Boris Sheiko's Thoughts on Westside Barbell
Two giants in the world of strength. Two very different training styles. How can both be so successful?
The Squat and Athletic Development: How We Have All Been F*cking It Up —...
This subject has caused heated debates among close friends, but in the end, the undeniable logic of the facts wins out. It’s time to redefine squatting by looking at ankle flexion, stance, and knee flexion.
Squat Mechanics: Why Stacking the Knee Overtop of the Ankle Is Important
There are a lot of things we work on with fixing lifters’ squats, let’s start here.
Is This the Single Best Sports-Specific Exercise?
My view is no other exercise delivers as much for sports performance.
It's the Littlest Things That Can Make the Biggest Difference
When it comes to competition, you want to make sure everything is in order—even the tiniest things. As Eric Maroscher points out, one thing is definitely key.