The Coach's Order of Operation
The Coach's Order of Operation
Exactly where does coaching begin? With the sport, athlete, or person?
A Useful Coach: The Horse, The Water, and What People Miss
A Useful Coach: The Horse, The Water, and What People Miss
Knowing what to tell the horse is a lot less important than making the horse understand why the information is important.
The Coach's Guide to Programming and Periodization: Surfing The Force-Velocity Curve and Changing Seasons

The Coach's Guide to Programming and Periodization: Surfing The For...
Understanding this tool for manipulating training intensities is key for athlete programming at every part of pre-season, in-season, post-season and off-season phases.
Flip the Script: What Is Your Internship Really Teaching You?
Flip the Script: What Is Your Internship Really Teaching You?
Making 200 protein shakes per day and cleaning up the weight room isn’t going to make anyone a better coach, so you’d better hope there’s more than grunt work for you to do.
7 Pillars of Leadership
7 Pillars of Leadership
I recently spoke to my university’s leadership committee and it got me thinking about some things that are imperative to the success of strength and conditioning coaches.
Seek First to Understand
Seek First to Understand
There is one simple rule to follow to circumvent many of the issues that cause animosity between the sport coach and the strength coach.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Compilation Series
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Compilation Series
If I can teach a kid to squat correctly, I can teach him anything.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's UGSS Introduction — Earn the Barbell, Training Philosophy, and Industry Trends
WATCH: Jim Wendler's UGSS Introduction — Earn the Barbell, Training...
This video is Jim’s full 20-minute introduction to his UGSS presentation.
My Five “Ah-ha” Moments of Becoming a Strength Coach
My Five “Ah-ha” Moments of Becoming a Strength Coach
Lately, a few of the leaders in our business (Cosgrove, Cressey, and Robertson to name a few) have published articles with this catchy “ah-ha” title. I’m sure they’ve made each one of us sit in front of our computers and say, “Dang, he’s right.”

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