The Physical Requirements That Make a Rugby Player Great
The Physical Requirements That Make a Rugby Player Great
In January 2017, Marc Keys and I embarked upon a labor of love to develop a questionnaire investigating what the various groups of people who make up the rugby industry think are the key elements of the physical preparation of the rugby player. Here are the results.
Why Sports Coaches Don't Trust Strength Coaches
Why Sports Coaches Don't Trust Strength Coaches
The suggested strategy to build trust from the sports coach involves a particular approach to the strength and conditioning process. A natural consequence of this approach defines the scope of practice of strength and conditioning.
Your Kid Is Not a Pro Athlete
Your Kid Is Not a Pro Athlete
Parents often don’t realize that some of the popular programs out there look cool but are the equivalent of going from first grade to 12th grade in a week. The best program is the one your athlete is ready for.
How to Deal with Difficult Coaches
How to Deal with Difficult Coaches
Clashing with challenging coaches or parents? Here are the most effective strategies to help cope with them.

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