, even the easily avoided Smith Machine. At Lightning Fitness, I recently made room for this piece of equipment and would like to share how my bodybuilders, powerlifters, and strongman competitors are using it.
A Love Affair with the Smith Machine
A Love Affair with the Smith Machine
You should integrate the Smith machine into your sessions with the intention of creating a new stimulus, taking advantage of its ability to let you push past a normal threshold of muscular failure. Here are my favorite ways to do so.
Three Effective, Underused Exercises
Three Effective, Underused Exercises
As a passionate bodybuilder, it brings many a tear to my eye that the following chest, back, and hamstring exercises have been all but forgotten or underused by many lifters.
Smith Machine Bench Strip Set
This exercise is exactly what the title says: a Smith machine bench strip set performed by John Meadows
Smith Machine Bench Press With Grip4orce
John Meadow and Dave Tate at it again

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