What’s Wrong with Today’s Multisport Athlete
What’s Wrong with Today’s Multisport Athlete
Why is the multisport athlete of today more burnt out and fatigued as ever?
Why Do Strength and Conditioning Coaches Specialize So Early?
Why Do Strength and Conditioning Coaches Specialize So Early?
Just like early specialization in youth athletics stunts a child’s athletic development, the same holds true for coaches. Coaches, don’t set your own ceiling.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: Why and How to Use the Maximal Effort Method
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: Why and How to Use the Maximal Effort ...
You’re not a competitive powerlifter or bodybuilder. You want to move big weights in the gym, look good naked, and still have fun training and eating. You need the maximal effort method.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: The Big Picture (With Sample Routine)
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter: The Big Picture (With Sample Routine)
Instead of just trying to get strong by getting as big as humanly possible, many lifters are paying more attention to their muscularity. Just take a look at Larry Wheels or Dan Green, and you’ll immediately know how successful this strategy can be.
Autoregulation and Variable Adaptation Training
Autoregulation and Variable Adaptation Training
Want continual progress over the long haul? Think of your training as lifting big rocks, pebbles, and sand. Here’s how.
Around the Web: Sports Performance Weekly - 5 Articles You Should Read
Around the Web: Sports Performance Weekly - 5 Articles You Should Read
Using Facebook for good instead of evil. Five articles that will expand your knowledge and perspective.
WATCH: A Better Way to Train High School Athletes
WATCH: A Better Way to Train High School Athletes
A year-round training solution for the multi-sport athletes.
Specialization in High School Athletics
Specialization in High School Athletics
Should athletes value supremacy in one sport over excellence in many?

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